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乾隆通寶是乾隆時期的流通貨幣, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其"文治武功"的治國策略,創造了封建社會里最后一個輝煌盛世,之后民間便盛傳佩帶"乾隆通寶"銅錢可驅災辟邪,又因乾隆二字諧音"錢隆"而備受后世藏家所喜愛的錢幣。

Qianlong Tongbao was the currency of Qianlong period. During his 60 years in power, Emperor Qianlong exerted his strategy of "culture, politics and martial arts" and created the last glorious age in the feudal society. After that, it was widely said that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coin could drive away disasters and evil spirits, and was loved by later collectors because of Qianlong's homonym "Qianlong".

該錢幣鑄于清高宗乾隆年間(1736-1795年),背面的滿文比較復雜,上面有很詳細的價格和錢幣拓片。乾隆通寶錢徑約25毫米,重約3g。錢面文字"乾隆通寶"以楷書書寫,其字從上而下而右而左直讀。錢背文字沿雍正滿文錢式穿孔左邊有"寶"字,穿孔右邊鑄有各局名 。幣種與不同時期形狀與大小也有不同。

The coin was coined in the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The Manchu characters on the back of the coin are complicated, and there are detailed prices and rubbings on it. Qianlong Tongbao coin is about 25 mm in diameter and 3 G in weight. Qian Long Tongbao was written in regular script, which was read from top to bottom, right and left. The characters on the back of the coin were perforated along the Yongzheng Manchu coin style, with the word "Bao" on the left and the names of various bureaus on the right. The shape and size of the currency are also different from those of different periods.


Qianlong Tongbao was cast in the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The Manchu characters on the back are quite complicated. You can refer to Hua Guangpu's catalogue of ancient Chinese coins, which contains detailed prices and rubbings. The historical period is from 1736 to 1795. Most of them are Xiaoping coins, and some of Xinjiang red coins are used as ten coins. Baoquan and Baogong found that there were large coins, but they should be used for furnace opening or post casting, not for commercial use.


Qianlong Tongbao, the characters read from top to bottom, right to left, and the characters on the back of the coin were perforated along the Yongzheng Manchu Qian style, with the word "Bao" on the left and the names of various bureaus on the right. There are many formats of Qianlong Tongbao. In terms of money, the capital bureau uses song style, the baozhe bureau uses regular script, and the Baoshan and Baochuan bureaus use official script, but most local money bureaus use song style. Some of the Red Coins in Xinjiang recite Manchu, while others recite Uyghur and Manchu. A small number of money back has stars, Chinese characters, but also to record the year, record value, back together, auspicious language and other money. There were 22 common casting bureaus in Qianlong, and six in Xinjiang Hongqian.


Qianlong Tongbao coins are about 2.2-2.5cm in diameter, 0.1cm in thickness and 2.4g-4.8g in weight. Qian Long Tongbao was written in regular script, which was read from top to bottom, right and left. The characters on the back of the coin were perforated along the Yongzheng Manchu coin style, with the word "Bao" on the left and the names of various bureaus on the right. The Tongbao of Qianlong, including Baoquan and Baoyuan, had been cast in 29 blocks successively. Most of them were made of brass and bronze, and foreign copper casting method was also introduced. The square hole round coin was newly used in Xinjiang, and ILI, Aksu, Wushi, Yeerqiang, Kashgar, Kuqa and other bureaus were set up in Xinjiang. It is called "Xinjiang red money" or "Pu money" (the Uyghur language of "Pu" means money). In Qianlong

Tongbao, only a few Qian beiwen saw asterisks or Chinese characters. There are more than 100 kinds of Tongbao in Qianlong, such as Hexian coin, Jiyu coin, privately cast inferior money and goose eye coin. There are several kinds of carved mother in the world, which are very precious.



標簽:通寶 乾隆



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