Qianlong Tongbao was a commodity in circulation during the Qianlong period. During the 60 years of Emperor Qianlong's reign, he used his strategy of "literary and martial arts" to create the last glorious age in feudal society. After that, it was widely spread among the people that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper coins could drive away disasters and ward off evil spirits. It was also popular among later collectors because of the homonym of "Qianlong". The coin was coined during the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The Manchu characters on the back of the coin are complex, with detailed price and rubbings on it. Qianlong Tongbao coin is about 23.6 mm in diameter and 4.7 g in weight.
Qianlong Tongbao was written in regular script, and its characters were read from top to bottom, right to left. The characters on the back of the coin are perforated along the Yongzheng Manchu coin style, with the word "Bao" on the left and the names of each bureau on the right. Qianlong Tongbao was cast in the Qianlong reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The Manchu text on the back is more complex. You can refer to Hua Guangpu's catalogue of ancient Chinese coins, which contains detailed prices and rubbings. The historical period is the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty (1736-1795). The vast majority of them are Xiaoping coins, and some of them are red coins in Xinjiang. Baoquan and Baogong found that there are big coins, but they should be used for heating or casting. They are not articles.
此枚乾隆通寶,刻畫精細,線條流暢,工筆細膩,細節清晰可見,極為細致。錢幣中鑄有“乾隆通寶”四字,紋飾線條粗細均勻,線條流暢自然;四字中間鑄“小方孔”此枚乾隆通寶字體端正工整,清秀俊逸,符合標準,品相極佳。鑄幣之上當政者有國泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民間收藏,寓意 家和萬事興之吉祥之寶,故有很高的收藏研究價值。
This Qianlong Tongbao is characterized by fine depiction, smooth lines, fine brushwork, clear and visible details. There are four characters of "Qianlong Tongbao" in the coin, the lines of which are uniform in thickness and smooth in nature; in the middle of the four characters, there is a "small square hole". This Qianlong Tongbao has a neat, elegant, standard and excellent appearance. On the coinage, the ruler has the vision of peace and prosperity for the country and the people, and the folk collection is a treasure of auspiciousness for the family and everything, so it has high collection and research value.