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The third set of RMB was issued by the People's Bank of China on April 15, 1962.With the second set of RMB parity, and mixed with it in the market circulation.This set of RMB abolished the second set of RMB 3-yuan notes, and added four new metal coins: 1 jiao, 2 jiao, 5 jiao and 1 yuan.The six characters "People's Bank of China" in the note were written by Mr. Ma Wenwei.The two seals on the bill are "President's Seal" and "Vice President's Seal".On the back of the bill are printed the words "People's Bank of China" written in Chinese Pinyin, Mongolian, Uygur, Tibetan and Zhuang languages.The third set of RMB was issued on April 20, 1962, and ceased to circulate on July 1, 2000, which lasted for 38 years. It is a cultural treasure.


The large set consists of 27 sheets, including:1 points, 2 points, five points each 1 piece, 1 Angle of blue 2 Roman, one corner blue words 3 to roma, 1 Angle of scarlet letter 2, 1 Angle of scarlet letter 3 Rome, Angle of the scarlet letter is concave and convex 2 Roman, 1 Angle of the scarlet letter is concave and convex 3 Rome, no watermark 2 Angle offset Angle of Rome, no watermark lithographic 2 three to roma, no watermark 2 Angle bump 3, 5 star watermark, 5 Angle offset Angle gravure flag flag star watermark, 5 Angle offset no watermark, 1 yuan hollow pentagram numismatics mixed watermark (three crest seven Numbers), 1 yuan flag pentagram watermark (three crest seven Numbers), 1 yuan flag pentagram watermark (two crown words eight number), 2 yuan ancient hollow pentagram watermark, 2 yuan national flag five-pointed star watermark, 5 yuan 2 Rome national flag five-pointed star watermark, 5 yuan 3 Rome national flag five-pointed star watermark, 10 yuan 2 Rome national flag five-pointed star watermark, 10 yuan 3 Rome national flag five-pointed star watermark.Three treasures: jujube red corner 1 (red hair), back green corner 1, back green watermark corner 1.

為了適應經濟發展的需要,進一步健全中國的貨幣制度,方便流通使用和交易核算,中國人民銀行自1987年4月27日,發行第四套人民幣。第四套人民幣大全套,收錄了由中國人民銀行發行的第四套人民幣9種面值14種券別,其最大特點是這14張紙幣后四位阿拉伯數字全部相同,而且每張紙幣均是全新品相,不僅有實用價值,而且具有很高的藝術價值。第四套人民幣是籌劃設計時間最長的一套人民幣,從1967年1月總行提出設計第四套人民幣的設想,到1985年5月定案,歷時18年,這期間經歷了曲曲折折,排除了各種極左干擾,最終避免了第四套人民幣在設計上的災難。1967年1月,中國人民銀行總行向國務院反映了湖北機械學院部分群眾對人民幣1元券天安門上沒有毛主席像、紅旗和標語提出尖銳批評的情況,同時提出了新版人民幣的設計設想。2月,李先念批示:“應準備一套新版人民幣,設計圖景要多反映些生產關系方面的題材,克服第三套人民幣生產力題材多的問題。” 1968年7月16日,總行第一次向國務院報送新版人民幣設計方案初稿,主要以“三突出”(突出毛主席的光輝形象、突出毛澤東思想、突出毛主席的革命路線)和“兩個反映”(反映無產階級文化大革命、反映社會主義革命和建設)為主題思想,當時受到周總理的嚴肅批評。1969年4月8日,總行第二次向國務院上報新版人民幣設計稿,票券畫面主要是反映極左的內容,仍未獲批準,后因林彪反黨集團覆滅而作罷。1975年11月18日,財政部(當時中國人民銀行與財政部合并)第三次向國務院上報設計印制新版人民幣的報告,設計方案的圖稿主要反映社會主義新生事物和工農兵形象,如知識青年上山下鄉、工農兵上大學、農業學大寨、工業學大慶等,同年12月29日李先念批示:“放一放再說。”1976年5月10日再次請示,李先念批示:“暫時不辦。”以上上報的三套方案內容均是“文化大革命”極左思想的反映,由于在黨中央、國務院的正確路線指導下,均被一一排除,使極左思潮未能反映在國幣上。

