│??│??└宗成慶統計自然語言處理 .pdf
│??│??├Error-tolerant Finite State Recognition.pdf
│??│??└Tagging with Finite-State Transducers.pdf
│??│??├概率論與數理統計 第四版.pdf
│??│??├Conditional Random Fields An Introduction.pdf
│??│??├Maximum Entropy Markov Models for Information Extraction and Segmentation.pdf
│??│??├A Character-Based Joint Model for Chinese Word Segmentation.pdf
│??│??├A Fast Decoder for Joint Word Segmentation and POS-Tagging Using a Single Discriminative Model.pdf
│??│??├Chinese Segmentation with aWord-Based Perceptron Algorithm.pdf
│??│??├Discriminative Training Methods for Hidden Markov Models Theory and Experiments with Perceptron Algorithms.pdf
│??│??├Integrating Generative and Discriminative Character-Based Models for Chinese Word Segmentation.pdf
│??│??├Syntactic Processing Using the GeneralizedPerceptron and Beam Search.pdf
│??│??├Which is More Suitable for Chinese Word Segmentation the Generative Model or the Discriminative One.pdf
│??│??├Parameter estimation for text analysis.pdf
│??│??├Unsupervised Learning by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis.pdf
│??│??├A Sentimental Education Sentiment Analysis Using Subjectivity Summarization Based on Minimum Cuts.pdf
│??│??├Joint Sentiment Topic Model for Sentiment Analysis.pdf
│??│??├Thumbs up Sentiment Classification using Machine Learning Techniques.pdf
│??│??├A Hybrid Approach to Chinese Base Noun Phrase Chunking.pdf
│??│??├Catching the Drift Probabilistic Content Models.pdf
│??│??├Centroid-based summarization of multiple documents.pdf
│??│??├Coreference Resolution Current Trends and Future Directions.pdf
│??│??├Fast Methods for Kernel-based Text Analysis.pdf
│??│??├First-Order Probabilistic Models for Coreference Resolution.pdf
│??│??├Layer-Based Dependency Parsing.pdf
│??│??├Non-projective Dependency Parsing using Spanning Tree Algorithms.pdf
│??│??├Online Large-Margin Training of Dependency Parsers.pdf
│??│??├Sentence Fusion for Multidocument News Summarization.pdf
│??│??├Shallow Parsing with Conditional Random Fields.pdf
│??│??├Use of??Support Vector Learning for Chunk Identification.pdf
│??│??├A Statistical MT Tutorial Workbook.pdf
│??│??├A Survey on Question and Answering Systems.pdf
│??│??├Building Watson.pdf
│??│??├Discriminative Training and Maximum Entropy Models for Statistical Machine Translation.pdf
│??│??├Erratum to A Statistical Approach to Machine Translation.pdf
│??│??├HMM-Based Word Alignment in Statistical Translation.pdf
│??│??├Statistical Machine Translation -Koehn.pdf
│??│??├The Mathematics of Statistical Machine Translation Parameter Estimation.pdf