Golang與FFmpeg: 如何實現音頻降噪和失真修復
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
$ go get github.com/giorgisio/goav/avformat $ go get github.com/giorgisio/goav/avutil
import ( "github.com/giorgisio/goav/avformat" "github.com/giorgisio/goav/avutil" )
func denoise(inputFile string, outputFile string) error { inputFormat := avformat.AvFindInputFormat("wav") avformat.AvRegisterAll() // 打開輸入文件 inputContext := avformat.AvformatAllocContext() if avformat.AvformatOpenInput(&inputContext, inputFile, inputFormat, nil) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to open input file") } defer avformat.AvformatCloseInput(&inputContext) // 打開輸出文件 outputContext := avformat.AvformatAllocContext() if avformat.AvformatAllocOutputContext2(&outputContext, nil, "wav", outputFile) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create output context") } defer avformat.AvformatFreeContext(outputContext) // 尋找音頻流 if avformat.AvformatFindStreamInfo(inputContext, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find stream info") } audioStreamIndex := -1 for i := 0; i < len(inputContext.Streams); i++ { if inputContext.Streams[i].CodecParameters.GetCodecType() == avformat.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO { audioStreamIndex = i break } } if audioStreamIndex == -1 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find audio stream") } audioStream := inputContext.Streams[audioStreamIndex] codecParameters := audioStream.CodecParameters // 初始化解碼器 decoder := avformat.AvcodecFindDecoder(codecParameters.GetCodecId()) if decoder == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find decoder") } codecContext := avformat.AvcodecAllocContext3(decoder) if codecContext == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate codec context") } if avformat.AvcodecParametersToContext(codecContext, codecParameters) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy codec parameters") } if avformat.AvcodecOpen2(codecContext, decoder, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to open decoder") } // 初始化音頻處理濾鏡 filters := fmt.Sprintf("anullsrc=cl=stereo|cr=44100,ade noise" + "=all_mode=0:amount=0.8,f=format=s16p:samplerate=44100" + ":sample_fmts=s16", codecParameters.SampleRate) audioFilterGraph := avutil.AvfilterGraphAlloc() if avutil.AvfilterGraphParse2(audioFilterGraph, filters, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse filter graph") } // 初始化音頻轉換器 audioConvertContext := avutil.AvAudioResampleInit(codecContext.Channels, codecContext.SampleRate, codecParameters.SampleRate, codecParameters.Channels, avutil.SampleFormat(codecParameters.Format), avutil.SampleFormat(avutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16), 0, 0, nil) if audioConvertContext == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to init audio resampler") } // 初始化輸出編碼器 outputCodec := avformat.AvcodecFindEncoder(avformat.CodecId(codecParameters.GetCodecId())) if outputCodec == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find output encoder") } outputCodecContext := avformat.AvcodecAllocContext3(outputCodec) if outputCodecContext == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate output codec context") } outputCodecContext.SampleRate = codecParameters.SampleRate outputCodecContext.Channels = codecParameters.Channels outputCodecContext.SampleFmt = avutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 outputCodecContext.BitRate = codecParameters.BitRate if avformat.AvcodecOpen2(outputCodecContext, outputCodec, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to open output encoder") } // 初始化輸出流 outputStream := outputContext.AvformatNewStream(outputCodec) if outputStream == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create output stream") } outputStream.CodecParameters = codecParameters // 寫入輸出文件頭 if avformat.AvformatWriteHeader(outputContext, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write output header") } // 音頻流降噪并寫入輸出文件 packet := avformat.AvPacketAlloc() for avformat.AvReadFrame(inputContext, packet) >= 0 { if packet.StreamIndex == audioStreamIndex { // 解碼音頻幀 frame := avutil.AvFrameAlloc() if avformat.AvcodecSendPacket(codecContext, packet) == 0 { for avformat.AvcodecReceiveFrame(codecContext, frame) >= 0 { // 音頻降噪 avutil.AvBuffersrcAddFrameFlags(audioFilterGraph.GetInputs()[0], frame, 0) for avutil.AvBuffersinkGetFrame(audioFilterGraph.GetOutputs()[0].GetFilterContext(), frame) >= 0 { // 音頻轉換 avutil.AvAudioResampleConvert(audioConvertContext, &frame.Data, frame.GetExtendedData(), frame.GetNbSamples(), frame.Channels, frame.Format, frame.SampleRate, 0) // 編碼音頻 if avformat.AvcodecSendFrame(outputCodecContext, frame) == 0 { for avformat.AvcodecReceivePacket(outputCodecContext, packet) >= 0 { packet.StreamIndex = outputStream.Index avformat.AvpacketRescaleTs(packet, codecContext.TimeBase, outputStream.TimeBase) avformat.AvInterleavedWriteFrame(outputContext, packet) avformat.AvPacketUnref(packet) } } } } } avutil.AvFrameFree(&frame) } avformat.AvPacketUnref(packet) } // 寫入輸出文件尾 avformat.AvWriteTrailer(outputContext) return nil }
