[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.
【類型】: 錢幣
【規格】: 重:26.76g 直徑:39.3mm 厚:0.9mm
【Name】:Take the money
【Specifications】:Weight: 26.76g Diameter: 39.3mm thickness: 0.9mm
French Indochina trade silver, commonly known as sitting ocean, was one of the foreign silver in circulation in China in the late Qing Dynasty. Scientific name: French Indochina trading silver, commonly known as sitting ocean, is one of the foreign silver in circulation in China in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China. The silver coin has the statue of Liberty sitting on the obverse and the decorative pattern on the reverse is wheat ears. The French words for "trade silver" and "French Indochina" are included. The official name of The coin is Anan Silver, also known as "Sitting man" and "French light", because the wreath on the statue of Liberty on the obverse side of this coin has seven beams of light, commonly known as "seven horns". But for the convenience of the narrative below still use the phrase "taking the ocean". French Indochina silver, commonly known as sitting ocean, was one of the foreign silver COINS circulating in China in the late Qing Dynasty. All sorts of ocean Tours were issued intermittently until 1937, when the war was declared in the shadows. After the abolition of the yuan in 1933, foreign fiat money gradually became the dominant currency in The market, and foreign silver was not paid much attention in China. It happened that at this time, foreign currency also disappeared. After World War II, Indochina was briefly ruled by The French, and no silver was issued. A comprehensive survey of the historical circulation of the Ocean, from 1903 to 1923, the most crazy.
“坐洋 ”的主幣“壹圓”的鑄造時間從1885年開始,在巴黎鑄造,至1928年共計43年。該主幣1885年至1895年年號的鑄幣均為27.125克重,稱之為“加重版”;1895年至1928年的24個年號的鑄幣重量均為27克重,稱為“普通版”。值得注意的是,1895年是加重版和普通版同鑄的年號,另有有傳聞1905年有“加重版”,但至今未發現實物,其真實程度尚無法判定。“坐洋”由主幣和輔幣共4枚組成一套。稱呼輔幣時,通常以“坐洋半圓”“坐洋50分”“中坐洋”,或“坐洋二毫/一毫”“坐洋20分/10分”“10/20仙小坐洋”一類稱呼。“ 坐洋”的形象雖然與其后 英國鑄造的“ 站洋”中持戟武士傲然挺立船頭的形象大相徑庭,但卻絲毫無法掩蓋殖民主義者大規模進行經濟侵略的野心。《清季外交史料》里出使英法大臣 曾紀澤在1879年6月24日奏章中寫到".…‥法國外部瓦定敦咨稱:法國現鑄造大圓銀錢,用之于安南等處地方,并擬用之于附近各國,甚愿貴國收受此錢通行天下,并望海關衙門準其收用…",這個曾大人的意見是".…‥我國家于商民生計,純任自然,故可以明告該國『使知法錢可興美錢一律看待,而不能外邀利益也。至于所請海關收用一節,查與…之例不合似難照準…"于是這個折子得到一個"該衙門知道"的意見后 曾大人的觀點便成大清政府的態度 放任自流,官方不受。法屬印度支那貨幣均由法國貨幣局的巴黎造幣廠鑄造。 “坐洋”銀幣于1879年,法國東方匯理銀行開始發行50分、20分和10分等面額的銀幣。由于法國人主觀上的優柔寡斷和客觀上國內政治經濟的一團糟而拖累了6年,直至1885年才開始鑄造1元銀幣(俗稱“大七角”,一皮阿斯特相當于墨西哥貿易銀幣壹元,合一百仙,)。各種坐洋斷斷續續發行至1937年,因為戰爭的陰影而宣告結束。而中國在1933年實行廢兩改元后,船洋 法幣逐漸一統市場,外國銀圓在中國的好日子不復再了,恰好的是這個時候坐洋也銷聲匿跡了。二次大戰城結束后,法國短暫統治印度支那,再沒有再發行過銀質貨幣,坐洋的發行期為1903年至1923年。除了1921年、1922年有“H”字版和無字版之外,其他年份的一元坐洋都是屬于“A”版。法國貨幣的使用單位是“ 法朗”,法屬的印度支那地區發行的貨幣單位不用“ 法朗”而用“皮阿斯特”,其中原因之一可能是為了顯示表示印度支那是其海外殖民帝國的一部分。其二是為了區別本土貨幣和殖民地區的貨幣。 “坐洋”銀幣做工精良,成色足,受到了亞洲各國人民的青睞。1元(皮阿斯特)銀幣開鑄于1885年,停鑄于1928年,總共發行35種,;50分“七角”銀幣開鑄于1885年,停鑄于1936年,共發行9種;二十仙與十仙“七角”銀幣開鑄于1885年,停鑄于1937年,20分共發行35種,10分幣共發行39種。由于原料銀供應不足或市場需求量變化的原因。每種面額“七角”銀幣都有一些年份沒有開鑄。安南銀幣在印度支那發行長達59年間,1元坐洋僅有1885~1890、1893~1910、1913、1921、1922、1924~1928年鑄造,而其中的1891、1892、1911、1912、1914~1920、1923年都沒有開鑄1元“坐洋”銀幣。50分的“坐洋”銀幣僅有1879、1884、1885、1889、1894~1896、1900、1936年等9個年份開鑄,其他年份都沒有開鑄。20分的坐洋在1886、1888、1890、1891、1904~1907、1910、1913、1915、1917~1919、1926、1931~1936年沒有開鑄銀幣。10分的坐洋在1886、1887、1890、1891、1904~1907、1915、1918、1926、1931~1936年也沒有開鑄銀幣。 法國自1885年始鑄坐洋至1928年停鑄,歷時43年,其中1892、1911、1912、1914~1920、1923等年未發行外,其它32年均有發行;按照年號、重量、記號的分別排列組合進行統計,坐洋共計38個版式;如:1885~1895之間發行均為加重版,重量為27.215克,1895~1928之間改為普通版,重量減為27克------這是按照年號、重量版塊的區別;再如:1921、1922兩個年號中分別出現“A”版(極少見,未見流通幣,存在爭議,認為是樣幣或偽造)、“H”版和無字版三種,而其它年號的坐洋則只有“A”版;除了按照上述情況收集坐洋外,還必須注意坐洋的收藏價格相對較低,其中品相是決定價格的重要因素,不同版塊是影響價位的參考因素,個別稀缺品是必須注意的關鍵因素。在鑒定真偽后,1890年加重版應屬于珍稀品種;1885、1888、1893屬于加重版的稀少品,而1910、1922無字版屬于普通版的稀少品。
