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  • 前言
  • 命令用法
    • –volume(-v)
    • –mount
  • 差異總結
    • 官方文檔


      用戶可以通過docker run的–volume/-v或–mount選項來創建帶有數據卷的容器,但這兩個選項有些微妙的差異,在這里總結梳理一下。



      參數–volume(或簡寫為-v)只能創建bind mount。示例:

      docker run --name $CONTAINER_NAME -it \
      -v $PWD/$CONTAINER_NAME/app:/app:rw \
      -v $PWD/$CONTAINER_NAME/data:/data:ro \
      avocado-cloud:latest /bin/bash


      • 如果指定HOST-DIR則必須是絕對路徑,如果路徑不存在則會自動創建
      • 實例中的rw為讀寫,ro為只讀


      參數–mount默認情況下用來掛載volume,但也可以用來創建bind mount和tmpfs。如果不指定type選項,則默認為掛載volume,volume是一種更為靈活的數據管理方式,volume可以通過docker volume命令集被管理。示例:

      docker run --name $CONTAINER_NAME -it \
      --mount type=bind,source=$PWD/$CONTAINER_NAME/app,destination=/app \
      --mount source=${CONTAINER_NAME}-data,destination=/data,readonly \
      avocado-cloud:latest /bin/bash


      • 掛載volume命令格式:[type=volume,]source=my-volume,destination=/path/in/container[,…]
      • 創建bind mount命令格式:type=bind,source=/path/on/host,destination=/path/in/container[,…]
      • 如果創建bind mount并指定source則必須是絕對路徑,且路徑必須已經存在
      • 示例中readonly表示只讀


      創建bind mount和掛載volume的比較

      對比項 bind mount volume
      Source位置 用戶指定 /var/lib/docker/volumes/
      Source為空 覆蓋dest為空 保留dest內容
      Source非空 覆蓋dest內容 覆蓋dest內容
      Source種類 文件或目錄 只能是目錄
      可移植性 一般(自行維護) 強(docker托管)
      宿主直接訪問 容易(僅需chown) 受限(需登陸root用戶)*

      *注釋:Docker無法簡單地通過sudo chown someuser: -R /var/lib/docker/volumes/somevolume來將volume的內容開放給主機上的普通用戶訪問,如果開放更多權限則有安全風險。而這點上Podman的設計就要理想得多,volume存放在$HOME/.local/share/containers/storage/volumes/路徑下,即提供了便捷性,又保障了安全性。無需root權限即可運行容器,這正是Podman的優勢之一,實際使用過程中的確受益良多。

