[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.
【藏 品 名 稱】清代茶葉末釉官窯雙耳瓶
【藏 品 類 型】瓷器
此瓶即宮廷定燒器物 口徑5cm,高度23cm,底徑12cm葉末釉,釉色黃潤,帶黑色或黑褐色斑點,似鱔于魚皮色,稱“鱔魚黃”清代茶葉末釉制品多為景德鎮官窯所燒,傳世品中,以雍正和乾隆時期最為多見,并以乾隆時的燒制最為成功雍正時制品多偏黃,有茶無末,稱“鱔魚皮”;乾隆時則茶末兼有,釉色偏綠者居多,俗稱“蟹甲青”、“茶葉末”等,也有的掛古銅銹色,具有青銅器的沉著色調,常被用來仿古銅器,稱“古銅彩”
整個藝術品市場,清三代瓷器一直是拍賣場上的寵兒,尤其是清乾隆瓷器,一直占據著藝術品收藏品類的版面,市場行情一路走熱,無論是交易額還是價格都一路攀升。有數據顯示,很早之前清乾隆瓷器的價格標簽大概兩三年調整一次,而近兩三年,幾乎一年要調整兩到三次。另一組數據亦支持了這觀點,自06年以后,清乾隆瓷器的價格漲幅至少在50%-200%之間,黃地粉彩瓷瓶,漲幅更是接近一倍。并且,目前市場黃地粉彩瓷瓶更是越加稀少。Throughout the art market, qing dynasty porcelain has always been the darling of the auction market, especially qing dynasty qianlong porcelain, has been occupying the layout of the art collection category, the market went all the way hot, no matter the turnover or the price all the way up. Some data show that the price tag of qianlong porcelain was adjusted once every two or three years long ago, while in the last two or three years, it was adjusted twice or three times a year. Another set of data also supports this point of view, since 06 years, the price of qing qianlong porcelain rises at least between 50% and 200%, huang di pastel porcelain vase, increase is nearly double. And, at present the market is more and more rare pastel porcelain vase.
During the qianlong period (1736-1795), the heyday of porcelain production in the qing dynasty, from qianlong onwards, pastels almost completely replaced multicolour in the field of colored porcelain. At this time, although the quality of powder enamel is not as beautiful and elegant as that of the yongzheng period, but in the decoration process is becoming complicated, the form is rich and diverse, especially for the display of the various types of vessels, such as neck bottles, heart bottles, heaven bottles, flat bottles, polygonal bottles and so on very popular. Heavy and complicated, the process of color is more bright and beautiful vessels is the outstanding representative in tzu chi in qian long products, at the same time, the decoration technology development has made it possible the success of the bionic porcelain firing, using powder dust embellish a soft texture, distinct color, stone, wood and various kinds of color and texture of plants and animals that are able to accurate and detailed. Pastel integrated the kangxi and qianlong period of yongzheng dynasties porcelain making technology, the qianlong emperor the use of some powder enamel wares, decorative pattern, form the requirements of the decree.
Qianlong porcelain grows by 10 to 20 percent a year, even at home. In real life, apart from commercial reasons, real qianlong porcelain is also available; With a new round of market storms, qianlong porcelain appreciation space is very large, and qianlong yellow ground powder enamel ware of the rare also indicates future market opportunities unlimited.
This collection for this new key recommended collection, welcome to the site of Tibetan friends to consult bidding, rare opportunity!