[collection name]: blue and white porcelain pot
[collection type]: porcelain
【藏品簡介】:瓷器是中國勞動人民的重要發明之一,是古代勞動人民的智慧和力量的結晶。中國瓷器的發展,由宋代的大江南北成百上千窯口百花爭艷的態勢經由元代過渡之后,到明代幾乎變成了由景德鎮各瓷窯一統天下的局面。青花瓷器,是以鈷料為著色劑,在潔白干燥的瓷胚上,用毛筆勾畫出各種圖案,再罩上一層 透明釉 ,置于高溫還原焰中一次燒制而成的,屬釉下彩瓷的一種。它集繪畫、書法、工藝于一身,以其素雅大方、幽菁明快的色調散發著獨特的藝術魅力。凝聚著祖先們智慧和汗水而創造出來的瓷器,不僅為我國贏得了“瓷國”的美譽,而且使這項原本具有實用性的 手工產品 ,與高度的技術和各種審美理念相結合,成為我國特有的民族藝術項目之一。
[collection introduction]: porcelain is one of the important inventions of the Chinese working people and the crystallization of the wisdom and strength of the ancient working people. The development of Chinese porcelain has changed from the situation of hundreds of kilns competing for beauty in the north and south of the river in the Song Dynasty to the situation of Jingdezhen kilns dominating the world in the Ming Dynasty. Blue and white porcelain is a kind of underglaze colored porcelain, which is made by using cobalt as colorant, sketching various patterns with a brush on a white and dry porcelain embryo, covering it with a layer of transparent glaze and firing it in a high-temperature reduction flame. It integrates painting, calligraphy and crafts. It exudes unique artistic charm with its simple, elegant, quiet and bright colors. The porcelain created by condensing the wisdom and sweat of our ancestors has not only won the reputation of "porcelain country" for China, but also made this originally practical handmade product, combined with a high degree of technology and various aesthetic ideas, become one of China's unique national art projects.
瓷器是中國珍品,乃至世界都享譽盛名。作為古代勞動人民智慧的結晶,瓷器自古以來便廣受人們追捧。特別是后來在我國瓷雜藝術品市場上占據了主導地位的傳世青花,是繼青瓷、黑瓷、青白瓷和彩瓷之后,被公認的瓷器藝術一朵奇葩,備受皇室貴族和達官顯貴喜愛,具有很高的藝術價值。成熟的青花出現在元代,發展至明代已堪成熟,據成書于清代的《陶雅》記載: “ 雍乾兩朝之青花, 蓋遠不逮康窯。然則青花一類, 康青雖不及明青之濃美者, 亦可以獨步本朝矣” 。可見明代青花之美,流芳百世而不絕于耳。
Porcelain is a treasure of China and even the world. As the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people, porcelain has been widely sought after since ancient times. In particular, the handed down blue and white porcelain, which later occupied a dominant position in China's porcelain miscellaneous art market, is recognized as a wonderful work of porcelain art after celadon, black porcelain, blue and white porcelain and color porcelain. It is loved by royalty, nobles and dignitaries, and has high artistic value. The mature blue and white flowers appeared in the Yuan Dynasty and developed to the Ming Dynasty. According to taoya, written in the Qing Dynasty, "the blue and white flowers of the Yong and Qian dynasties are far from catching the Kang kiln. However, the blue and white ones, although not as beautiful as those of the Ming Dynasty, can still walk alone in this dynasty". It can be seen that the beauty of blue and white in the Ming Dynasty is lasting for centuries.
This pot is the representative of blue and white ware in the Qing Dynasty. It has a straight mouth, round shoulder, abundant bottom and encircled feet. With straight mouth, flat top and button round cover. The shape is round and beautiful, the carcass is light and thin, the glaze color is white, the blue and white color is elegant and uniform, the carcass is light, the glaze is moist, smooth and flawless, like grease like jade. The decorative lines were thin and soft, elegant and unrestrained, which was influenced by the aesthetic taste of the court at that time. Porcelain painting is the best of the few blue and white pots in the world because of its proper density, bright and clear, fresh and elegant artistic effect. There are countless porcelain, but not many are well preserved. They are well preserved, typical in style and complete in pattern and shape. With the development of blue and white porcelain from ancient times to now, it has experienced the vicissitudes of years and attracted more and more attention because it carries the precipitation of culture. With the development and prosperity of contemporary blue and white porcelain, its collection significance, cultural connotation and important artistic value will emerge day by day. A round of contemporary blue and white porcelain collection wind is blowing quietly.