Yuan Datou was Yuan Shikai’s actor’s head, and in order to consolidate the political situation, develop the economy, and decide the currency to be issued during the unified currency system in the country, in the Tianjin Mint Factory and Wuchang, Guangzhou, Nanjing and other branches, Yuan Shikai’s head silver coin was cast according to specifications and weight. , commonly known as Yuan Datou. This kind of silver dollar was widely distributed before the war, and it has existed for a long time. It is an important role in the transformation of the modern Chinese currency system.
此藏品名稱為民國八年袁大頭,袁大頭五元的來歷:按照機制銀幣的計量標準,五元應該為計算是135克。清末民初時期都是真金白銀使用流通,不同于現在的紙幣按照面值流通,五元銀幣均為試鑄幣、并未正式流通發行。袁世凱側面像,上環“中華民國八年”,中間漢字“五圓” 周圍環嘉禾紋飾。包漿老道,文字清晰可辨,深淺合適,制作精美, “袁大頭”在貨幣收藏界被稱為銀元之寶,它是中國近千種近代銀幣中流傳最廣、影響最大的銀元品種,也是近代中國幣制變革中的一個重要角色。它見證著中國悠久的貨幣史,承載著古老的東方文明,蘊含著深厚的文化底韻,具有非凡的歷史意義。
The name of this collection is the origin of Yuan Datou in the eighth year of the Republic of China. Yuan Datou's five yuan: According to the measurement standard of mechanism silver coins, five yuan should be calculated as 135 grams. In the late Qing and early Republican periods, real gold and silver were used for circulation. Unlike the current banknotes, which are circulated at face value, the five-yuan silver coins were all trial coins and were not officially issued for circulation. Yuan Shikai's profile, "Eight Years of the Republic of China" in Sheung Wan, and the Chinese character "Five Circles" in the middle are decorated with Jiahe patterns. The old-fashioned paste, the text is clear and legible, the depth is appropriate, and the production is exquisite. An important role in modern
Chinese currency reform. It bears witness to China's long history of currency, carries the ancient oriental civilization, contains a profound cultural background, and has extraordinary historical significance..
"Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver in the currency collection industry. It is the most widely spread and most influential silver dollar in China's nearly a thousand modern silver coins. It is also an important role in the modern Chinese currency reform. The time of circulation is also very long. This silver dollar was made in the 10th year of the Republic of China. The pattern and text above are no different
from the previous Yuan Datou. There is no difference in other aspects, but the only difference is that the number of issuances at that time is relatively small. Since the circulation was relatively small at the time, the number of survivors is now very rare.
此枚民國八年袁大頭是李先生收藏的珍品,上環“中華民國八年造”,中間漢字“五圓” 周圍環嘉禾紋飾。包漿老道,文字清晰可辨,深淺合適,制作精美,品相保存完好,雖略有磨損但整體品相可達到美品,具有非凡的歷史意義,極高的收藏價值和無盡可期的升值空間。