Meteorites are fragments of objects in the solar system other than earth, most of which come from asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, and a few from the moon and Mars. More than 40,000 meteorite samples have been collected all over the world. They can be roughly divided into three groups: stone meteorites (mainly composed of silicates), iron meteorites (iron-nickel alloys), and stone iron meteorites (a mixture of iron and silicate).
是墜落最多的一類隕石。主要或全部由硅酸鹽礦物,特別是鐵鎂硅酸鹽組成的隕石的總稱,其中金屬鐵-鎳含量低于30%。根據巖石結構有無球粒存在而分為球粒隕石和非球粒隕石兩大類;根據整體化學成分,球粒隕石被分為碳質球粒隕石、普通球粒隕石和順火輝石球粒隕石類。非球粒隕石的第三級分類也是根據化學(礦物)組成進行的,巖石(礦物)含鈣量高的叫富鈣無球粒隕石,含鈣低的叫貧鈣無球粒隕石。石隕石的成分和外表都很像超基性巖,密度為3~3.5 克/厘米’。它在野外易被誤認成普通巖石,所以雖其隕落數量很大,占總墜落數92%以上,但尋獲數只占全部尋獲隕石數的56.3%。
It's the type of meteorites that fall the most. The general term for meteorites composed mainly or entirely of silicate minerals, especially magnesium iron silicate, in which the metal iron-nickel content is less than 30%. According to the existence of chondrules or not, the rock structure can be divided into two categories: chondrites and achondrites. According to the overall chemical composition, chondrites can be divided into carbonaceous chondrites, common chondrites and choriosite chondrites. The tertiary classification of achondrites is also based on chemical (mineral) composition. Rocks with high calcium content are called calcium-rich achondrites, while rocks with low calcium content are called calcium-poor achondrites. Stone meteorites are similar in composition and appearance to ultrabasic rocks with a density of 3~3.5 g/cm '. It is easily mistaken for a normal rock in the wild, so although it has a large number of falls, accounting for more than 92 percent of the total, the number of meteorites found accounts for only 56.3 percent of the total.
The vast universe, the vastness, there are too many unknown waiting for mankind to explore. Meteorites known as "exotic rocks" have long been loved by astronomers and geologists for their high scientific value. Today, meteorite collections are sweeping the world, and the ability to collect meteorites has become a status symbol for collectors. Stone iron meteorite also known as meteorite. Meteorites are relatively rare, accounting for 2% to 4% of meteorites. The content of iron, nickel and silicate minerals is equal (30%~65%). The main minerals are olivine, pyroxene, iron and nickel. Among them stone iron meteorite because of its unique historical value and scientific research value by the collection of the new rich chase.
down to earth every year more than 20 tons, meteorites number has more than twenty thousand, more than 99% of them are aerolite and iron meteorites, pallasite only accounts for almost 0.3% of proportion, in other words, a year down to the earth's pallasite only about $60, among them are part of the fall in the sea, and part cannot be discovered, and part of the collection in a large museum. Because of this, the commercial value and scientific value of stone iron meteorite is very high, even large collectors, can collect stone iron meteorite is also very few.
This collection is a meteorite, non-magnetic. It weighs 4360g and is perfect in appearance. Some crystals on the surface of this meteorite are very beautiful and beautiful. It has been collected so far. The surface of this meteorite has a luster of iron, and its appearance is full of scars and holes. It clanks when it is knocked. It contains a large number of rare minerals, which are rare in terms of historical value and scientific research value, with unlimited appreciation potential.
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