崇寧通寶是北宋徽宗趙佶崇寧年間(1102-1106年)始鑄,年號錢。有崇寧通寶、崇寧重寶和崇寧元寶三種。崇寧通寶當十型,錢文為徽宗親書,所以又其為御書錢。錢體厚重,青銅質,銹色古舊,開門的老生坑。之所以謂之大字版,是因此品錢文四字飽滿,寄廓接緣。“寶、寧”二字冠點長且向左傾;長點“崇”;斜丁“寧”;高走“通”等,與被公認的各譜均載的大字“崇寧通寶”雷同。除錢徑略小外,輪廓寬窄、 穿孔大小、成色亦基本一致。被世人公認為中國鑄幣史上四個高峰期之一,它從幣材、鑄造工藝、錢文、版別到合金配比等方面,均達到了巔峰。而此時期最有代表性的又首推崇寧通寶,它是宋徽宗皇帝親筆御書。
Chongning Tongbao was first cast in the Chongning period (1102-1106) of Zhaoji, Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty. There are three kinds of Chongning Tongbao, Chongning chongbao and Chongning Yuanbao. Chongning Tongbao is the ten type, and the Qian text is the Hui clan's letter, so it is the imperial book money. The coin is thick, bronze, rusty and old. It's an old pit for opening the door. The reason for the so-called big character version is that the four characters of the coin are full and the outline is connected. The two characters of "Bao and Ning" are long and inclined to the left; the long point is "Chong"; the slanting Ding is "Ning"; the high walking "Tong" is similar to the big character "Chongning Tongbao" which is widely recognized in all the spectra. In addition to the small diameter of the coin, the width of the outline, the size of the perforation and the color of the coin are basically the same. It is regarded as one of the four peak periods in the history of Chinese coinage. It has reached the peak in terms of coin material, casting technology, money, edition and alloy ratio. The most representative of this period was Chongning Tongbao, which was written by Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty.
宋徽宗在位期間,十分癡迷于書法和繪畫,于是令人先后鑄造了許多圖案非常精美的錢幣。時至今天,我們熟悉的崇寧重寶就是廣為流傳的珍貴錢幣之一,除了崇寧重寶之外,圣宋通寶、大觀通寶、宣和通寶、重和通寶等,也是出自于宋徽宗年間、流通面非常廣的錢幣幣種。 值得一提的是,宋徽宗本人“性甚機巧,擅長技藝”,因此,他本人親書的瘦金體,也成為錢幣鑄造的模板之一,崇寧重寶和大觀重寶的錢文就出自于宋徽宗本人字體。
During the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, he was very obsessed with calligraphy and painting, so he made many coins with exquisite patterns. Today, we are familiar with Chongning chongbao, which is one of the most popular precious coins. In addition to Chongning treasure, Shengsong Tongbao, Daguan Tongbao, Xuanhe Tongbao, Chonghe Tongbao, etc., are also coins from the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty and have a wide range of circulation. It is worth mentioning that song Huizong himself was "skillful in nature and good at skills". Therefore, his own thin gold script also became one of the templates for coin casting. The money inscriptions of Chongning chongbao and Daguan chongbao came from Song Huizong's own font.
此崇寧通寶,正面為“崇寧通寶”四字旋讀,崇寧重寶“一筆崇”。此版式錢的明顯特征是錢文“崇”字中豎自上而下,一筆貫穿; 這是崇寧錢里比較特異的一種版別,從其寫法來看有違于常規和法式,但其書法的韻味仍較為濃厚,當是“崇”字寫法的一種變體。此版式錢存世稀見,不易得之。
This Chongning Tongbao has the four characters of "Chongning Tongbao" on the front, and Chongning chongbao "Yibi chongbao". The obvious feature of this format of Qian is that the character "Chong" in the text of Qian is vertical from top to bottom and runs through one stroke; this is a relatively special type of Qianli in Chongning, which is against the conventional and French style in terms of its writing method, but its calligraphy charm is still relatively strong, so it should be a variant of the writing method of "Chong". This format is rare and hard to get.
The calligraphy of Qian Wen is delicate and thin, with iron strokes and silver hooks. It is a true manifestation of Zhao Ji's thin and gold calligraphy style of Huizong. Chongning Tongbao is one of the two most valuable bronze coins. This piece of Chongning Tongbao belongs to gelunkuo treasure and is a rare one. Although it has experienced more than 900 years of historical vicissitudes, its appearance is still excellent, and it is indeed one of the rarities.
For thousands of years, the number of ancient coins has gone through many vicissitudes, and the number of surviving coins has become less and less, and the investment value is increasing day by day. In the past decade, the market of ancient coins has gone up together. In particular, some antique coins are very popular. By 2018, it has become very amazing. Chongning coins have conquered the world because of its beautiful and exquisite coins, which makes many ancient coin lovers love it.