      創建bind mount時使用–volume和–mount的比較

      對比項 --volume 或 -v --mount type=bind
      如果主機路徑不存在 自動創建 命令報錯


      DOCKER(1) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?JUNE 2014 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? DOCKER(1)
      ? ? ? ?docker-run - Run a command in a new container
      ? ? ? ?docker run
      ? ? ? ?[--mount[=[MOUNT]]]
      ? ? ? ?[-v|--volume[=[[HOST-DIR:]CONTAINER-DIR[:OPTIONS]]]]
      ? ? ? ?IMAGE
      ? ? ? ?--mount type=TYPE,TYPE-SPECIFIC-OPTION[,...]
      ? ? ? ? ? Attach a filesystem mount to the container
      ? ? ? ?Current supported mount TYPES are bind, volume, and tmpfs.
      ? ? ? ?e.g.
      ? ? ? ?type=bind,source=/path/on/host,destination=/path/in/container
      ? ? ? ?type=volume,source=my-volume,destination=/path/in/container,volume-label="color=red",volume-label="shape=round"
      ? ? ? ?type=tmpfs,tmpfs-size=512M,destination=/path/in/container
      ? ? ? ?Common Options:
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · src, source: mount source spec for bind and volume. Mandatory
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for bind.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · dst, destination, target: mount destination spec.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · ro, readonly: true or false (default).
      ? ? ? ?Note: setting readonly for a bind mount does not make its submounts
      ? ? ? ? ? read-only on the current Linux implementation. See also
      ? ? ? ?bind-nonrecursive.
      ? ? ? ?Options specific to bind:
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · bind-propagation: shared, slave, private, rshared, rslave, or
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rprivate(default). See also mount(2).
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · consistency: consistent(default), cached, or delegated.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Currently, only effective for Docker for Mac.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · bind-nonrecursive: true or false (default). If set to true,
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? submounts are not recursively bind-mounted. This option is
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? useful for readonly bind mount.
      ? ? ? ?Options specific to volume:
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · volume-driver: Name of the volume-driver plugin.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · volume-label: Custom metadata.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · volume-nocopy: true(default) or false. If set to false, the
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Engine copies existing files and directories under the
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? mount-path into the volume, allowing the host to access them.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · volume-opt: specific to a given volume driver.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
      ? ? ? ?Options specific to tmpfs:
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · tmpfs-size: Size of the tmpfs mount in bytes. Unlimited by
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? default in Linux.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · tmpfs-mode: File mode of the tmpfs in octal. (e.g. 700 or
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0700.) Defaults to 1777 in Linux.
      ? ? ? ?-v|--volume[=[[HOST-DIR:]CONTAINER-DIR[:OPTIONS]]]
      ? ? ? ? ? Create a bind mount. If you specify, -v /HOST-DIR:/CONTAINER-DIR,
      ? ? ? ?Docker
      ? ? ? ? ? bind mounts /HOST-DIR in the host to /CONTAINER-DIR in the Docker
      ? ? ? ? ? container. If 'HOST-DIR' is omitted, ?Docker automatically creates
      ? ? ? ?the new
      ? ? ? ? ? volume on the host. ?The OPTIONS are a comma delimited list and can
      ? ? ? ?be:
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · [rw|ro]
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · [z|Z]
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · [[r]shared|[r]slave|[r]private]
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · [delegated|cached|consistent]
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? · [nocopy]
      ? ? ? ?The CONTAINER-DIR must be an absolute path such as /src/docs. The
      ? ? ? ?HOST-DIR can be an absolute path or a name value. A name value must
      ? ? ? ?start with an alphanumeric character, followed by a-z0-9, _
      ? ? ? ?(underscore), . (period) or - (hyphen). An absolute path starts with a
      ? ? ? ?/ (forward slash).
      ? ? ? ?If you supply a HOST-DIR that is an absolute path, ?Docker bind-mounts
      ? ? ? ?to the path you specify. If you supply a name, Docker creates a named
      ? ? ? ?volume by that name. For example, you can specify either /foo or foo
      ? ? ? ?for a HOST-DIR value. If you supply the /foo value, Docker creates a
      ? ? ? ?bind mount. If you supply the foo specification, Docker creates a named
      ? ? ? ?volume.
      ? ? ? ?You can specify multiple ?-v options to mount one or more mounts to a
      ? ? ? ?container. To use these same mounts in other containers, specify the
      ? ? ? ?--volumes-from option also.
      ? ? ? ?You can supply additional options for each bind mount following an
      ? ? ? ?additional colon. ?A :ro or :rw suffix mounts a volume in read-only or
      ? ? ? ?read-write mode, respectively. By default, volumes are mounted in
      ? ? ? ?read-write mode. ?You can also specify the consistency requirement for
      ? ? ? ?the mount, either :consistent (the default), :cached, or :delegated.
      ? ? ? ?Multiple options are separated by commas, e.g. :ro,cached.
      ? ? ? ?Labeling systems like SELinux require that proper labels are placed on
      ? ? ? ?volume content mounted into a container. Without a label, the security
      ? ? ? ?system might prevent the processes running inside the container from
      ? ? ? ?using the content. By default, Docker does not change the labels set by
      ? ? ? ?the OS.
      ? ? ? ?To change a label in the container context, you can add either of two
      ? ? ? ?suffixes :z or :Z to the volume mount. These suffixes tell Docker to
      ? ? ? ?relabel file objects on the shared volumes. The z option tells Docker
      ? ? ? ?that two containers share the volume content. As a result, Docker
      ? ? ? ?labels the content with a shared content label. Shared volume labels
      ? ? ? ?allow all containers to read/write content. ?The Z option tells Docker
      ? ? ? ?to label the content with a private unshared label. ?Only the current
      ? ? ? ?container can use a private volume.
      ? ? ? ?By default bind mounted volumes are private. That means any mounts done
      ? ? ? ?inside container will not be visible on host and vice-a-versa. One can
      ? ? ? ?change this behavior by specifying a volume mount propagation property.
      ? ? ? ?Making a volume shared mounts done under that volume inside container
      ? ? ? ?will be visible on host and vice-a-versa. Making a volume slave enables
      ? ? ? ?only one way mount propagation and that is mounts done on host under
      ? ? ? ?that volume will be visible inside container but not the other way
      ? ? ? ?around.
      ? ? ? ?To control mount propagation property of volume one can use :[r]shared,
      ? ? ? ?:[r]slave or :[r]private propagation flag. Propagation property can be
      ? ? ? ?specified only for bind mounted volumes and not for internal volumes or
      ? ? ? ?named volumes. For mount propagation to work source mount point (mount
      ? ? ? ?point where source dir is mounted on) has to have right propagation
      ? ? ? ?properties. For shared volumes, source mount point has to be shared.
      ? ? ? ?And for slave volumes, source mount has to be either shared or slave.
      ? ? ? ?Use df <source-dir> to figure out the source mount and then use findmnt
      ? ? ? ?-o TARGET,PROPAGATION <source-mount-dir> to figure out propagation
      ? ? ? ?properties of source mount. If findmnt utility is not available, then
      ? ? ? ?one can look at mount entry for source mount point in
      ? ? ? ?/proc/self/mountinfo. Look at optional fields and see if any
      ? ? ? ?propagation properties are specified. ?shared:X means mount is shared,
      ? ? ? ?master:X means mount is slave and if nothing is there that means mount
      ? ? ? ?is private.
      ? ? ? ?To change propagation properties of a mount point use mount command.
      ? ? ? ?For example, if one wants to bind mount source directory /foo one can
      ? ? ? ?do mount --bind /foo /foo and mount --make-private --make-shared /foo.
      ? ? ? ?This will convert /foo into a shared mount point. Alternatively one can
      ? ? ? ?directly change propagation properties of source mount. Say / is source
      ? ? ? ?mount for /foo, then use mount --make-shared / to convert / into a
      ? ? ? ?shared mount.
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Note: When using systemd to manage the Docker daemon's start and
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? stop, in the systemd unit file there is an option to control
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? mount propagation for the Docker daemon itself, called
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MountFlags. The value of this setting may cause Docker to not
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? see mount propagation changes made on the mount point. For
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? example, if this value is slave, you may not be able to use the
      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? shared or rshared propagation on a volume.
      ? ? ? ?To disable automatic copying of data from the container path to the
      ? ? ? ?volume, use the nocopy flag. The nocopy flag can be set on bind mounts
      ? ? ? ?and named volumes.
      ? ? ? ?See also --mount, which is the successor of --tmpfs and --volume. ?Even
      ? ? ? ?though there is no plan to deprecate --volume, usage of --mount is
      ? ? ? ?recommended.
      Docker Community ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Docker User Manuals ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?DOCKER(1)

      標簽:Docker 卷掛載 命令 數據 服務器



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