凈瓶(梵名 kalasa)。指以陶或金屬等制造,用以容水的器具,為比丘十八物之一,盛水供飲用或洗濯,又稱水瓶或澡瓶。在《敕修百丈清規氏要覽》中說:"凈瓶,梵語軍遲,此云瓶,常貯水隨身,用以凈手。"《寄歸傳》說:"軍持有二:若瓷瓦者是凈用,若銅鐵者是觸用。"《祖庭事苑》云:"凈瓶,《四分律》云:'有此丘遇無水處,水或有蟲,渴殺。佛知制戒,令持觸凈二瓶,以護命故。'"《千手千眼觀世音菩薩大悲心陀羅尼》以其為千手觀音四十手持物之一。又,胎藏界輕荼羅諸尊中,中臺八葉院之彌勒菩薩、觀音院之毗俱胝菩薩及不空罥索菩薩、蘇悉地院之十一面觀自在菩薩,及外金剛部之火天等,皆持軍持。
Clean bottle (Brahman Kalasa).Refers to a vessel made of clay or metal for holding water. It is one of the 18 articles of the bhikkhu and holds water for drinking or washing. It is also called a flask or bath jar.In the "Restich 100 zhang clean rules of the general view" said :" clean bottle, Sanskrit army late, this cloud bottle, often store water, to clean hands.It is said in Ji Guizhuan that "the army holds two things: porcelain tiles are for pure use, and copper and iron are for touch use.""The Court of Ancestors" said, "The bottle is clean." "The Four Rules" said, "If there is no water on this hill, there may be insects in the water and they are thirsty to kill.Buddha knowledge system ring, make hold touch net two bottles, in order to protect life.'" The Great Compassion Heart Toroni of Guanyin Bodhisattva with Thousand Hands and Thousand Eyes regards it as one of the forty hand-held objects of Guanyin with Thousand Hands.In addition, among the dala deities in the feta kingdom, maitreya bodhisattva of the central tai baya temple, vikuti bodhisattva and bukongsoo bodhisattva of the guanyin temple, the eleven facets of the sukishi bodhisattva, and the fire heaven of the outer vajra ministry all held military support.
Ru Kiln, one of the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty, got its name because it was located in Ruzhou, Henan Province in the Song Dynasty. Today, Ru Kiln was found in Qingliangsi Village, Dayin Town, Baofeng County, Henan Province, and in Zhanggong Lane, Ruzhou City.Ru porcelain ranked first among the five famous kilns of "Ru, Guan, Ge, Jun and Ding" in the Song Dynasty, and was known as "Ru kiln is the leader" in the history of Chinese ceramics.Ru kiln is one of the famous traditional Chinese porcelain, the main representative of the royal porcelain in the Northern Song Dynasty of China.Ru porcelain modeling is simple and generous, with precious agate for glaze, color and lustre is unique, there is "agate for glaze ancient legend" praise.With the light changes, the view of its glaze, like "after a storm, the clouds break", "Qianfeng green waves green color to" the wonderful, fine soil, the blank body as Dong body its thick glaze and sound such as qing, bright but not dazzling.It is characterized by "pear skin, crab claw and sesame-flower", and is known as "like jade, not jade, but better than jade".Since the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, your porcelain ware in the court has been regarded as a treasure, which can be more expensive than the Zhou tripods of Shang Yi.
In 1952, Premier Zhou Enlai gave instructions to "develop the cultural heritage of the motherland and restore the production of Ru Kiln".After hundreds of experiments and research, the first batch of bean green glaze handicrafts were fired in 1958. In August 1983, the sky blue glaze of Ru Kiln was identified by experts, which reached and exceeded the level of Ru Kiln in the Song Dynasty.Since then, your porcelain has become a name card of Ruzhou people.