The main coin, one yuan, was minted in Paris in 1885 and lasted for 43 years until 1928. The COINS of the year 1885 to 1895 were both 27.125 grams in weight, which was called the "weighted version". The 24 years from 1895 to 1928 all weighed 27 grams and were called "ordinary plates". It is worth noting that the year 1895 is the same as the weighted version and the ordinary version, and there are rumors that there was a "weighted version" in 1905, but no real object has been found, the true degree of which cannot be determined. "Ride the ocean" by the main coin and the subsidiary coin altogether 4 compose a set. When calling token, usually with "sit ocean half circle", "sit ocean 50 cents", "sit ocean", or "sit ocean 20 cents /10 cents", "sit ocean 20 cents /10 cents" a kind of name. Although the image of "sitting in the ocean" is quite different from the image of "standing in the ocean" forged by Britain with a bristly warrior standing proudly on the bow, it cannot conceal the ambition of colonialists to carry out large-scale economic aggression. In the Historical records of Foreign Affairs of the Qing Dynasty, Zeng Jize, a British and French minister, wrote in a letter dated June 24, 1879. ... "As the French outside Vadingdon says," France is minting silver to be used in Places like Annam, and to be used in other countries near by, and I wish that you would accept the money and allow it to be used everywhere..." ", in the opinion of this great Lord." ... ... my country in merchant livelihoods, pure natural, can make clear to the country is "knowing Qian Kexing make beauty all about money, and can't invite outside interests. As for the customs charge, please use section, check the case of not seems very sighting... with..." so this passbook get a "the government knows" after had an adult's point of view becomes attitude drift of the qing government, officials from. French Indochina currencies by the French Paris mint currency board. "by the" silver in 1879, France calyon bank first issued 50, 20 points and 10 grading denomination of coin. Due to the French subjective indecision and objective in a mess in the domestic political and economic to drag down the six years, until 1885 to 1 yuan coin casting (commonly known as "big seven", a pyat Mexican trade silver, equivalent to one yuan, one of best fairy,). All sit in the intermittent issue to 1937, because of the shadow of war came to an end. While China introduced in 1933, after two gaiyuan waste ship the fiat gradually unify market, foreign silver dollar good day in China no longer, Just is the time to sit the also disappeared. City after the end of world war ii, the French Indochina, brief rule is no longer issued silver currency, sit the issued from 1903 to 1923. In 1921 and 1922, with and without