奇石, 系指天然形成的形狀不一般的石頭,其材質、造型、色彩及花紋不同尋常,能夠滿足人們的獵奇或審美習性,可供觀賞收藏把玩,如中國四大奇石:《東坡肉形石》、《歲月》、《中華神鷹》、《小雞出殼》。奇石在我國歷史上又稱為怪石、象形石、雅石、供石、案石、幾石、玩石、巧石、丑石、趣石、珍石、異石、孤賞石等,我國臺灣及港澳稱謂雅石,日本稱水石,在韓國稱壽石。 從廣義上來講,凡是具有觀賞價值的自然石,均可稱為奇石。
Strange stones refer to stones with unusual shapes formed naturally. They have unusual materials, shapes, colors and patterns, and can satisfy people's curiosity or aesthetic habits. They can be used for viewing, collecting and playing. For example, there are four kinds of rare stones in China: Dongpo meat shaped stone, time, Chinese god eagle and chicken out of shell. In the history of our country, strange stones are also called strange stones, pictograph stones, elegant stones, offering stones, case stones, several stones, playing stones, Qiao stones, ugly stones, interesting stones, precious stones, different stones, solitary appreciating stones, etc. in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, our country is called Yashi, Japan is called Shuishi, and South Korea is called Shoushi. In a broad sense, any natural stone with ornamental value can be called a rare stone.
奇,異也,有別于一般者為“奇”一般泛指經過天然形成的,大自然雕琢、洗煉的,石形獨特,石色鮮艷,石質細膩,紋理圖案優美,具有觀賞性以及收藏價值、 經濟價值 、 美學價值 極高的石品,都可稱為奇石,“奇”也指石品上的造型及圖案 奇特 。
Strange, different also, is different from the general "strange" generally refers to the natural formation, nature carved, refined, unique stone shape, bright stone color, fine stone quality, beautiful texture pattern, with ornamental and collection value, economic value, aesthetic value, high stone, can be called strange stone, "strange" also refers to the shape and pattern on the stone.
The biggest characteristic of the stone is that the stone not only needs to be natural, but also natural. In short, the stone has not been carved, decorated or artificially processed.
奇石是以自然美為特征的觀賞石,其自身的自然性,即無人為加工,修飾或雕琢,是其區別于其他觀賞石的最重要標準之一;賞石、石玩藝術的審美觀,是通過人們 觀感 而產生的,是審美主體與客體之間的共同感應,奇石不僅是一種形象藝術,也是一種心境藝術,心境藝術是賞石藝術的最高境界,在賞石過程中,并不是以目視形,而是以心蘊神,進而才“天人合一,物我兩忘”。人們能夠從一塊塊冰冷的石頭身上,聯想出人生的各種境遇,悟出宇宙自然界神奇多姿,藉以充實腦海,豐富自我心靈,進而從奇石王國里探索出天然藝術的妙趣和生命自然的本質,這就是鐘愛奇石的真諦。
Strange stone is a kind of ornamental stone characterized by natural beauty. Its own naturalness, that is, no one processes, decorates or carves it, is one of the most important standards that distinguishes it from other ornamental stones. The aesthetic view of stone appreciation and stone playing art is produced by people's perception, which is the common induction between aesthetic subject and object. Strange stone is not only an image art, but also a mood art The art of mood is the highest realm of stone appreciation art. In the process of stone appreciation, it is not the visual form, but the spirit, and then "the unity of man and nature, the two forgets of things and me". People can associate all kinds of circumstances of life from cold stones, realize the magic of the universe and nature, enrich their mind, enrich their soul, and explore the beauty of natural art and the nature of life from the kingdom of strange stones. This is the essence of loving strange stones.
此塊奇石在一個有靈性的地方撿到的,上面有個眼睛非常靈利,從每個角度看 都顯示像個不一樣的動物,奇石眼睛下面還有一條魚的形狀,,其天然生成,無人工痕跡,乃罕見之物,歡迎各位藏友蒞臨品鑒。精品奇石是不可再生性資源,受產地和存世量的局限,有枯竭客觀性存在,再加之賞石可以反復消費而沒有損耗,隨著時間推移更能增值,可以代代相傳,分享千年。此外,奇石所代表的精品傳統文化在一定程度上體現收藏者高品位的層次、涵養和格調,因此被許多成功人士所青睞,進而推動了奇石價格不斷的上漲。
This stone was found in a spiritual place. There is an eye on it. It shows a different animal from every angle. There is a fish shape under the eyes of the stone. It is naturally produced without artificial trace. It is a rare thing. You are welcome to come to the museum for a taste. Fine and rare stones are non renewable resources. Due to the limitation of origin and the amount of existing age, there are dried up objectivity. In addition, the appreciation of stones can be consumed repeatedly without loss. Over time, it can be added more, and can be passed on from generation to generation and shared for thousands of years. In addition, the traditional culture of fine products represented by Qishi reflects the high-grade level, self-cultivation and style of collectors to some extent, so it is favored by many successful people, which promotes the rising price of stone.