In the development history of Chinese civilization, the Song Dynasty culture occupies an extremely important historical position, Ru porcelain culture is an important part of the Song Dynasty culture.It is an epoch-making symbol in the history of celadon development in China because of its exquisite workmanship, beautiful shape, smooth glaze and elegant and pure charm.In Gegu Yaolun, Cao Zhao of the Ming Dynasty said, "Ru kiln wares go out of the north and are burned in Song Dynasty.Pale blue color, with crab claw lines really, no lines especially good, soil pulse Zi Mei, thin even rare.This points out some of the basic characteristics of Ru Kiln.
Among them, there are many kinds of bottle, such as paper hammer bottle, jade spring bottle, bile bottle and so on.Ru kiln wares have daily utensils such as bottles, honors, cups, bowls, dishes, washing, boxes, and narcissus basins. A few of them also have decorations such as stacking flowers and printing. At the bottom, there are blue and white year numbers, which are mostly carved with knives and pens, and printing and mold printing processes.Such as: azure flower pattern gooseneck bottle, pink and green lotus cup holder, azure flower petal deep belly cavity, azure peony dragon pattern bowl, lotus pattern bowl, radiative pattern lotus leaf holder, radiative pattern collecting mouth flower bowl (hide Henan), dark pattern double fish plate (hide England).In addition, there are words on the individual utensils of the handed down products.For example, the word "Feng Hua" is often seen on honor, bottle and dish.Cai Bing and Ning are found in small dishes and washes.Although the writing is not decoration, it still enhances the appreciation of utensils, among which "Fenghua" should be the special object of the Fenghua Palace in the Song Dynasty.The shape of the device can be divided into wrapping foot, flat bottom, three-foot, concave foot, sunflower mouth, narrow plate and wide plate.There are several kinds of plate, such as wrapping foot, concave foot, flat bottom, straight mouth and lotus mouth.There are also three foot washing, string grain (box), set boxes, respect, square pot, round pot, and a small number of lotus, lotus leaf, engraving hole, birds, dragons and other porcelain plastic crafts.Also with flowers, birds, insects, fish decoration to meet the leisure of the royal aristocracy.Since then, your porcelain has become a name card of Ruzhou people.
汝瓷為宮廷壟斷,制器不計成本,以瑪瑙入釉,釉色呈天青、粉青、天藍色較多,也有豆綠、青綠、月白、桔皮紋等釉色,釉面滋潤柔和,純凈如玉,有明顯酥油感覺,釉稍透亮,多呈乳濁或結晶狀。用放大鏡觀察,可見到釉下寥若晨星的稀疏氣泡,釉面撫之如絹,溫潤古樸,光亮瑩潤,釉如堆脂,素靜典雅、色澤滋潤純正、紋片晶瑩多變為主要特征。視之如碧峰翠色,有似玉非玉之美。釉中多布紅暈,有的如晨日出海,有的似夕陽晚霞,有的似雨過天晴,有的如長虹懸空,世稱"天青為貴,粉青為尚,天藍彌足珍貴。"汝州張公巷汝瓷,釉呈天青、粉青,釉色滋潤,手感如玉。有青如天 、面如玉、晨星稀的典型特征。
汝窯天青釉弦紋樽 ,此樽仿漢代銅樽造型,器形規整,仿古逼真,釉色瑩潤光潔,濃淡對比自然。瓷樽始于宋,汝窯、定窯、龍泉窯均有燒造,是陳設用品。所見傳世宋代汝窯天青釉弦紋樽只有兩件,除故宮博物院收藏的這件以外,英國倫敦大維德基金會亦收藏一件。汝窯燒制的汝瓷因為其絕妙的色澤、獨特藝術價值,深得帝王歡心,有"宋瓷之冠"的美譽。汝窯又與同期官窯(河南開封)、哥窯(浙江龍泉)、鈞窯(河南禹縣)、定窯(河北曲陽)合稱"宋代五大名窯",位居五大名窯之首。汝窯以傳承藝術為己任,采用傳統手工制作陶瓷方法,制作一個陶瓷的工序高達十三道,包括淘泥、摞泥、拉坯、印坯、修坯、捺水、畫坯、上釉、燒窯、成瓷、成瓷缺陷的修補,做工精細,設計唯美、承藝汝瓷以"釉色層"領先,器型古樸典雅得當,光潤有度,由于汝瓷釉層厚,常有開片如魚鱗、蟬翼狀,久用之后茶色會著附于裂紋處,形成不規則的變換交錯的花紋,故而手感潤滑如脂,似玉非玉之美。
Embryo glaze
Glaze open crack piece, mostly strewn at random have send very fine grain piece, commonly known as "cicada wing grain".
