【52PK 7月4日消息】這幾天英雄聯(lián)盟的大新聞就是瑞茲重做了,沒錯(cuò),瑞茲又重做了。關(guān)注過新聞的玩家們,想必都已經(jīng)了解新版瑞茲的技能了,關(guān)于他的大招,你們有什么想說的嗎?反正我是懵逼了。下面我們來看看國外玩家是如何吐槽的吧!
·DmasikYou hate my Q652
Why did I watch the passive video
·GentleMocker 168
I don't know what I expected either.
·d3str0yer 1698
the hell is that ult
·DeuzExMachina[DeuzExMachina](TR) 1326
because you know fck tahm kench.
·Lvl100Glurak 721
imo tahms ult always felt lackluster andout of place in his kit, even though he became a support... now an ap champ hasa better tahm ult. thx rito
·KanchiHaruhara 142
I'm assuming Tahm's ult has better range.Also, it's probably much easier to fuck everything up with Ryze's (both ways).
·TenspeedGames 63
MUCH better range.
·3hoho5 106 *
I'm kind of thankful for that, though.Tahm's ult sucks, but it's a really cool idea.
·Jimmy_Live 261
Ha... I remember when mobility creepstarted to be a thing and champs without dashes were in a bad spot. Noweverybody is getting their own teleport or journey or w/e
·VoidValkon 187 *
Reksai, Tahm, Talyia, Ryze - besides theinvulnerability, long range travel really is a trend
·oppoqwerty 72
I think there was a string of like 15champs with knock up please can we not have this again.
·Reclaimer879 68
Honestly this is making lane phase sucklately. Especially bot lane. Or I should say mostly bot lane. It seems like agood amount of champions ha global movement abilities. Adding this with thedouble TP meta and bot lane truly is a nightmare. Especially with wellcoordinated teams.
Kid you not I played a team the other dayRenekt TP top, Twist Fate mid with TP, and rek'sai jungle. I have never feltsuch tilt in my life.
Bot lane is such a shit show, so easy tocoordinate 4v2s
Quick edit: even 5v2s really
·Reclaimer879 15
Right. It has really changed the way I feelabout bot lane. It isn't much fun anymore.
My support and I could be much better thanthe other bot lane, but lose the lane anyways because of one or two 2v4/2v5ganks. I don't get to stressed about it anymore because it happens soconsistently. I just try to deal with it in the best ways possible.
·GoDyrusGo 122
Ryze confirmed still broken after update.
·Vanilux 46
They made his ult more broken than before.
·shughi94 1685
that ulti seems another way to have thatfun 2v5 bot
·OutcastMunkee 137
It can't go from top lane to bot lane. It'sa short range teleport early on, so he'd need to be halfway down the riverbetween mid and bot to do that from the sounds of things
·GoDyrusGo 929
so he'd need to be halfway down the riverbetween mid and bot to do that
Aw gee shucks you mean he has to walk allthe flipping way to scuttle crab before he can teleport his entire team on topof you?
"supp, pls ward midlane pls"
·_XanderDBagel Bagel103
mid: "report bot lane. pinged mia x10and still feeds."
·nanakisan 36
"GG, report this support who didn'tward the mid lane"
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