Name of collection: Qing Dynasty copper coins with e characters
Collection category: Coins
[collection quantity]: one piece
【藏品鑒賞】:清代晚期,鑒于各省鑄行銅元毫無節制, 清政府便著手整頓和統一幣制,試圖將鑄幣權收歸國有,加強控制。1905年(光緒三十一年)10月,清政府在天津設立的戶部造幣總廠開始鑄造新式銅元"大清銅幣",并頒布《整頓圜法章程十條》,其中規定:"銅元成色定為用九七紫銅,三厘白銅,原用聽錫一厘";"重量定準當十者重庫平二錢。各地鑄造比較統一。鑄造始于1900年(清光緒二十六年),止于1911年(宣統三年),流通時間較短。因其版面設計優雅,雕刻精良,且存世量極為稀少,大清銅幣光緒年戶部造當十被譽為中國近代制幣中的十大名譽品之一。
Collection appreciation: in the late Qing Dynasty, in view of the unrestrained copper coins cast by various provinces, the Qing government began to rectify and unify the currency system, trying to return the coinage right to the state and strengthen control. In October 1905 (Guangxu 31), the general mint of the Ministry of household established by the Qing government in Tianjin began to cast the new copper yuan "Da Qing copper coin", and promulgated ten articles of Association for rectifying the circular law, which stipulates that "copper yuan is made of 97 copper, three li white copper, and the original tin is used for hearing one Li"“ Weight is fixed when ten people are heavy, two dollars. The casting in different places is relatively uniform. The casting began in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu of Qing Dynasty), and ended in 1911 (the third year of Xuantong), and the circulation time was short. Due to its elegant layout design, exquisite carving and rare life, the Qing Dynasty copper coin Guangxu year household department was known as one of the ten most famous products in modern Chinese currency making.
此枚大清銅幣重:,正面均鈐有漢文"大清銅幣"字樣,中心“鄂”字版,左右邊緣分列"戶部"和丙午干支紀年文字, 上緣列滿文"大清銅幣", 下緣列紀值文字當制錢十文; 背面為統一蟠龍, 又稱"大清龍", 上緣前為"光緒年造",下緣為英文"TAI-CIIING-TI-KUO COPPER COIN", 漢譯為"大清帝國銅幣"。此枚大清銅幣包漿自然,是經過長期的自然氧化所制,品相上佳。
The weight of this Qing Dynasty copper coin is as follows: the front is stamped with the Chinese character "Qing Dynasty copper coin", the center is printed with the character "e", the left and right edges are divided into "Hubu" and "Bingwu Ganzhi" chronological characters, the upper edge is listed with Manchu "Qing Dynasty copper coin", and the lower edge is listed with jivalue characters, which are used as ten coins; On the back is the unified Panlong, also known as the "Qing dragon". On the front of the upper margin is "made in Guangxu year", and on the lower margin is "tai-ciiing-ti-kuo copper coin", which is translated into Chinese as "Qing empire copper coin". This Qing Dynasty copper coin is made by long-term natural oxidation and has good appearance.
近幾年“大清銅幣”一度成為收藏界追捧的寵兒,媒體上炒得沸沸揚揚,動輒上百萬的天價。該枚錢幣即將在新加坡國際拍賣進行拍賣,如有意向屆時到場舉牌競價。戶部大清銅幣當十文 中心“川” 于2015-08-29皇家國際(香港)以302.40萬RMB成交
大清銅幣滇川戶部造 中心“滇川”于2017-06-30錚鼎香港國際拍賣有限公司以207.00萬RMB成交
戶部大清銅幣當十文 中心“鄂” 于2017-05-28香港皇室貴族拍賣有限公司以350.00萬RMB成交
戶部大清銅幣當十文 中心“鄂” 于2016-07-16榮盛國際(香港)以245.60萬RMB成交