粉碎“四人幫”以后,1977年11月15日,財政部再次上報關于設計新版人民幣的報告,詳細陳述了設計新版人民幣的必要性和可能性,很快于11月21日獲黨中央政治局審查批準。1978年4月,根據黨中央國務院的決策,中國人民銀行總行首先組織印制系統專業技術人員進行研究,同年11月,在中央美術學院和中央工藝美術學院領導的支持下,在羅工柳主持下,由周令釗、侯一民、鄧澎、陳若菊等組成專家組,在印制系統專業設計雕刻專家張作棟、石大振、劉延年等參與下,開始重新設計第四套人民幣。經過專家們集思廣益,確定了設計指導思想和設計思路,最后完成設計方案。1979年12月8日,總行上報第四套人民幣彩色設計稿 (當時沒有50元和100元券),12月20日經國務院原則批準。1983年2月24日,總行向國務院上報關于印制發行第四套人民幣的報告,同年3月3日國務院核準印制。

就在第四套人民幣設計過程中,1981年7月6日,總行就根據市場貨幣流通量猛增的實際情況,指示設計3種大面額票券,即20元、50元、100元,由北京印鈔廠設計為以泰山、新華門,人民大會堂、三峽,天安門、長城為正背面主景的3種票券。11月4日總行正式上報關于印制發行3種大面額票券的報告,詳細陳述理由,但此件未被批準。1984年2月29日,總行再次上報印制大面額票券的報告,3月4日國務院批示:“同意付印,何時發行另行報批。”10月23日總行上報關于公布新版人民幣時間及改變大面額票券設計主題的請示,陳述了原設計3種大面額票券與批準的1角至10 元券設計主題不一致,重新組織專家設計,并取消20元券,50元正面用工人、農民、知識分子頭像,背面用黃河圖,100元正面用毛澤東、周恩來、劉少奇、朱德四位領袖像,背面用井岡山全景,并將兩張票券作為第四套人民幣的配套面額。1985年5月,國務院常務會議討論批準。至此,第四套人民幣整套設計完成。

In order to meet the needs of economic development, further improve China's monetary system, facilitate circulation, use and transaction accounting, the People's Bank of China issued the fourth set of RMB on April 27, 1987.The fourth set of big set of RMB, included by the People's Bank of China issued by the fourth set of RMB 9 denominations 14 kinds of certificates, its biggest feature is that the 14 banknotes after the four Arabic digits are all the same, and each banknote is the whole new photo, not only practical value, but also has high artistic value.The fourth set of RMB is the one with the longest planning and design time. From January 1967, when the head office put forward the idea of designing the fourth set of RMB, to May 1985, it lasted 18 years. During this period, it experienced twists and turns, eliminated all kinds of extreme left-wing interference, and finally avoided the disaster of the fourth set of RMB in design.In January 1967, the head office of the People's Bank of China reported to the State Council the sharp criticism of some people in Hubei Mechanical Institute for the absence of Chairman Mao's statue, red flag and slogan on Tiananmen Square of the RMB 1 Yuan coupon, and proposed the design idea of a new version of the RMB.In February, Li Xiannian said: "A new set of RMB should be prepared. The design picture should reflect more themes of production relations, and overcome the problem that the third set of RMB has more themes of productivity."On July 16, 1968, the headquarters for the first time to the State Council submitted a new version of the design draft, mainly by the "three prominent" (highlight the glorious image of chairman MAO, MAO zedong thought, highlight the chairman MAO's revolutionary line) and "two reflect" (reflecting the great proletarian cultural revolution, socialist revolution and construction) as the theme, the serious criticism by premier zhou.On April 8, 1969, the head office reported the design draft of the new version of RMB to the State Council for the second time, but the picture of the ticket mainly reflected the content of the extreme left, but it was not approved, and was given up because of the collapse of Lin Biao's anti-party group.On November 18, 1975, the Ministry of Finance (a merger with the Ministry of Finance of the People's Bank of China) was the third time report to the state department report, a new renminbi design printed draft design scheme of mainly reflect the socialist new things and image of workers, peasants and soldiers, such as the educated youth to the countryside, college of workers, peasants and soldiers, emulating da-zhai on agriculture and industry of daqing, etc., in the same year on December 29, immortals announcement: "wait and see what happens."On May 10, 1976, he asked for instructions again, and Li Xiannian gave instructions: "Not for the time being."The content of the three programs reported above is the reflection of the extreme left thought of the "Cultural Revolution". Because under the correct line guidance of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, they were all excluded one by one, so that the extreme left thought could not be reflected in the national currency.