The embryo of Ru porcelain is exquisite, and the embryo soil contains trace copper. When facing the light, it is slightly red, and the embryo color is gray with yellow. It is commonly known as "fragrant gray embryo", and it is commonly seen in Ruzhou Yanhedian, Dayu Donggou, Ruzhou Wenmiao and Qingliang Temple, etc.The kiln ware of Zhanggong Lane in Ruzhou has a grayish white fetus, slightly whiter than that of other kilns, which is the main feature of official kilns in the Northern Song Dynasty.
Ru porcelain is the palace monopoly, the system does not consider the cost, with agate into the glaze, the glaze is azure, pink green, azure more, there are also bean green, green, white, orange peel grain and other glaze, the glaze is moist and soft, pure like jade, there is obvious butter feeling, the glaze is slightly transparent, and more milk turbid or crystallizing.Observation with a magnifying glass, visible under the glaze sparse air bubbles, the glaze is like silk, gentle and simple, bright and jade-like embellish, the glaze is like a pile of fat, plain static elegance, pure color and lustre moist, crystal grain into the main feature.See it as Bi Feng Cui color, there is like the beauty of jade.In the glaze, there is a lot of red, some like the morning sunrise sea, some like the setting sun, some like a sunny day after a storm, some like Changhong hanging in the sky, the world called "blue is precious, pink green is still, blue is precious."Ruzhou zhang gong lane you porcelain, glaze is azure, pink green, moist glaze, feel like jade.Green as the sky, the face like jade, the morning star sparse typical characteristics.
A nail
In order to avoid contamination of impurities in the kiln, the saggers were needed to be packed well, and the saggers were padded with washers and nails to prevent adhesion with the saggers.Gao Lian's "Zhusheng Eight Notes" said that the kiln "has a sesame seed needle at the bottom".There are three, five and seven nail marks in the shape of sesame seed on the bottom of the ware. Six nail marks are very few, and the marks are very shallow, the size of which is like corn.The articles in Zhanggong Lane are round spikes.The kiln wares in Yanhedian, Dayu Donggou area of Monanchuan are mostly without nail marks, and some bowls, sets of boxes, hollow-foot bowls, washers, and vessel covers are used as pad cakes to support the firing process.
Later generations of Ru kiln imitation began in Xuande official kiln, department has Xuande official kiln, its glaze is more transparent than Song Ru, grain piece is more dense and regular, and the glaze has Xuande's unique orange peel pattern.Qing Yongzheng Tang Ying once again imitated Ru Kiln, most of the Song Ru sky blue, lines for cicada wing lines, few big lines and no lines.Tang Yingshi's imitation is also easy to identify, because Song Ruyou has a matte glaze, while Qing imitation has a transparent glaze, and all the imitation has a faint ring of blue.Moreover, Yongzheng imitation is not an imitation of antiquity, only a copy of its glaze color, some modeling is unique to the Qing Dynasty, and the royal kiln products more books six characters or four characters of this dynasty blue and white seal seal money, more identification provides convenience.
