[collection name]: Double animal ear Zun of Song Dynasty official kiln
[collection type]: porcelain
[collection quantity]: one piece
[introduction to collection]: this collection is a Song Dynasty official kiln double animal ear Zun with exquisite and generous shape, perfect appearance and natural coating.
宋瓷窯場首推五大名窯,即汝、官、鈞、哥、定。官窯是宋徽宗政和年間在京師汴梁張家造的,窯址至今沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)。官窯主要燒制青瓷,大觀年間,釉色以月色、粉青、大綠三種顏色最為流行。官瓷胎體較厚,天青色釉略帶粉紅顏色,釉面開大紋片。這是因胎、釉受熱后膨脹系數(shù)不同產(chǎn)生的效果。瓷器足部無釉,燒成后是鐵黑色,口部釉薄,微顯胎骨,即通常所說的"紫口鐵足"。這是北宋官窯瓷器的典型特征。 北宋官窯瓷器傳世很少,十分珍稀名貴。
The first five famous kilns in Song Dynasty were Ru, Guan, Jun, GE and Ding. The official kiln was built in Zhangjia of Bianliang in the reign of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty. During the Daguan period, the most popular glaze colors were moon, pink and green. The body of the official porcelain is thick, the sky blue glaze is slightly pink, and the glaze has large grains. This is due to the different expansion coefficient of the tire and glaze after heating. The porcelain has no glaze on its feet. After firing, it is iron black. The glaze on its mouth is thin and slightly shows the fetal bone, which is commonly known as "Purple mouth iron foot". This is a typical feature of official porcelain in the Northern Song Dynasty. The official porcelain of the Northern Song Dynasty is rare and precious.