The custom of burning incense has a long history in China. People usually incense their clothes for the sake of etiquette. More ancient literati like to burn incense in the study where they read and write, creating the artistic conception of "red sleeves add incense to night reading". Therefore, as early as before the Han Dynasty, there were censers made of pottery, porcelain, copper, iron and tile. At the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty, with the rapid development of bronze casting industry, the censers made of other materials were gradually replaced.
此香爐是清代銅香爐, 款刻家藏珍寶,中國自古有香爐焚香的習俗,這些香爐被用于廟堂、殿宇、書房里。一般而言,廟堂、殿宇的香爐體形相對較大,書房、琴房的香爐體形則較小。宋朝的香爐幾乎為瓷質,到了明宣德爐出現后,因它器形簡潔、皮色含蓄內斂,此爐為最稀少和最貴重。合中國文人的審美趣味,因此迅速得到使用者和收藏者的喜歡。
This incense burner is a bronze incense burner in Qing Dynasty. It is a treasure collected by engravers. Since ancient times, China has the custom of burning incense in incense burners. These incense burners are used in temples, temples and study rooms. Generally speaking, the censers in temples and temples are relatively large, while those in study and piano room are relatively small. In the Song Dynasty, the censer was almost made of porcelain. After the appearance of Xuande censer in the Ming Dynasty, it was the rarest and most valuable one because of its simple shape and implicit skin color. It is in line with the aesthetic taste of Chinese literati, so it is quickly liked by users and collectors.
The ware is solemn in shape, meticulous in copper quality, heavy in copper color, fine and waxy in handle, natural in paste, regular and elegant in style, and full in shape. It is a good collection. It can be imagined that the magnificent incense burner is comparable to that of the ancient literati. It's not so fast to hang paintings, arrange flowers, cook tea, and then burn incense in the incense burner?