Slitting lines
The opening of your porcelain is a unique one. The formation of the opening is a defect on the surface of the glaze produced by roasting at high temperature at the beginning, called "broken glaze" in the jargon.Ru kiln artists will be difficult to control, the kale-changing glaze disease, through artificial operation into a natural wonderful decoration, and the control is just right, it can be described as a unique skill of extraordinary nature.Glathe opens a finer, show inclined to crack more piece, depth interweaves each other to fold wrong, resemble silvery glitter piece fish scale, or show cicada wing grain, give a person in order to arrange the administrative level feeling.The fine trachoma in the glaze shows the pattern of fish roe, sesame flower and crab claw.In addition, there are typical orange peel glaze, borneol glaze and tea foam. Some of the willow striped slices are formed because the molecular arrangement structure of the mud material is in a certain direction when the hand pulley rotates.
Process characteristics
Ru kiln azure glaze string pattern bottle, this bottle imitates the Han Dynasty copper bottle shape, the shape is regular, antique lifelike, the glaze color is jade-shaped embellish bright and clean, the contrast of shade is natural.Porcelain bottles began in Song Dynasty. Ru Kiln, Ding Kiln and Longquan Kiln were all fired and used as furnishings.There are only two pieces of Ru Kiln's string pattern of azure glaze handed down from the Song Dynasty. In addition to this one collected by the Palace Museum, the Great Vide Foundation in London also collects one.Because of its wonderful color and unique artistic value, Ru porcelain fired by Ru kiln won the favor of the emperor and had the reputation of "the crown of Song porcelain".Ru Kiln, along with Guan Kiln (Kaifeng, Henan Province), Ge Kiln (Longquan, Zhejiang Province), Jun Kiln (Yu County, Henan Province) and Ding Kiln (Quyang, Hebei Province) in the same period, was collectively known as the "Five Famous Kilns of the Song Dynasty", ranking first among the five famous kilns.Your kiln to inheriting the art as own duty, using the traditional methods of handmade ceramic production processes of a ceramic up to 13, including tao, pile of mud, mud slab, billet, billet, hot water, drawing billet, glaze and kiln, porcelain, porcelain defect repair, fine workmanship, design beautiful, ChengYi your porcelain leads, with "glaze layer" proper shape of primitive simplicity and elegant, sleek regularly, because your porcelain glaze layer thick, is open, such as scales, a cicada, after a long time with dark brown will be attached to crackle, form crisscross pattern of irregular change, so feel lubrication, such as fat, like the beauty of jade of jade.
Song man Ouyang Xiu in "return to the field collection" on the elaboration of Ru kiln: Ru kiln porcelain is really the most beautiful glaze, not sky blue, but pink green, which is now known as green.And your porcelain real porcelain color is half porcelain into, glass is not obvious, the body is not transparent light, so do not rule out later generations as a treasure "pottery" and discard, so existence is very rare.In Qing Bo Magazine, Zhou Hui, a person of Song Dynasty, elaborated on your kiln, saying that your porcelain is won by glaze, and contemporary celadon cannot compare with the real porcelain. The glaze color of real porcelain is inundated, pure and warm, and there is a soft and implicit luster on the glaze. It is not the milky light of Jun porcelain, nor the fat light of Ge kiln, but a luster similar to ancient jade.At that time, your porcelain was only available for imperial selection and return and allowed to be sold, especially in recent years.It can be seen from the literature that your porcelain can also be used for civil use, which is by no means "strictly prohibited for civil use".On the self-storage of Ru kiln porcelain and the whole Ru kiln for a more comprehensive description is the Ming Dynasty scholar Gao Lian's "Yan Xian Qing Jian" mentioned, "Ru kiln, I taste, it is the end of the agate into the glaze, juice jade-thick as a pile of fat, but the brown eyes in the juice hidden like crab claw, its glaze color is azure, pink, and green and azure.Pink green for the top, the sky blue is precious.There is a "cloud after a storm" reputation, visible jasper glaze, is not too much.All dynasties celadon should be crowned with Ru Kiln."