Yangzhiyin, born in Anyi village of Baqiao, Xi'an in 1934, participated in the work of Shaanxi Chang'an cultural and cultural work group in 1950, transferred to Northwest China painting newspaper agency of Northwest Bureau in 1951, and transferred to Gansu Province to establish Gansu pictorial in 1953. After the suspension of the pictorial, Gansu Daily will remain in charge of art editing. In 1981, he was vice president and member of the Party committee of Gansu pictorial and Gansu news and picture society, and was in charge of Gansu pictorial. He was deputy director of the general office of Gansu people's Publishing House in 1986 and was appointed as deputy editor and reviewer of Fine Arts in 1987. Retired in 1996.
In January 1960, he became a member of Northwest Artists Association. In 1980, he was accepted as a member of China Artists Association and China printmaker Association; In January of the same year, Gansu Feitian painting and calligraphy society was established and served as its president; In the same year, he was elected executive director of the first Gansu Artists Association and vice chairman of Gansu printmaker Association.
The staff of Gansu provincial government, the Central Academy of Arts and painting, the president of Western China Academy of calligraphy and painting, and the representative of Chang'an School of painting; Founder and leader of western plateau painting school.
楊志印先后在蘭州、西安、北京、香港、紐約等地舉辦個人畫展,并多次參加國內外名人大展,作品深受海內外同行及廣大觀眾的喜愛。多副作品被故宮博物院、中央文史研究館以及海內外多處紀念館收藏。人民日報、光明日報、世界日報、僑報、大公報、文匯報、中國中央電視臺、中國教育電視臺、美國中文電視臺 等國內外眾多媒體豆油專題評介報道。楊志印注重畫品人品的修煉,潛心治藝,不求虛名,是一位受人尊重、畫品人品俱高的國畫大家。
Yang Zhiyin has held personal art exhibitions in Lanzhou, Xi'an, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York and other places, and has participated in celebrity exhibitions at home and abroad for many times. His works are deeply loved by peers at home and abroad and the general audience. Many works have been collected by the Palace Museum, the Central Museum of culture and history, as well as many memorial halls at home and abroad. People's daily, Guangming Daily, world daily, overseas Chinese daily, Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Po, China Central Television, China Education Television, American Chinese television and other multi-media special reports on soybean oil at home and abroad. Yang Zhiyin pays attention to the cultivation of painting quality and character, and devotes himself to the art. He does not seek fame. He is a respected Master of traditional Chinese painting with high painting quality and character.
楊志印先生是已故國畫大師石魯的學生。1934年生于西安的一個農民家庭,自幼喜愛美術。1951年考入西北畫報社參加工作。當時正逢石魯任報社社長,因而得到石魯的親自指導,在繪畫方面勤勤懇懇鉆研,授石魯先生的言傳身教,以及長期從事新聞美編工作廣聞博覽的環境影響,為楊志印以后的藝術創作奠定了堅實基礎。從他的作品中,我們能夠看到一種坦蕩雄博的大空間意象,能夠聽到一首疾風漫卷的雄渾贊歌,能夠感受到一種轟然崛起的生命力量。 在近50年的藝術生涯中,楊志印刻苦學習,博覽群書,執著追求,深入生活不斷探索創新,在繪畫領域里形成了自己獨特的畫風。
Mr. yangzhiyin is a student of the late master of Chinese painting, Shilu. Born in 1934 in Xi'an, a peasant family, he loved art since childhood. In 1951, he was admitted to northwest pictorial Society for work. At that time, Shi Lu was the president of the newspaper, and thus was personally guided by Shilu. He studied hard in painting, taught Mr. Shilu his personal experience and long-term work in news editing and widely heard about the environmental impact of the Expo, which laid a solid foundation for the artistic creation of yangzhiyin. From his works, we can see a kind of magnanimous and broad space image, can hear a strong praise song with the wind and wind, and feel a kind of life power rising with great vigor. In the past 50 years of art career, Yang Zhiyin has studied hard, read books, pursued and explored and innovated in his life, and formed his own unique painting style in the field of painting.
