In many modern special moneytransactions, the silver dollar is coin collecting categories, has always gotthe attention of a lot of collectors, different bottle of silver has a uniqueflavor, is worth deep collectors. 21 years of the republic of China sun yat-senas the gold standard currency one circle is the high-quality goods in modernChina COINS, has a history, is a revolutionary cultural relics value is veryhigh, has a profound historical memorial significance; At the same time, orobject of archaeological and study Chinese history and culture is rare. Becauseafter one hundred years of wind and rain, this silver world amount is rare,especially the quality of good more scarce, so it's popular with collectionlovers.
21 years (1932), the national governmentof the republic of China to implement the new monetary system, still adopt thegold's at the end of the monetary, for the national implementation of stilllife at the time of the central mint (i.e., now Shanghai mint) ShiZhu first setof the gold standard. The face value is divided into one round, semicircle, twoAngle, Angle of four for silver. The classic, two fairy two types of face valueof the nickel. One fairy value for brass. In order to form a complete set ofgold COINS COINS family. Plans to introduce, because not suitable for China'snational conditions at that time, was strongly opposed to the from all walks oflife, so the runway, he was not adopted.
金本位幣設計為正面孫中山肖像,采用民國十八年帆船銀幣意大利版之孫中山側面像,背面圖案則采用中央造幣廠美籍總技師赫維特(CLIFFORD HEWITT)設計的雙桅帆船,航行于海上,船右側東升旭日,水波紋上有三鳥飛翔,上邊金本位幣壹圓(或半圓、貳角、壹角),整體構圖精美非常。其鑄幣模具則委請美國費城造幣廠總雕刻師辛諾克(JOHN SINNOCK)擔綱雕制,在中央造幣廠(今上海造幣廠)鑄造。
Gold COINS for sun yat-sen positiveimage design, a sailing in the eighteenth year of the republic of China silverItalian version of sun yat-sen in profile, on the back of the design hasadopted the central mint American chief technician Mr. Victor (CLIFFORD HEWITT)design a ketch, sailing on the sea, the ship on the right side of dongshengsun, there are three birds flying on water ripple, gold COINS one circle above(or semicircle, two horn, one horn), the overall composition is very fine. ItsCOINS mould by the Philadelphia mint, please always carved ShiXin kinnock (JOHNSINNOCK) carved, in the central mint (now the Shanghai mint) casting.
This 21 annuity standard coin of the Republic of China has a portrait of Sun Yat Sen on the front, a double sailboat sailing on the sea on the back, and the six characters of "gold standard currency one yuan" on the upper ring. On the left side of the sailboat are the sunrise and nine awn lines on the sea, and there are three low flying seagulls on the sea. The sample of one round silver gold standard coin is perfectly preserved and almost impeccable. With deep and precipitous casting, clear graphics and text, no scratch on the bottom of the plate, sharp horse teeth on the side of the coin, and silver pink light on the coin surface, it is the most perfect one in a circle of the gold standard. Sun Yat Sen's silver coin, like the gold standard coin in the 21st year of the Republic of China, is undoubtedly a good choice for collection, both because of its rare circulation and its unique historical commemorative significance. Coupled with the recent warming state of the gold and silver coin collection market, it is even more worthy of collection.