func distort(inputFile string, outputFile string) error { inputFormat := avformat.AvFindInputFormat("wav") avformat.AvRegisterAll() // 打開輸入文件 inputContext := avformat.AvformatAllocContext() if avformat.AvformatOpenInput(&inputContext, inputFile, inputFormat, nil) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to open input file") } defer avformat.AvformatCloseInput(&inputContext) // 打開輸出文件 outputContext := avformat.AvformatAllocContext() if avformat.AvformatAllocOutputContext2(&outputContext, nil, "wav", outputFile) != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create output context") } defer avformat.AvformatFreeContext(outputContext) // 尋找音頻流 if avformat.AvformatFindStreamInfo(inputContext, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find stream info") } audioStreamIndex := -1 for i := 0; i < len(inputContext.Streams); i++ { if inputContext.Streams[i].CodecParameters.GetCodecType() == avformat.AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO { audioStreamIndex = i break } } if audioStreamIndex == -1 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find audio stream") } audioStream := inputContext.Streams[audioStreamIndex] codecParameters := audioStream.CodecParameters // 初始化解碼器 decoder := avformat.AvcodecFindDecoder(codecParameters.GetCodecId()) if decoder == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find decoder") } codecContext := avformat.AvcodecAllocContext3(decoder) if codecContext == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate codec context") } if avformat.AvcodecParametersToContext(codecContext, codecParameters) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy codec parameters") } if avformat.AvcodecOpen2(codecContext, decoder, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to open decoder") } // 初始化音頻處理濾鏡 filters := fmt.Sprintf("asetrate=44100,aresample=44100,atempo=1") audioFilterGraph := avutil.AvfilterGraphAlloc() if avutil.AvfilterGraphParse2(audioFilterGraph, filters, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse filter graph") } // 初始化輸出編碼器 outputCodec := avformat.AvcodecFindEncoder(avformat.CodecId(codecParameters.GetCodecId())) if outputCodec == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to find output encoder") } outputCodecContext := avformat.AvcodecAllocContext3(outputCodec) if outputCodecContext == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to allocate output codec context") } outputCodecContext.SampleRate = codecParameters.SampleRate outputCodecContext.Channels = codecParameters.Channels outputCodecContext.SampleFmt = avutil.AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 outputCodecContext.BitRate = codecParameters.BitRate if avformat.AvcodecOpen2(outputCodecContext, outputCodec, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to open output encoder") } // 初始化輸出流 outputStream := outputContext.AvformatNewStream(outputCodec) if outputStream == nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to create output stream") } outputStream.CodecParameters = codecParameters // 寫入輸出文件頭 if avformat.AvformatWriteHeader(outputContext, nil) < 0 { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write output header") } // 音頻流失真修復并寫入輸出文件 packet := avformat.AvPacketAlloc() for avformat.AvReadFrame(inputContext, packet) >= 0 { if packet.StreamIndex == audioStreamIndex { // 解碼音頻幀 frame := avutil.AvFrameAlloc() if avformat.AvcodecSendPacket(codecContext, packet) == 0 { for avformat.AvcodecReceiveFrame(codecContext, frame) >= 0 { // 音頻失真修復 avutil.AvBuffersrcAddFrameFlags(audioFilterGraph.GetInputs()[0], frame, 0) for avutil.AvBuffersinkGetFrame(audioFilterGraph.GetOutputs()[0].GetFilterContext(), frame) >= 0 { // 編碼音頻 if avformat.AvcodecSendFrame(outputCodecContext, frame) == 0 { for avformat.AvcodecReceivePacket(outputCodecContext, packet) >= 0 { packet.StreamIndex = outputStream.Index avformat.AvpacketRescaleTs(packet, codecContext.TimeBase, outputStream.TimeBase) avformat.AvInterleavedWriteFrame(outputContext, packet) avformat.AvPacketUnref(packet) } } } } } avutil.AvFrameFree(&frame) } avformat.AvPacketUnref(packet) } // 寫入輸出文件尾 avformat.AvWriteTrailer(outputContext) return nil }
以上就是Golang與FFmpeg: 如何實現音頻降噪和失真修復的詳細內容,更多請關注www.xfxf.net其它相關文章!