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[collection name]: Qianlong Xiaofen white jade bowl / dish


[collection quantity]: one piece

【藏品簡介】:皇帝在位時期,對于藝術類特別喜愛,當時國力昌盛。百姓沒有戰亂困擾,其當時的紡織業,瓷器制造業 ,美工雕刻等達到了空前絕后的境界。乾隆皇帝尤其喜歡造型精美,色澤艷麗的瓷器 字畫。當時乾隆皇帝意外得到一件大明宣德年制的天字罐。但是是一件殘器。乾隆皇帝回宮之后立即下旨召見當時的宮廷瓷器大師 唐英。其講到“你若能鑄成,官加一級,賞黃金百兩;若你不能,記不再損壞。” 可見當時乾隆皇帝是多么喜歡這些精美的東西。乾隆孝粉玉碗乃是乾隆天子他母親其時生病,經由御醫治療研發中藥必須配合玉器使用才氣到達療效。為此乾隆天子連夜下令工匠趕制出玉碗-玉蝶-玉杯-玉瓶等。后期被后人譽為“乾隆孝粉”。漢白玉是一種名貴的修建質料,它皎潔無瑕,質地堅實而又細膩,很是容易鐫刻。

[collection introduction]: during the reign of the emperor, he was very fond of art, and his national strength was prosperous at that time. At that time, the textile industry, porcelain manufacturing industry, art and sculpture industry reached the unprecedented level. Emperor Qianlong especially liked porcelain calligraphy and paintings with beautiful shapes and bright colors. At that time, Emperor Qianlong unexpectedly got a tin made in Xuande year of Ming Dynasty. But it's a remnant. After Emperor Qianlong returned to the palace, he immediately summoned Tang Ying, the court porcelain master at that time. He said, "if you can make it, you will be rewarded 100 taels of gold by adding one level to the official level; If you can't remember, it won't be damaged any more. " It can be seen how much Emperor Qianlong liked these exquisite things at that time. Qianlong Xiaofen jade bowl was Emperor Qianlong's son. His mother was ill at that time. Through the treatment of the imperial medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine must be combined with the use of jade to achieve the curative effect. So Emperor Qianlong ordered the craftsmen to make jade bowls, jade butterflies, jade cups and jade bottles. Later, it was praised as "Qianlong Xiaofen" by later generations. Hanbai jade is a kind of precious building material, it is bright and flawless, solid and delicate texture, it is easy to engrave.



Recently, I had the honor to collect a set of exquisite white jade bowls and dishes with the seal character "Qianlong year system" at the bottom. Because the shape of "Qianlong year system" seal characters looks like "Qianlong Xiaofen", it is called "Xiaofen bowl". The jade wares of Ming and Qing Dynasties are in various shapes. It is made of high-quality white marble and polished. The shape is disc-shaped, with arc wall and false Circle feet. The inner and outer walls of the disc are covered with "twisted pattern". The texture is very beautiful. The technique of shallow relief is clear-cut. The lines seem simple, but the main and secondary parts are clear, smooth and vivid; The eight trigrams are vividly portrayed with moderate depth and moderate knife technique, presenting a natural, passionate and lively artistic effect. It looks like a painting scroll, which is very beautiful. Han white jade bowls and dishes were popular in the Qing Dynasty. According to the view of ancient Feng Shui, if Han white jade bowls were placed in a certain part of the foundation, they can play a role in stabilizing the house and ensuring safety. This white jade bowl is elegant in shape, excellent in materials, exquisite in workmanship and rich in historical value. In addition, it is a treasure of the town, which gives it a deeper value. It is really a good treasure. The market value of Han white jade bowl made by Emperor Qianlong's filial piety is very high. The jade ware of Emperor Qianlong's period won people's acclaim for its exquisite craftsmanship, which can be regarded as the best in carving techniques“ The reason why "Qianlong jade ware" is that it has repeatedly set high prices in major shooting fields, which is due to its strange historical situation. During the Qianlong period, the political situation was stable, the national strength was strong, and the unprecedented accumulation of wealth provided rich conditions for luxury enjoyment. Exquisite works of art were loved by the royal family.


The collection of jades during the reign of Emperor Qianlong is rare until now. Apart from the collection of fine antiques in the Palace Museum and major museums in Beijing, it is very difficult to find fine antiques again. In the middle of Qianlong's reign, he ordered the palace manufacturing office to produce a number of exquisite jade pieces. The types of the jade ware include many aspects, such as jade bowl, jade GUI, jade Bi, jade censer and so on. In recent years, the Qianlong jade bowl has been on the market. In the spring of 2013, Sotheby's, a giant auction company, once sold a Qianlong jade bowl made in the year of Qianlong. The inside and outside patterns are dark and decorated with flower patterns, and the transaction price is 8.696 million. In recent years, the number of unearthed jade bowls of Qianlong jade bowl is gradually increasing, and collectors at home and abroad hold excellent expectations for its market price.


標簽:乾隆 漢白玉 精品 碗碟 推薦



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