The bronze coins of the Qing Dynasty had many forms, especially when the ten were the classics. Many emperors of the Qing Dynasty issued copper coins as currency, the use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, so that gradually facilitate the trade. Today, however, there is a certain value in the collection of copper coins from the Hands All Over, and many collectors have made it their goal to collect a wide variety of copper coins.
Hubu da Qing copper coins: This is the "Chuan" cross-character da Qing Copper coins, single Crown Dragon, the collection of the front ring minted the inscription "Da Qing Copper Coins" , the Pearl Ring on the outer ring minted in Italics, "Hubu" two words, the bottom minted currency value: "when making money ten articles. On the back of the collection, the inner ring is cast with the Dragon Soaring Totem, the dragon pattern is powerful and leaking, the outer ring is cast with the inscription "made in the year of Guangxu" , which reflects the social condition at that time.
背面中心雕刻有精致的蟠龍,珠圈外上有“光緒年造”,余為英文。錢幣背面珠圈內為蟠龍圖案,騰云駕霧,威風凜凜;珠圈外有“光緒年造”及“TAI-CHING TI-KUO COPPER COIN”(漢譯為大清帝國銅幣)字樣。中華上下數千年,龍已滲透了中國社會的各個方面,成為一種文化的凝聚和積淀。龍成了中國的象征、中華民族的象征、中國文化的象征!此幣是清代光緒年間所造,制作精良,品相美,具有很好的收藏潛力。
The center of the back is carved with exquisite dragon, and the outside of the bead ring is engraved with "Guangxu Nian Zao" . On the back of the COIN, the bead rings are decorated with the pattern of Panlong, flying in the air and bearing great pomp. On the outside of the bead rings are the words "Guangxu year-making" and "TAI-CHING Kuo ti-COPPER COIN" . For thousands of years in China, the dragon has permeated every aspect of Chinese society, becoming a cultural cohesion and accumulation. Dragon has become the symbol of China, the symbol of the Chinese nation, the symbol of Chinese culture! This coin was made during the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty.