2021年是我國“兩個一百年”奮斗目標的歷史交匯期,也是全面開啟 社會主義現代化國家建設新征程的重要機遇期,更是推進文化強國建設高 質量發展的關鍵期。國家“十四五”發展規劃和2035年遠景目標綱要指出,要加強優秀文化作品生產傳播,健全現代文化產業體系,提升公共文化服務水平。為深入貫徹落實文化強國建設戰略目標,加快推進國內外文化產業交流發展,中國傳統文化促進會定于2021年10月17日至20日在海南博鰲亞洲論壇國際會議中心組織召開“2021博鰲中國傳統文化高峰論壇”。
博鰲中國傳統文化高峰論壇時間2021年10月17日 —— 20日
《藝術家代表 —— 莫介鋒新聞報道》
Mo Jiefeng was born in 1965. Professional painter, born in Yangjiang, Guangdong. He worked in Beijing in his early years and now lives in Guangzhou. National first-class painter, member of Chinese artists Association, president of Guangdong Nanyue painting Academy, state guest salute painter of the people's Republic of China, senior academician of Chinese painting Academy in Tokyo, Japan, consultant of Beijing Hanmotiancheng calligraphy and painting Academy, special painter of Chinese people's Fine Arts Network, member of the 10th CPPCC standing Committee of Huadu District, Guangzhou. His works have participated in art exchange exhibitions in the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and other countries and regions, and have been highly recognized and collected by relevant local institutions and collectors. In recent years, his works have become more influential in China, and many authoritative professional publishing organizations have published monographs and publications. CCTV "Jianbao", Guangdong TV "one side Celebrity", Yangjiang TV Station and Huadu TV Station have all made special reports, which are influential contemporary powerful painters.
《醉舞東風》139x69cm 2019年
"drunken Dance Dongfeng" 139x69cm 2019
《一樹紅花一方春》180x90CM 2021年
"one safflower, one spring" 180x90CM 2021
《雄起》180x80CM 2020年
"Xiongqi" 180x80CM 2020
《往事如煙》138x69CM 2021年
"the past is like smoke" 138x69CM 2021
《叁牛圖》180x90CM 2021年
"San Niu Tu" 180x90CM 2021
《三分春色上枝頭》138x69CM 2021年
"three minutes of Spring on the branches" 138x69CM 2021
《目留南嶺煙雨,極目滄海云帆》 248x100cm 2020年
"watching the misty rain in Nanling, the vast expanse of the sea" 248x100cm 2020
《東風道路長》180x90cm 2021年
"Dongfeng Road long" 180x90cm 2021
《安居圖》367x144cm 2021年
"Anju Map" 367x144cm 2021
《掛帥》125x130CM 2020年
"Being Commander" 125x130CM 2020