Kistler stone is also called ornamental stone. Ornamental stone is the product of nature's extraordinary craftsmanship. It is colorful and indescribable. Nowadays, stone appreciation culture has deeply penetrated into the cultural life of modern people and integrated into contemporary mainstream culture. The creation of the brand image of Appreciation Stone Culture should stand at the height of strategy and think and consider with a forward-looking perspective. From cultural roots to the creation of cultural images, it not only enhances the thickness and fullness of stone culture, but also improves the taste of stone appreciation and makes it more readable by the public. Ornamental stone is a unique and objective work of art. The transaction of ornamental stone and ornamental stone has become a unique aesthetic activity and art exchange activity for people. The transaction of ornamental stone and ornamental stone will be particularly affected by people’s experience, cultivation, and class. It is the visual environment for the display of ornamental stones, and the different propaganda methods and attached cultures present different aesthetic values, human values, social values and market economic values.
該藏品“龍游四海”奇石擺件。畫面清晰自然,比例合理。同時該奇石也奇在材質,自身帶有天然磁性。在中國古代神話傳說中黃河鯉魚跳過龍門(指的是黃河從壺口咆哮而下的晉陜大峽谷的最窄處的龍門,今稱禹門口),就會變化成龍。比喻事業成功或地位高升。語出《辛氏三秦記》:“河津一名龍門,禹鑿山開門,闊一里馀,黃河自中流下,而岸不通車馬。每逢春之際,有黃鯉魚逆流而上,得過者便化為龍。”后以喻舉業成功或地位高升。唐·元弼有《魚躍龍門賦》。 明 高明 《琵琶記·南浦囑別》:“但愿魚化龍,青云得路桂枝高折步蟾宮。”《水滸傳》第一一三回:“正是了身達命蟾離殼,立業成名魚化龍。”[1]俗說魚躍龍門,過而為龍,唯鯉或然。(宋·陸佃《埤雅·釋魚》)歷史記載龍門,又名禹門,在在山西省河津市,據《禹貢》載:“導河積石,至于龍門”。據《名山記》載:“河水至此山,直下千仞,水浪起伏,如山如沸”。清乾隆《韓城縣志》載:“兩岸皆斷山絕壁,相對如門,惟神龍可越,故曰龍門。”“龍門”相傳為大禹治水時所鑿,亦稱禹門渡。關于“禹鑿龍門”,《呂氏春秋》說:“禹立,勤勞天下,日夜不懈,通大川,決壅塞,鑿龍門。”《三才圖會》記載:“此處兩山壁立,河出其中,賽約百步,兩岸斷壁,狀盡斧鑿,形狀似門,故稱“龍門”。諸多關于“龍游四海”歷史記載皆代表歷史的傳承,文化的傳承。
The collection of "Dragon Traveling Around the World" strange stone ornaments. The picture is clear and natural, with reasonable proportions. At the same time, the strange stone is also unique in its material, with its own natural magnetism. In ancient Chinese myths and legends, the Yellow River carp jumped over the Dragon Gate (referring to the Dragon Gate at the narrowest part of the Shanxi-Shaanxi Grand Canyon where the Yellow River roared down from the Hukou, now called Yumenkou), and it will become a dragon. Metaphor for career success or high status. The words "The Three Qin Records of the Xin Family": "A dragon gate in Hejin, Yu chiseled the mountain to open the gate, a mile wide, the Yellow River flows down from the middle, but the shore is not open to carriages and horses. Every spring, yellow carps go upstream, Those who pass will turn into dragons." Later, Yu Yuju succeeded in his career or his status was elevated. Tang Yuanbi has "Yuyue Longmen Fu". Ming Gaoming's "Pipa Ji·Farewell to Nanpu": "I hope that the fish will transform into a dragon, and the Qingyun will get the road to the Guizhi and high-step toad palace." The first and third chapters of the "Water Margin": "It is the life of the life of the toad to leave the shell, Become a famous fish and transform into a dragon." [1] As the saying goes, a fish jumps over a dragon gate and becomes a dragon after passing it. (Song·Lu Dian "Pian Ya·Shi Yu") The historical record of Longmen, also known as Yumen, was in Hejin City, Shanxi Province. According to "Yugong", "The guide river accumulates stones, as for the Longmen". According to "The Book of Famous Mountains": "The river reaches this mountain, straight down thousands of yuan, and the waves undulate like mountains like boiling". The "Hancheng County Chronicles" of the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty contained: "Both sides of the strait are broken mountains and cliffs, and they are like gates, but the dragon can cross, so it is called the Dragon Gate." According to legend, the "Long Gate" was chiseled by Dayu when he ruled the water. Regarding "Yu Chis the Dragon Gate", "Lv Shi Chunqiu" said: "Yu Li, industrious in the world, unremitting day and night, communicates with the big river, decides to choke, and chisels the dragon gate." The "Three Talents Association" records: "Here two mountains stand on the wall, and the river flows out of it It takes about a hundred steps, and the walls on both sides of the strait are broken. They are shaped like axe and shaped like a door, so they are called "Dragon Gate." Many historical records about the "Dragon Tour of the Four Seas" represent the inheritance of history and culture.
Kistler is an ornamental stone characterized by natural beauty. Its naturalness, that is, no artificial processing or carving, is one of the most important criteria that distinguishes it from other ornamental stones; the aesthetics of stone appreciation and stone play art is through people What is produced by the perception is the common induction between the aesthetic subject and the object. Kistler is not only a figurative art, but also a state of mind art. The state of mind art is the highest mirror of the art of stone appreciation. This dragon-patterned strange stone, with a yellow-patterned dragon leaping on the black stone pattern, has fins and scales, and a long curved tail, which is lifelike. The flying dragon is full of charm and nature. The dragon's horns, dragon mouth, and dragon claws are clearly identifiable. It stretches its teeth and dances its claws, and the dragon body curls up and swims. Because of its rarity and rarity, it is a few of the stones in terms of quality, shape, color and pattern, so it has a very high collection value.