[collection name]: Chairman Mao Memorial tapestry
[collection quantity]: one
【藏品簡介】: 到底誰是第一個喊“毛主席萬歲”的人,曾有報道稱,近現代著名的愛國主義者和民主主義教育家黃炎培是第一個喊出“毛主席萬歲”的人。1949年3月,黃炎培在中共秘密組織的幫助下,輾轉到達北平。當天晚上,剛進北平西郊的毛澤東設宴款待黃等20多位知名民主人士。第二天,毛澤東又單獨設晚宴招待黃炎培,兩人暢談時局直到深夜。這是其他人士沒有得到的殊榮,黃炎培心潮澎湃。到第三天,時任北平市市長葉劍英在國民大戲院開歡迎會時,黃炎培情不自禁地振臂高呼口號:“人民革命萬歲!中國共產黨萬歲!毛主席萬歲!”
[introduction to the collection]: who was the first to shout "long live Chairman Mao"? It was reported that Huang Yanpei, a famous modern patriot and democratic educator, was the first to shout "long live Chairman Mao". In March 1949, with the help of secret organizations of the Communist Party of China, Huang Yanpei arrived in Beiping. In the evening of that day, Mao Zedong, who had just entered the western suburbs of Peiping, hosted a banquet for more than 20 well-known democratic figures, including Huang. The next day, Mao Zedong set up a separate dinner for Huang Yanpei. They talked about the current situation until late at night. This is a special honor that other people have not received. Huang Yanpei is very excited. On the third day, when Ye Jianying, then mayor of Beiping City, held a welcome meeting at the national theater, Huang Yanpei could not help shaking his arms and shouting: "long live the people's revolution! Long live the Communist Party of China! Long live Chairman Mao
Another way of saying is that according to Li Xuefeng's recollection, Peng Zhen, who was criticized by name at the "second Hangzhou conference" in April 1966 and knew that he was about to step down, said indignantly at the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on May 11: "who was the first to shout 'long live'? It's me This proves that Peng Zhen was the first to shout "long live Chairman Mao". Wang Chunyu, a scholar, pointed out: "Peng Zhen said that he was the first person to shout long live, which is obviously a meaningless move to protect himself in a hurry. In fact, it is impossible for him to provide evidence to prove that he is the "first one."
Some articles also said that the first person to shout "long live Chairman Mao" was Chiang Kai Shek. The article says that after the victory of the Anti Japanese war in 1945, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party held a 43 day negotiation in Chongqing. During the negotiation, Chiang Kai Shek called "long live Chairman Mao" six times. On December 18, 1970, when Mao Zedong met with his international friend Edgar Snow, he expressed his admiration for the "four greats" and "begrudging", so the slogan was stopped. It and "wish Chairman Mao the reddest and reddest sun in our hearts a long life!" And "long live Chairman Mao! hooray! Long live In the cultural revolution, Lin Biao and the gang of four advocated Mao Zedong's personal worship.
"Long live Chairman Mao, great mentor, great leader, great commander and great helmsman" is one of the 80 slogans in the history of the CPC. Chairman Mao's portrait tapestry is not only an artistic witness during the "Cultural Revolution", but also an eternal memory of this unique period. In addition to its historical significance, the mature hand-made cashmere weaving techniques fully show the depiction of the characters, attract the eyes, and have high artistic value and collection value.