After crushing the Gang of Four, the Ministry of Finance submitted another report on designing a new version of RMB on November 15, 1977, stating in detail the necessity and possibility of designing a new version of RMB, which was soon examined and approved by the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on November 21.In April 1978, according to the decision of the State Council, the central committee of the People's Bank of China head office first group printing system to study the professional and technical personnel, in the same year in November, the leadership of the central academy of fine arts and the central academy of arts and crafts, under the support of the Luo Gongliu auspices, by week for sports, Hou Yimin, Deng Peng, Chen ruoju expert group, professional in the printing system design carved Zhang Zuodong, Shi Dazhen, Liu Yannian etc, are redesigning the fourth set of RMB.After experts brainstorming, determine the design guiding ideology and design ideas, and finally complete the design scheme.On December 8, 1979, the head office reported the fourth set of RMB color design draft (there was no 50 yuan and 100 yuan vouchers at that time), which was approved in principle by the State Council on December 20.On February 24, 1983, the head office submitted a report to the State Council on the printing and issuing of the fourth set of RMB, and the State Council approved the printing on March 3 of the same year.

In the fourth set of RMB in the process of design, on July 6, 1981, the headquarters is according to the actual situation of the market surge in the currency in circulation, instruction design three kinds of large amount of tickets, namely, 20 yuan, 50 yuan, 100 yuan, the print works designed by Beijing to mount tai and xinhuamen in the great hall of the people, the three gorges, tiananmen square, the Great Wall is positive on the back of the main feature of the three kinds of tickets.On November 4, the head office formally submitted a report on the printing and issuing of three kinds of large-denomination vouchers, stating the reasons in detail, but this was not approved.On February 29, 1984, the head office again reported the report of printing large-denomination vouchers. On March 4, the State Council gave instructions: "We agree to print the vouchers. When will we issue the vouchers?"Released on October 23, the headquarters of reporting on time and change a new renminbi face ticket design theme of instruct, stated the original design three kinds of big amount of securities and approved by the Angle of 1 to 10 yuan coupon design theme, reorganize the expert design, and cancel the $20 stamps, 50 yuan positive with workers, farmers, intellectuals, head, back use Huang Hetu, 100 yuan in the MAO zedong, zhou enlai, liu shaoqi, zhu DE four LingXiuXiang, with a panoramic view of the jinggang mountains, on the back and the two tickets as the fourth set of RMB denomination.In May 1985, the executive meeting of the State Council discussed and approved.So far, the design of the fourth RMB complete set is completed.

















With the rapid development of economy, more and more economic situations are born, and coin collection is also getting more and more popular.In the coin collection market, people are getting more and more crazy, before also said that the fourth set of RMB has not completely withdrawn from the coin circulation market, collection will violate the law.If still hovering on this issue is really backward, because the market treatment of the fifth set of RMB is no less than the fourth set of RMB.

