1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> null
4 -> 4 -> 7 -> null
// class to create the structure of the nodes class Node{ constructor(data){ this.value = data; this.next = null; } } // function to print the linked list function print(head){ var temp = head; var ans = "" while(temp.next != null){ ans += temp.value; ans += " -> " temp = temp.next } ans += temp.value ans += " -> null" console.log(ans) } // function to add data in linked list function add(data, head, tail){ return tail.next = new Node(data); } // function to convert linked list to number function LL_to_int(head){ var temp = ""; var cur = head; while(cur != null){ temp += cur.value.toString(); cur = cur.next; } return parseInt(temp); } // function to convert number to linked list function num_to_LL(num){ var str = num.toString(); var head = new Node(str[0]-'0'); var tail = head; for(var i = 1; i<str.length; i++){ tail = add(str[i]-'0',head, tail); } // final number is console.log("The final answer is: ") print(head); } // defining first number var num1 = new Node(1) var tail = num1 tail = add(2,num1, tail) tail = add(3,num1, tail) console.log("The given first number is: ") print(num1) // defining second number var num2 = new Node(3) tail = num2 tail = add(2,num2, tail) tail = add(4,num2, tail) console.log("The given second number is: ") print(num2) // converting both the linked list into the actual values int_num1 = LL_to_int(num1) int_num2 = LL_to_int(num2) var ans = int_num1 + int_num2; // converting number to the linked list num_to_LL(ans);
The given first number is: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null The given second number is: 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> null The final answer is: 4 -> 4 -> 7 -> null
// class to create the structure of the nodes class Node{ constructor(data){ this.value = data; this.next = null; } } // function to print the linked list function print(head){ var temp = head; var ans = "" while(temp.next != null){ ans += temp.value; ans += " -> " temp = temp.next } ans += temp.value ans += " -> null" console.log(ans) } // function to add data in linked list function add(data, head, tail){ return tail.next = new Node(data); } // function to convert string to linked list function num_to_LL(str){ var head = new Node(str[str.length-1]-'0'); var tail = head; for(var i = str.length-2; i>=0; i--){ tail = add(str[i]-'0',head, tail); } // final number is console.log("The final answer is: ") print(head); } // function to add values of the linked lists function addLL(ll1, ll2){ var str = ""; var carry = 0; while((ll1 != null) || (ll2 != null)){ if(ll1 == null){ carry += ll2.value; ll2 = ll2.next; } else if(ll2 == null){ carry += ll1.value; ll1 = ll1.next; } else { carry += ll1.value + ll2.value; ll2 = ll2.next; ll1 = ll1.next; } str += (carry%10).toString(); carry /= 10; carry = Math.floor(carry); } if(carry != 0){ str += (carry%10).toString(); } // calling function to print the answer num_to_LL(str); } // defining first number in reverse manner var num1 = new Node(3) var tail = num1 tail = add(2,num1, tail) tail = add(1,num1, tail) console.log("The given first number in reverse manner is: ") print(num1) // defining second number var num2 = new Node(4) tail = num2 tail = add(2,num2, tail) tail = add(3,num2, tail) console.log("The given second number in reverse manner is: ") print(num2) // calling to the add function addLL(num1,num2);
The given first number is: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> null The given second number is: 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> null The final answer is: 4 -> 4 -> 7 -> null
在本教程中,我們實現了 JavaScript 代碼來將兩個以鏈表形式給出的數字相加,并以鏈表形式返回結果。我們實現了兩種方法,時間和空間復雜度均為 O(N)。
以上就是JavaScript 程序添加由鏈接列表表示的兩個數字 – 設置 1的詳細內容,更多請關注www.92cms.cn其它相關文章!