【前言】2021年是我國“兩個一百年”奮斗目標的歷史交匯期,也是全面開啟 社會主義現代化國家建設新征程的重要機遇期,更是推進文化強國建設高 質量發展的關鍵期。國家“十四五”發展規劃和2035年遠景目標綱要指出,要加強優秀文化作品生產傳播,健全現代文化產業體系,提升公共文化服務水平。為深入貫徹落實文化強國建設戰略目標,加快推進國內外文化產業交流發展,中國傳統文化促進會定于2021年10月17日至20日在海南博鰲亞洲論壇國際會議中心組織召開“2021博鰲中國傳統文化高峰論壇”。
Huang Baitian, the word Muli, and the number Botian. A native of Xixiang, Baoan, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province (household registration: Hong Kong), he loved calligraphy since childhood. Master has his father and ancestors Huang Zhijing, Huang Jiachen, and Huang Zhongming as his teachers, and has been recognized by the general minister and celebrities in society, and has been recognized by the government and well-known calligraphy organizations for many invitations to participate in the calligraphy exhibition. Now he is a calligrapher and well-known entrepreneur.
2021年被國禮藝術家鑒定評審組委會特授予“國禮藝術家”榮譽稱號! 2021年8月,鑒于黃柏添老師在弘揚祖國優秀傳統文化以及書畫創作和藝術研究等領域做出的突出貢獻,經全國書畫藝術委員會、北京華夏巨匠書畫院領導研究決定,特聘請其擔任全國書畫藝術委員會、北京華夏巨匠書畫院副主席職務。
In 2021, at the "Reminiscence of the Years——-Exhibition of Red Elegance" National Painting and Calligraphy Art Exchange Exhibition, after the review of the organizing committee, he was awarded the honorary title of "Hundred Years of Red Art Inheritor"!In 2021, he was specially awarded the honorary title of "National Gift Artist" by the National Gifts Artist Appraisal Committee! In August 2021, in view of the outstanding contributions made by Mr. Huang Baitian in promoting the excellent traditional culture of the motherland and the creation of calligraphy and painting and art research, After the research and decision by the leaders of the National Committee of Painting and Calligraphy and Beijing Huaxia Master Painting and Calligraphy Institute, he was specially appointed as the vice chairman of the National Committee of Painting and Calligraphy and Beijing Huaxia Master Painting and Calligraphy Institute.
黃柏添老師現為: 全國書畫藝術委員會副主席;香港美術家協會副主席;中國書畫家協會會員;國家一級書法師;將翰墨書畫院廣東分院長;寶安黃氏宗親會會長;黃氏文化宗親聯誼會名譽會長;江夏投資控股(香港)有限公司和深圳源玳市場有限公司董事長;江夏公館館長;中華孝道文化主題公園發起人。
Teacher Huang Baitian is currently: Vice Chairman of the National Committee of Painting and Calligraphy; Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Artists Association; Member of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association; National First-Class Calligrapher; President of the Guangdong Branch of Jianghan Mo Painting and Calligraphy Academy; Chairman of the Baoan Huang Family Clan Association; Honorary President of Huang's Cultural Clan Association; Chairman of Jiangxia Investment Holdings (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Yuandai Market Co., Ltd.; Curator of Jiangxia Mansion; Initiator of Chinese Filial Piety Cultural Theme Park.