word version of the "H" word version, one yuan to sit the other years are belong to the "A" version. The use of French monetary unit is the "lang" of the method, the monetary unit of French Indochina region distribution without the "lang" with "pyat", One of the reasons may be said to show Indochina is part of its overseas colonial empire. The second is to distinguish the local currency and the currency of the colonies. "by the" silver well-made, couplers, favored by the people from different countries in Asia. 1 yuan (pyat) silver open cast in 1885, cast in 1928, issued a total of 35, and 50 points "seven horns" silver open cast in 1885, cast in 1936, a total of 9 species, distribution and 20 and 10 cents "seven horns" silver open cast in 1885, cast in 1937, 20 points total 35, During the 59 years of the annam silver coin issuance in Indochina, the first dollar was minted only in 1885 ~ 1890, 1893 ~ 1910, 1913, 1921, 1922, 1924 ~ 1928. Among them, there were only nine 50-cent silver COINS in 1879, 1884, 1885, 1889, 1894 ~ 1896, 1900 and 1936. All the other years no open casting. 20 points by the yankees in 1886, 1888, 1890, 1891, 1904 ~ 1907, 1910, 1913, 1915, 1917 ~ 1919, 1926, 1931 ~ 1936 years without open casting silver. 10 points by the yankees in 1886, 1887, 1890, 1891, 1904 ~ 1907, 1915, 1918, 1926, 1931 ~ 1936 years and no casting silver. France since 1885 casts by the stop 1928, 43 years, Including 1892, 1911, 1912, 1914 ~ 1920, 1923 years not issued, such as other 32 have issued per year; according to the title, weight, mark of permutation and combination of statistics respectively, take the total of 38 format, such as: between 1885 and 1895 are aggravating edition, weight 27.215 grams, between 1895 and 1928 to the normal version, weight reduced to 27 g -- -- -- -- -- - this is according to the title, the difference between the weight plates; such as: 1921, 1922 respectively in two: "A" version (rare, did not see the circulation COINS, controversial, considered A specimen or fake), "H" version, and without A word version of the three, while other sit the title only "A" version, except in accordance with the above situation collected by ocean, also must pay attention to by the collection price is relatively low, the product is an important factor to determine prices, different section is the reference factors influencing the price, the individual is scarce must pay attention to the key factors. After identifying the authenticity, heavier version should belong to the rare varieties in 1890; 1885, 1888, 1893, belong to the heavier version of scarce goods, But 1910, 1922 sans - word edition belongs to the ordinary edition rare article.
The coin is A 1903 version of the sitting coin, the statue of Liberty on the front of the collection is wearing A garland of seven beams of light, the back of the pattern of wheat, as A "A" version of the coin, which was issued and circulated in the colonies, is A relatively rare breed, with high collection value and appreciation space.
This collection is for Sichuan Zhongbaoyuan Auction Co., Ltd. to collect the core collection of Singapore auction, welcome all collectors to visit the Singapore auction consulting auction, a rare opportunity!