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Collectibles: Gold Frog in vault


唐詩人李商隱一句:有女嫁得金龜婿。金龜婿里的金龜就是唐朝金庫里的黃金龜。究竟這唐朝金庫為何物,也是眾說紛紜,據史料記載,唐朝太宗皇帝李世民貞觀之治,國泰民安富國強兵。公元六百四十一年:吐蕃王(西藏)松贊干布向唐皇求婚,李世民把宗女文成公主嫁給松贊干布。出嫁隊伍車水馬龍十里之余,日用物品.生產工具.藝術品樂器.醫藥書籍.金銀財寶。并有一批篆刻[唐朝金庫]黃金蛙,黃金佛。供贈送喇嘛頭領禮物,隨行人員五千余眾,物寶天華應有盡有。紿吐蕃經濟.文化.軍事.制造起到天翻地覆的巨大變化,同時松贊干布為迎聚文成公主在西藏拉薩選地拆除帳篷,建造布達拉宮,現在雄偉布達拉宮是文成公主居住后從漢文化逐步形成的仿漢王宮殿。Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once said, "a woman married a son-in-law.". The golden turtle in the son-in-law of the golden turtle is the golden turtle in the Treasury of the Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, under the rule of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, the country was peaceful and the people were safe, the country was rich and the army was strong. 641 A.D.: Songzanganbu, king of Tubo (Tibet), proposed to the emperor of Tang Dynasty. Li Shimin married his daughter Princess Wencheng to Songzanganbu. The wedding team was busy with daily necessities, production tools, art, musical instruments, medical books, gold and silver. And there are a number of seal cutting [Tang Dynasty Treasury] golden frog, Golden Buddha. As a gift for the Lama leader, the entourage of more than 5000 people has everything. At the same time, Songzanganbu demolished the tent and built the Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet to welcome Princess Wencheng. Now the grand Potala Palace is the imitation of the Han Dynasty palace gradually formed from the Han culture after Princess Wencheng lived.


In 641, Li Shimin, emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, sent princess Wencheng to Tibet to escort his daughter to marry Songtsan Gambo. Princess Wencheng entered the Tubo kingdom with a bodyguard, maid and craftsman of nearly 5,000 people. And a variety of books, medicine, Buddha Buddha [from Buddhism introduced into the Tubo]. A lot of gold and silver treasure, and the gold frog with cast seal script [Tang Dynasty Treasury]. Golden Frog has been around for more than 1300 years and its near-whole body is shining with gold. The eyes bulge, reiki full. The model is very realistic, the craft is exquisite, is larger than the thumb, divides the male mother pair. Ju tester contains more than 90 percent of gold. Princess Wencheng presents the Tubo leader! Tubo descendants of zhongyuan business left to save Lei! The Xizang calendar lei is a part of China's rare cultural relics.


此金蛙通體呈金黃色亮澤,摸上去手感光滑。從背部到尾部底端,有4條長度相等的內嵌式條紋。蛙的雙眼制作十分逼真,眼球鼓出,眼眶中的兩粒眼珠渾圓有神,黃金蛙的底部印有“唐朝金庫”字樣。從品相上看,黃金蛙整體保存完好,是一次性澆鑄而成的。The gold frog in the Vault of the Tang Dynasty has no data. Emperor Li Shimin allocated the gold in the vault of the Tang Dynasty to princess Wencheng to make a batch of male and female gold frogs. Yellow gold Buddha. Gift tubo Lama and leader, contact Tibetan feelings! Why not call datang Treasury imaginable! There is Daming on the coin. The title of the Qing Dynasty, in fact, the ruling class arrogantly exploiting the common people! The Gold frog and the Gold Buddha in the Tang Dynasty Treasury flowed back from the Tubo descendants, lei And the Central Plains trade. But princess Wencheng's cultural heritage returned to China, and no one knew the true national treasure of the Tang Dynasty. Cultural relic expert sees money to discuss true and false, wen Cheng princess true soul arrives home nobody knows, it is people is sad, Wen Cheng princess still fears to meet is a dream, the castle in the air sees true appearance!


This golden frog has a bright golden color and feels smooth. From the back to the bottom of the tail, there are four inline stripes of equal length. The frog's eyes are very realistic, bulging out, with two round and bright eyes in their sockets. The words "Tang Dynasty Treasury" are printed on the bottom of the golden frog. From the appearance, the golden frog is well preserved as a whole and is cast in one time


The golden frog has a sparkling body and bulging eyes. The model is very realistic, the craft is exquisite, is larger than the thumb, divides the male mother pair. The golden frogs, with the words "Tang Dynasty Treasury" printed on the bottom, are exquisitely designed with a natural, primitive and elegant shape. Has the extremely high collection, the research, the investment value.

標簽:重點推薦 唐朝金



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