Henan Jianwen Auction Co., Ltd. [collection recommendation] recommends the art treasures selected by the national first-class appraisal experts to the buyers for the strong communication effect of the collection, and provides a bridge for collectors, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be explored and valued, and they can be sold at high prices at the auction。
1906年(光緒三十二年)7月, 清政府處戶部又奏請朝廷, 擬將當時全國24處銅元局, 酌量歸并為九處, 如折中所述:“然中國幅員遼闊, 若如全國僅設一廠,轉運恐形不便,惟有相度地勢之拼。除臣部所設總廠外,擬以山東歸并直隸為一廠,湖南歸并湖北為一廠,江西、安徽、江蘇、清江并歸江寧一廠,浙江歸并福建為一廠, 廣西歸并廣東為一廠。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四廠,共九處, 皆歸臣部統轄,調劑盈虛, 彼此均可勻撥。”在歸并銅元局得以順利實施的同時,又限定各省每日鑄造銅元數額,以避免重蹈濫造的覆轍。此后,清政府將戶部改稱“度支部”,命各省造幣廠改稱度支部造幣分廠,欲統而治之,鞏固中央造幣集權。
In July 1906 (the 32nd year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu), the Department of household affairs of the Qing government invited the imperial court to merge the 24 copper yuan bureaus into nine, as the compromise said: "however, China has a vast territory, if only one factory is set up in the whole country, it would be inconvenient to transport, only the terrain can be matched. In addition to the general plant set up by the Ministry, it is planned to merge Shandong into Zhili, Hunan into Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Qingjiang into Jiangning, Zhejiang into Fujian and Guangxi into Guangdong. There are nine factories in Fengtian, Henan, Sichuan and Yunnan. They are all under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of ministers. They can adjust the surplus and deficiency, and they can be evenly allocated to each other. " At the same time, it also limited the amount of copper coins cast by each province every day to avoid the same mistake. Since then, the Qing government changed the name of the household branch to "Du branch", and ordered the mints of all provinces to change the name to "Du branch mints", so as to consolidate the centralized power of the Central Mint.
Collection display
錢面中央有“大清銅幣”四個漢字,內嵌一小字“鄂”代表地名,上端是滿文“大清銅幣”字樣,兩側為年份,邊緣中間分別“戶部”二漢字,下端為“當制錢十文”錢背中央為蟠龍,上端是“光緒年造”,下端英文 (大清帝國銅幣),品相保存良好有輕微擦痕,因時間久遠邊緣有小磕碰線象。
There are four Chinese characters of "Qing Dynasty copper coin" in the center of the coin face, with a small character "e" embedded to represent the place name. The upper end is Manchu "Qing Dynasty copper coin", with two Chinese characters of "Hubu" on both sides and "dangzhishiwen" in the middle of the edge. The lower end is "dangqianshiwen", with Panlong in the center, Guangxu nianzao at the upper end and English (Qing Dynasty copper coin) at the lower end, Because of the long time, there are small bumps on the edge
Collection display
面對銅元泛濫之災愈演愈烈,清政府決心徹底改革幣制,從根本上解決銅元鑄行中暴露出來的問題,廢除舊銅元,再造新銅元,1910年(宣統二年)4月16日, 清政府頒布了《幣制則例》, 實行銀本位制, 即以銀元為主幣,銅元為輔幣,一種新型輔幣制度明文確立。
Faced with tFaced with the increasing flood of copper coins, the Qing government was determined to thoroughly reform the currency system, fundamentally solve the problems exposed in the casting of copper coins, abolish the old copper coins and rebuild the new ones. On April 16, 1910 (the second year of Xuantong), the Qing government promulgated the "rules of currency system" and implemented the silver standard system, that is, taking silver yuan as the main currency and copper yuan as the subsidiary currency.
Many emperors of the Qing Dynasty issued copper coins as currency in circulation. The use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, which gradually facilitates the transaction. The Qing Dynasty copper coins also have a certain collection value. Many people who like to collect ancient coins can't put it down, and collecting a variety of copper coins has become their goal.
As far as the collection value of Qing Dynasty copper coins is concerned, the reason why the price of the currency with higher price is that the quantity on hand is relatively small, so the price will be prominent. However, the price of ordinary currency has not increased, that is, the quantity on hand in the market is relatively large, and there is no room for the price to rise. However, with the passage of time, all Qing Dynasty copper coins will not be living goods in the future, The quantity on hand will decrease day by day. At present, the trading market of Qing Dynasty copper coins is quite hot. For investment and collection, there must be a lot of room for improvement in the future. Now the common Qing Dynasty coins in the market will become rare varieties in the future, so the collection should be made as soon as possible.
Collection of treasure holders sincere hand, welcome collectors from all walks of life lovers to consult bid.