公告內容為2022年8月份【每日一星】、周冠軍、月冠軍及前30名藝術家。【世界藝術家排行榜】按照世界文聯官網整個8月份網友投票數排名,產生以月冠軍為代表的前30位藝術家,現予以公布。Since June 17, 2020, the World Federation of literary and art circles has successively released the award-winning announcement of the list of world cultural artists. The contents of this announcement are [Daily Star], Zhou champion, monthly champion and the top 30 artists in January 2022. [list of world artists] according to the ranking of netizens' votes on the official website of the World Federation of literary and art circles in January, the top 30 artists represented by the monthly champion are now announced.
通過榜單我們可以看出整個8月份藝術家的藝術造詣、發展潛力、市場認可度、社會關注度等方面的狀況,袁莉獲得了第1名,史平平 獲得了第2名,第3名是馮遠。和以上三位德藝雙馨的優秀藝術家一樣,還有來自不同文化藝術領域的27位成員也上了榜!From the list, we can see the artist's artistic attainments, development potential, market recognition, social concern and other aspects throughout August. Yuan Li won the first place, Shi Pingping the second place, and Feng Yuan the third. Like the above three excellent artists who are both virtuous and artistic, there are also 27 members from different cultural and artistic fields on the list!世界藝術家排行榜【每日一星】評選公告 (點擊查看)https://www.sslg33.com/index/artist/artistworld/bd/day.htmlWorld artist list [one star of the day] selection announcement (click to view)秘書處將嚴格按照《世界文聯每日一星評選公告》中的相關規定,對每月排行榜第1—30名藝術家,授予世界文聯名譽常務理事稱號(世界級),并頒發榮譽證書。接下來,就讓咱們一睹30位上榜藝術家風采(按照排行榜名次排序)。The Secretariat will, in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the announcement on the daily one star selection of the World Federation of literary and art circles, award the title of honorary executive director (world-class) of the World Federation of literary and art circles to the artists No. 1-30 in the monthly ranking list, and issue honorary certificates. Next, let's take a look at the 30 artists on the list (in order of ranking).
第一名 袁莉 First place Yuan Li
第二名 史平平 Second place Shi Pingping
第三名 趙十金 Third place Zhao Shijin
第五名 唐詩 No. 5 Tang Poetry
第六名 胡志武 Sixth place Hu Zhiwu
第七名 李治群 7th place Li Zhiqun
第八名 羅斯波恩 8th Rosborne
第九名 陳寶國 No. 9 Chen Baoguo
第十名 柳亞庭 10th place Liu Yating
第十一名 鄭麗莉 11th place Zheng Lili
第十二名 宋金奇 12th place Song Jinqi
第十三名 姜莉莉 13th place Jiang Lili
第十四名 蔡彤彥 14th Cai Tongyan
第十五名 崔智友 The 15th Cui Zhiyou
第十六名 沈建新 16th place Shen Jianxin
第十七名 樂馨 17th Yue Xin
第十八名 黃麗達 18th place Huang Lida
第十九名 賀成斌 19th He Chengbin
第二十名 季馬比蘭 The 20th place is Jima Biran
第二十一名艾什莉·約翰遜 21st Ashley Johnson
第二十二名 徐穎 22nd place Xu Ying
第二十三名 徐增淼 23rd place Xu Zengmiao
第二十四名 高偉松 The 24th Gao Weisong
第二十五名 莎拉.翟.施特勞斯 25th Sarah Zhai Strauss
第二十六名 鐘興春 26th Zhong Xingchun
第二十七名 周京 27th Zhou Jing
第二十八名雪蓮卓瑪 28th Snow Lotus Zhuoma
第二十九名 呂繼宏 Twenty ninth place Lv Jihong
第三十名 黃維 30th place Huang Wei
為客觀評價一流藝術家群體的市場價值,大力弘揚世界各民族優秀文化,面向社會推介當代優秀藝術作品,以大數據為基礎,建立市場價值評估模型,每月發布當代世界藝術家人氣排行榜。In order to objectively evaluate the market value of the first-class artists, vigorously promote the excellent culture of all ethnic groups in the world, and promote the outstanding contemporary art works to the society, the market value evaluation model is established based on big data, and the popularity list of contemporary world artists is released monthly.2022年4月世界藝術家排行榜【月榜】 前12名公布 (點擊查看)https://www.sslg33.com/index/news/newssingle/id/24802.htmlThe top 12 of the world artists list [monthly list] announced in September 2020 (click to view)地球村勢在必行,地球村最大的問題,就是文化的沖突。實現中國夢,是物質文明和精神文明均衡發展、相互促進的結果。沒有文明的繼承和發展,沒有文化的弘揚和繁榮,就沒有中國夢的實現。中華民族的先人們早就向往人們的物質生活充實無憂、道德境界充分升華的大同世界。Global village is imperative. The biggest problem of global village is the conflict of culture. The realization of the Chinese dream is the result of the balanced development and mutual promotion of material civilization and spiritual civilization. Without the inheritance and development of civilization, without the promotion and prosperity of culture, there will be no realization of the Chinese dream. The forefathers of the Chinese nation long ago yearned for a world of great harmony in which people's material life was enriched and their moral realm was fully sublimated.
