奇石在我國歷史上又稱為怪石、雅石、供石、案石、幾石、玩石、巧石、丑石、趣石、珍石、異石、孤賞石等, 從廣義上來講,凡是具有觀賞價值的自然石均可稱為奇石。
In the history of our country, strange stones are also called strange stones, elegant stones, offering stones, case stones, several stones, playing stones, skillful stones, ugly stones, interesting stones, rare stones, strange stones, solitary stones and so on. In a broad sense, all natural stones with ornamental value can be called strange stones.
Agate is a kind of mineral formed in the late volcanic period after filling the early cavity with hydrothermal solution, which belongs to quartz material. Its color is caused by trace metals or colored minerals, and its shape is mostly related to the generation space. After being sharpened by wind and sand, the stone surface is smooth and has a distinct sense of transparency. The color is very rich, yellow, white, red, ochre, blue, purple, gray show their beauty, streamer overflow color, colorful. Some agates are symbiotic with bright red jasper, or black Jasper on the Milky agate, or blue agate on the Red Jasper. They are mutually precious and strange. Unpredictable, they often make people can't believe their own eyes and marvel at the miraculous nature. And the abstract texture of agate stone is colorful and beautiful, which makes people imagine endlessly and can't put it down.
"Fine stones are non renewable resources. Due to the limitation of producing area and existing quantity, their value will only rise but not decline. The stone is unique in every piece. It is a combination of naturalness, uniqueness, scarcity, artistry and irreproducibility, which is hard for any other object in the world to possess. As time goes on, fine stones can add value, and collectors can pass them on from generation to generation.
此件雙魚瑪瑙奇石形獨特,重29克,石質堅硬而又細膩,石面光潤,有鮮明的通透感。線紋流暢、布局合理、疏密有致,色彩純凈,輪廓規整,尤其是石切面紋理奇特,圖案成煎雞蛋,形象逼真,豐富、美麗,栩栩如生。它們是由大自然以天然之筆將礦物質染浸在石上而形成,是大自然鬼斧神工的藝術品。色彩絢麗,紋理自然,集質、色、紋諸美于一身, 古人云:“山無石不奇,水無石不清,園無石不秀,室無石不雅。賞石清心,賞石怡人,賞石益智,賞石陶情,賞石長壽。具有非常高的觀賞性以及收藏價值、經濟價值。
This unique stone shape of Pisces agate weighs 29 grams. It is hard and delicate. The stone surface is smooth and has a distinct sense of transparency. Smooth lines, reasonable layout, density, pure color, regular outline, especially the stone section texture peculiar, pattern into fried eggs, vivid, rich, beautiful, lifelike. They are formed by nature's painting minerals on the stone with the pen of nature. They are masterpieces of nature. The color is gorgeous, the texture is natural, and the beauty of quality, color and pattern is integrated. The ancients said: "it's not unusual that there are no stones in the mountain, no stones in the water, no stones in the garden, no stones in the room. The stone appreciation is pure in heart, pleasant in people, beneficial in wisdom, and long in life. It has very high ornamental value, collection value and economic value.