On the first hand, the layout of ticket security features is adjusted

The first is: 05 edition of the fifth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan ticket front left corner offset printing to print pattern adjustment to the main scene pattern left center, followed by the light change ink denomination number left moved to the original offset printing to print pattern, in addition, the back right corner offset printing to print pattern adjustment to the right side of the main scene pattern in the middle.

Second, the anti-counterfeiting characteristics of the ticket have been adjusted

(1) Invisible denomination: the observation Angle of the invisible denomination of notes on each certificate of the fifth set of RMB edition 2005 has been adjusted.On the upper right side of the front of each note on the 5th set of RMB edition 2005, a decorative pattern is displayed. Hold the note close to the eye level and tilt up and down toward the light source to see the number of denominations.

(2) holographic magnetic window safety line: 2005 edition of the fifth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan, 20 yuan banknotes will be the original magnetic microfiche security line to holographic magnetic window safety line.2005 edition of the fifth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan note on the back of the right-of-center position, there is a window safety line, the window part can be seen by the microcharacters "& Yen;100 ", "& yen;A holographic pattern composed of 50 ".The 2005 edition of the fifth set of RMB 20 banknotes on the front side of the left-of-center position, there is a window safety line, the window part can be seen by the microcharacters "& Yen;20 "holographic pattern.

(3) double color irregular horizontal number: 2005 edition of the fifth set of RMB 100 yuan, 50 yuan notes will change the original horizontal and vertical double number into double color irregular horizontal number.The lower left corner of the front is printed with a two-color irregular horizontal number. The left part is dark red, and the right part is black.Characters taper off from the middle to the left and right.

(4) Engraving gravure printing: in 2005 edition of the fifth set of RMB 20 yuan banknote, the main scene pattern of Guilin landscape, denomination number, Chinese pinyin line name, ethnic characters, year number, president seal and so on are printed by engraving gravure printing. Touch by hand, there will be a more obvious concave and convex feeling.

Thirdly, the anti-counterfeiting features of the ticket are increased

(1) White watermark: The watermark of the fifth set of RMB 100 yuan and 50 yuan banknotes in 2005 is located below the double-color irregular horizontal number on the front, and the watermark of the fifth set of RMB 20 yuan banknotes in 2005 is located below the double-color horizontal number on the front. When you look into the light, you can see the water-mark denomination number with strong light transmittance respectively.

(2) Gravure feel line: On the right side of the main picture pattern on the front of each currency note on the fifth set of RMB edition 2005, there is a group of lines arranged regularly from top to bottom. All of them are printed by engraving gravure printing process. Touch with fingers, there will be a clear concave and convex feeling.

(3) Yin and Yang complementary printing pattern: the fifth set of RMB 20 yuan note in 2005 edition has a circular local pattern on the lower left corner of the front and the lower right corner of the back. Under the light, you can see that the local patterns on the front and back are combined into a complete pattern of the ancient coin.

Fourth, 05 version of the content of the local adjustment

On the back of the 5th set of RMB notes of the 2005 edition, the Chinese pinyin word "YUAN" for RMB unit is added after the denomination figure below the main image on the back of the notes.The year number was changed to "2005".

Fifth, the 05 edition of the elimination of red blue fiber

The fifth set of the 2005 edition of RMB has removed the red and blue colored fibers from the paper notes on various bondages.



While people talk about a fourth set of yuan soaring in value, a fifth set of yuan is slowly gestating its value.As a witness of the perfection of China's monetary system in the new era, the issuance of the fifth set of RMB further promoted China's economic construction and accelerated integration into the world, to conform to the trend of economic globalization.The current circulation of the fifth set of RMB is a major event in the construction of China's monetary system, a powerful proof of China's social stability, economic development, cultural and artistic prosperity, and scientific and technological progress, as well as a great gift for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

The fifth set of RMB uses the world's advanced level in terms of the material selection, design and processing of banknotes.In this context, the issuance and circulation of the fifth set of RMB has a very good implied value.

標簽:人民幣 第五套 大全



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