藏品名稱:乾隆御筆之寶Collection name: the treasure of the Qianlong Imperial Pen
藏品類型:玉璽Collection type: Yuxi
創作作者:袁廣如Author: Yuan Guanggru
發行單位:故宮文化交流中心、北京工美珠寶Distributed by: the Palace Museum Cultural Exchange Center, Beijing Gongmei Jewelry
藏品材質:壽山石Collection material: Shoushan stone
藏品重量:至尊款2000克,經典款450克Collection weight: supreme 2000 grams, classic 450 grams
藏品規格:至尊款10.5*10.5*9CM;經典款6*6*6CMCollection specifications: Supreme 10.5 * 10.5 * 9CM; Classic 6 * 6 * 6CM
創作背景 creation background
提起“帝王之都”,人們首先想到的就是北京紫禁城,這座宏偉的城池,是明清兩朝二十四帝的When it comes to the "imperial capital", the first thing people think of it was the Beijing Forbidden City, a magnificent city owned by the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties皇宮,于永樂四年開始建設,直到永樂十八年,歷時整整十四年才建造完成。一磚一瓦都The palace began construction in the fourth year of Yongle, until 18 years of Yongle, it took 14 years to complete.One brick and one tile訴說著中國厚重的歷史。從兩朝皇庭,到享譽全球的博物館,從權力中心,到歷史積淀,它對國人的意義非凡。It tells the profound history of China.From the imperial court, to the world-renowned museums, from the power center, to the historical accumulation, it is of great significance to the Chinese people.
2020年是紫禁城600年華誕,為紀念這一歷史時刻,由故宮文創研發交流中心出品,北京工The year 2020 is the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City. To commemorate this historical moment, it is produced by the Palace Museum Cultural and Creative Research and Development Exchange Center and Beijing Engineering美珠寶監制,中國工藝美術大師袁廣如先生領銜設計創作,乾隆御筆之寶印璽榮耀發行!乾隆玉筆之寶是乾隆諸多寶璽之中,規格較高也較為知名的玉璽之一,也是其為之珍愛的一方,只在重大的事件以及他親筆書寫的大尺副書法繪畫之上才會使用。Beauty jewelry executive producer, Chinese arts and crafts master Mr.Yuan Guangru led the design and creation, Qianlong imperial pen treasure seal glory issued!The treasure of Qianlong Jade Pen is one of the many treasure seals of Qianlong and of high specifications. It is also the party cherished for it. It is only used in major events and the calligraphy and painting written by his hand.
藏品簡介Summary of collection
此次再創作品以壽山石為載體,乾隆玉筆之寶璽鈕部分栩栩如生的刻畫出九條龍飛翔在祥云之間,共同嬉戲著追逐一顆寶珠。龍顏威武莊重、形態蒼勁矯健,整體散發著宏偉的宮廷氣勢。璽基部分使用宮廷御用紋飾,極為講究,蘊含著深厚的文化底蘊與吉祥福運。這方皇家御用玉璽四周淺浮雕The recreation of the work to Shoushan stone as the carrier, Qianlong jade pen of the treasure seal knob part lifelike depicts nine dragons flying between the auspicious clouds, playing chasing a treasure bead together.The dragon face is mighty and solemn, vigorous in form, and the whole exudes a grand court momentum.The seal foundation part uses the imperial decoration, which is very exquisite and contains profound cultural deposits and auspicious luck.This square is a bas-relief around the royal seal夔龍紋,夔龍是古代傳說中,舜的兩位名臣。夔為樂官,龍為諫官。諭旨輔弼良臣,有護佑主人飛黃騰達之意。夔龍紋是主要傳統紋飾之意,形象多為張口、卷尾的長條形,與璽基橫豎分明的回紋與結構完美結合,以直線為主,弧線為輔,具有古拙的美感。寓意“福運循回,富貴連綿”。印紋部分,篆寫“乾隆御筆之寶”,雕刻有勁有力、大氣磅礴。象征皇帝御筆親書,如御臨天下之德。Kui dragon pattern, Kui dragon is the two famous ministers of Shun in ancient legend.Kui was a music official, and the dragon was the admonition officer.Oracle to assist Bi Liang minister, to protect the master.Kui dragon pattern is the main meaning of traditional decoration. The image is mostly a long bar with mouth opening and curly tail, which is perfectly combined with the horizontal and vertical back pattern and structure, supplemented by straight line and arc, with ancient aesthetic feeling.Meaning "luck back, wealth and wealth".Print part, seal script to write "Qianlong imperial pen treasure", the carving is powerful, majestic.A symbol of the emperor's imperial pen and calligraphy, such as the imperial virtue of the world.
乾隆御筆之寶是皇家宮廷藝術的經典代表之一,繁復而精美,是中華藝術之集大成者,具有藝術價值、文化價值和收藏價值!The treasure of Qianlong imperial pen is one of the classic representatives of the royal court art. It is complicated and exquisite. It is the epitome of Chinese art, with artistic value, cultural value and collection value!
再創乾隆御筆之寶璽共分兩款,一款為至尊版、一款為經典款,其中1:1至尊款還原規格為10.5*10.5*9cm、重2000g,經典款根據文物神韻還原的6*6*6cm、重450g。Create Qianlong imperial pen treasure seal is divided into two, one for the supreme version, one for the classic, including 1:1 supreme reduction specification is 10.5 * 10.5 * 9cm, weight 2000g, classic according to the cultural relic charm reduction of 6 * 6 * 6cm, weight 450g.
故宮文創研發交流中心是故宮博物院文創事業部直屬機構,截至當前,中心已整合了國內百余家大型設計和創意機構,為文創研發提供超一流的設計力量。堅定文化信仰,深入挖掘優秀傳統文化思想為主,結合時代要求,繼承創新。目前已研發數百款現代工藝美術品,廣受市場好評。The Cultural and Creative Research and Development Exchange Center of the Palace Museum is an institution directly under the Cultural and Creative Business Division of the Palace Museum. Up to now, the Center has integrated more than 100 large design and creative institutions in China to provide a super first-class design force for cultural and creative research and development.Firm cultural belief, dig deep into excellent traditional cultural ideas, combine the requirements of The Times, inherit and innovate.At present, hundreds of modern arts and crafts have been developed, widely praised by the market.
作者簡介 about the author
袁廣如,中國工藝美術大師,“燕京八絕”玉雕非遺傳承人,北京工藝美術特級大師,享受政府特殊津貼。他的玉雕作品博采眾長、另辟蹊徑、自成一體,展現出峻拔氣象。Yuan Guanggru, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, a non-hereditary inheritor of Yanjing jade carving and a grandmaster of Beijing arts and crafts, enjoys special government allowance.His jade carving works are extensive, find a new way, their own integration, showing a magnificent atmosphere.
從事玉雕工作五十余年,對玉文化和玉雕激發的研究極其精深,是中國玉雕界的金字招牌,他的作品獲得過“天工獎”、“百花獎”等諸多玉雕獎項,足以證明他在中國玉雕界的地位之高。Engaged in jade carving for more than 50 years, he has done extremely profound research on jade culture and jade carving, and is the golden signboard of the Chinese jade carving industry. His works have won many jade carving awards such as "Tiangong Award" and "Hundred Flowers Award", which is enough to prove his high status in the Chinese jade carving industry.
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