人類只有一個地球,各國共處一個世界。共同發展是持續發展的重要基礎,符合各國人民長遠利益和根本利益。我們生活在同一個地球村,應該牢固樹立命運共同體意識,順應時代潮流,把握正確方向,堅持同舟共濟,推動亞洲和世界發展不斷邁上新臺階。There is only one earth for mankind, and all countries share one world. Common development is an important basis for sustainable development and conforms to the long-term and fundamental interests of the people of all countries. As we live in the same global village, we should firmly establish a sense of community of common destiny, conform to the trend of the times, grasp the correct direction, stick to the principle of helping each other in the same boat, and constantly push the development of Asia and the world to a new level.
為了更好地弘揚民族文化,促進世界各民族文化大融合,世界文聯通過扎實開展“每日一星”評選活動,引導激勵全球文化藝術工作者立足本職崗位,帶頭堅定文化自信、堅持以世界各族人民為中心的創作導向 、推動人類文化事業全面繁榮和世界文化產業快速發展 。In order to better promote the national culture and promote the cultural integration of all ethnic groups in the world, the World Federation of literary and art has carried out the "one star of the day" selection activity, guided and inspired the cultural and artistic workers of the world to take the lead in strengthening cultural confidence, adhering to the creative orientation centering on the people of all ethnic groups in the world, and promoting the overall prosperity of human cultural undertakings and the rapid development of world cultural industry 。促進世界文化藝術事業發展,任重而道遠,誠摯感謝每一位為藝術事業孜孜不倦的藝術家們!There is a long way to go to promote the development of the world's cultural and artistic undertakings. I sincerely thank every artist who has devoted himself to the cause of art!
附件:enclosure;▽參加世界藝術家排行榜獲【每日一星及前12名】【周冠軍及前12名】 【月冠軍及前12名】【總冠軍及前30名】的藝術家。均可參加世界文聯攝制組【人物專訪】 欄目▽ artists who have won [one star per day and top 12], [weekly champion and top 12], [monthly champion and top 12], [total champion and top 30] in the world artist list. All of them can participate in the special interview program of the World Federation of literary and art circles聯系人;樂 華、樂 偉、樂 秦、樂 辰、樂 偉Contact person: Le Hua, Le Wei, Le Qin, Le Chen, Le Wei▽所有參加世界藝術家排行榜正式成員,列入《世界文聯會員錄》發行出版并向全世界廣泛推廣。All the full-time members of the world artists list are listed in the membership list of the World Federation of literary and art circles and published and widely promoted all over the world.世界藝術家排行榜編輯評選委員會 委員:樂 秦 樂 辰 樂 偉 樂 麗 、 樂 超、 樂 明 、 樂 亮、 樂 依、 樂 俊、 樂 旗、 樂 澤、 樂 娜、樂 慧、 樂 群、 樂 莉 、 樂 玲 、 樂 德 、樂樓、Member of the editorial selection committee of the world artists list:Le Qin Le Chen Le Wei Le Li, Le Chao, Le Ming, Le Liang, Le Yi, Le Jun, Le Qi, Le Ze, Le Na, Le Hui, Le Qun, Le Li, Le Ling, Le De, Le Lou編輯評選委員會執行:樂 秦 樂 樓、Editorial selection committee executive: Le Qin Le Lou亞洲文聯網站;www.sslg33.comWebsite of Asian Federation of literary and art circles; www.sslg33.com世界文聯精英網 www.sjwl99999.comWorld Federation of literary and art elites www.sjwl99999.com
相關鏈接: △大型網絡劇《藝戀人的故亊》300名人物篇。 經過申報丶審核 丶 交費,己進入第二環節 正式編序, 第1集 王昭君 (亞洲音協副主席)第2集 李治群 (中老年協會常務副主席)第3集 管敬革 (亞洲書畫協會副主席)第4集 姜莉莉(世界舞蹈家協會主席)第5集 于引(世界文聯顧問 中國對外友協會長)第六集 羅亮 收藏協會副主席第七集 姜莉莉 世界舞蹈協會主席第八集 賀睛 (名人足跡 〉主編第九集 譚邦蘭 世界美業協會副主席△大型網絡劇《藝戀人的故事》人物篇 , 申報 審核 交費 宣傳程序與條件:1 必須是世藝聯正式會員(或業屆名流)2 對世藝聯或文化藝術做出積極貢獻。有動人事跡宏揚(劇組編寫 人生經歷,圖6一16張:文3千一1萬字。)3 大型網絡劇《藝戀人故事》300名人物篇 △由世藝聯網、環球網 新聞聯播網等300多網媒同步轉發。△同時印制 聯合國健藝姜文化產業總會和世界電影協會頒發 入選 證書。△完成300集劇本后 將組織拍攝 網劇和匯編出版4 本環節 對主席團成員 (特殊貢獻者 特困生 享受減費待遇。)5 聯系人 樂玲 樂華電話丶微言:15910755206 ☆《世界藝術家排行榜》《未來之星》10月超 作出重大調整 由每人每天限投一票,改為限投10票!以增加世界藝術家丶少年兒童積極性和關注度。把它真正變成凝聚世界藝術家和少年兒童的樂園