[name of collection]: grain coupons of sanshijin in Heilongjiang Province
[collection quantity]: one group (12 pieces)
【藏品簡介】:中國最早實施的票證種類是糧票、食用郵票、布票等。新中國成立初期,物資極度匱乏,糧食自然無法做到敞開供應。中央政府開始醞釀糧食的計劃供應,以滿足全國人民的溫飽。1953 年,中央政府決定實行糧食統購統銷政策,包括糧食計劃收購政策,糧食計劃供應政策。1955 年8 月25 日,國務院全體會議第17 次會議通過《市鎮糧食定量供應憑證印制暫行辦法》,緊接著,國家糧食部向全國發布這一暫行辦法。很快,各種糧食票證便鋪天蓋地地進入社會、進入家庭。
[introduction to collections]: the earliest ticket types implemented in China were food stamps, food stamps, cloth stamps, etc. In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, there was an extreme shortage of materials, so it was impossible to open up the supply of grain. The central government began to plan the supply of grain to meet the needs of the whole nation. In 1953, the central government decided to implement the unified grain purchase and marketing policy, including the planned grain purchase policy and the planned grain supply policy. On August 25, 1955, the 17th plenary session of the State Council adopted the "Interim Measures for the printing of quantitative supply certificates of grain in cities and towns", and then the Ministry of grain issued the interim measures to the whole country. Soon, all kinds of food tickets entered the society and families.
In this paper, 12 grain coupons are in a group, which is the local grain coupons of Heilongjiang Province in 1970. After years of erosion, this kind of non reproducible cultural relics has become increasingly rare and rare, which has attracted the attention of collectors at home and abroad for a long time. After years of baptism, the patterns on the food stamps are still clear and complete, and each food stamp is quite intact. The commemorative significance and collection value are self-evident. The local food stamps in Heilongjiang Province are exquisitely designed and printed, and they are rare in the world. They are rare treasures in the Tibetan community. This food stamp has a small amount in the world, and its investment value is unlimited. After years of consumption, its value is increasingly reflected. In addition, it has a special significance and has the potential to explode.
As a kind of practical securities, with the development of society, in 1993, the national grain and oil prices were liberalized. After 38 years of development, grain coupons withdrew from the historical stage and became the new favorite of the collectors. As the second "currency" in China, food stamps reflect the social and economic situation in various historical periods. It can be said that small food stamps are the witness of the social development in China's planned economy period. The profound cultural and historical value they carry is the most attractive charm. Collecting some food stamps is also equivalent to collecting the precious memories of those years.