楊志印早年的多幅作品被中央對外文委、中國美協、中國國際書店選送前蘇聯、埃及、波蘭、蒙古、印度、日本等多國展出。作品《歌兒唱給解放軍》曾刊于《人民日報》一版,并被中國美術館、天津藝術博物館收藏。在全國和美術界 引起強烈反響,因此名揚畫壇。八十年代后,他重點研習中國水墨畫,使創作藝術進入了更高境界。他大膽探索創新,用獨創的“沖墨法”和“皺紙法”創作的作品,表現效果往往出奇不意。他的這種畫法有定法而不唯定法,有套路而不僵套路,既有生動感,又有新穎感和時代感。特別是創作的《戈壁駝鈴》、《牧歌》、《瀚海行舟》、《琴聲悠悠》等,都是以表現駱駝為題材的作品。在處理駱駝毛的表現手法上獨用了新創的“沖墨法”,令駱駝的形象更加傳神,惟妙惟肖。塑造出的各種姿態的駱駝,或步行或跳躍,或翹首,或低頭,或立或躺或坐,形象都顯得剛壯雄健,氣宇軒昂,而駱駝的那種純樸、憨厚、溫順的習性也被刻畫的生動可愛、栩栩如生。楊志印享有 “畫壇駝王”及“畫駝第一人”之美譽。難怪不少觀眾觀看時會情不自禁地伸手去撫摸畫中的駝毛。
Many of Yang Zhiyin's early works were selected by the Central Committee of foreign affairs and culture, China Artists Association and China International bookstore for exhibition in the former Soviet Union, Egypt, Poland, Mongolia, India, Japan and other countries. The work "singing to the PLA" was published in the first edition of people's daily and collected by China Art Museum and Tianjin Art Museum. It has aroused strong repercussions in the country and art circles, so it is well-known in the art world. After the 1980s, he focused on the study of Chinese ink painting, so that the creative art entered a higher level. He boldly explored and innovated, and his works created with the original "inking method" and "wrinkling method" often showed unexpected results. His painting method has fixed method but not only fixed method, routine but not rigid routine. It is dynamic, novel and contemporary. In particular, the works of camel bells in Gobi, pastoral songs, boating in the vast sea and the sound of piano are all works with camel as the theme. In the treatment of camel hair, only the newly created "ink method" is used, which makes the image of camel more vivid and vivid. The images of camels in various postures, such as walking or jumping, cocking, bowing, standing or lying or sitting, are vigorous and magnificent, and the simple, honest and docile habits of camels are vividly depicted. Yang Zhiyin enjoys the reputation of "camel king in painting" and "the first person in painting camel". No wonder many viewers can't help reaching out to touch the camel hair in the painting.
Yang Zhiyin has been working in Gansu for a long time, and has a special preference for the laborers and nature in the vast wilderness of Western China. Experience its beauty and strength with your own eyes and heart, and convey your inner passion with vigorous, thick brush strokes and poetic painting language. His works win by quality instead of sensationalism, which can be said to be both refined and popular. Reading his paintings, we can feel his optimistic attitude towards life. He has a healthy and clear aesthetic taste. His paintings have a strong sense of wholeness and atmosphere, and his unconventional ink taste serves the picture better than the effect. In the process of practice, Yang Zhiyin also explored some new techniques to express the texture and quantity of objects, so as to obtain the unique texture effect. But his painting is mainly "writing", and the purpose of "doing" painting is to strengthen the expressiveness of painting language. Unlike some so-called "new school" painters who use the method of "doing" painting to dispel the writing tradition of traditional Chinese painting, the result is that they have picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelons. Yang Zhiyin's new techniques complement the traditional ink painting techniques.
Mr. yangzhiyin is a famous painter of Chinese painting at home and abroad. At the age of 17, under the guidance of the master of Chinese painting, Mr. Shilu, he entered the painting world, and now he has gone through 60 years. In the painting life of more than half a century, Yang Lao constantly pursues and explores the road of inheritance and development, like a camel walking in the vast sand sea, tirelessly and bear the burden of humiliation and climbing towards the peak of art. Mr. Yang Zhiyin's character and character decide his love for camels. Among his numerous art works, there are prints, illustrations, comic books, landscape, characters and animals in Chinese painting, especially in the painting of camels. Mr. Yang Zhiyin is fond of painting camel and good at drawing camel. The camel he draws is not only similar but also divine. He gives camel a human spirit through brush, that is, perseverance, hard work and going straight forward.