Name of Collection:10 years of the Olympic Games
Collection specification:Weight 1.15 kg
成功舉辦北京奧運會是 我 國 綜 合 國 力 和 國 際 地 位 顯 著 提 升 的 具 體 體 現。奧林匹克是一扇窗口,中 國 與 世 界 相 互 了 解。奧林匹克是一種途徑,中 國 與 世 界 相 互 認 同。奧林匹克是一個承諾,中 國 與 世 界 共 同 完 成。
The successful hosting of the Beijing Olympics is a concrete manifestation of China's Comprehensive National Power and its remarkable rise in international status. The Olympics is a window through which China and the world can get to know each other. The Olympics is a way for China and the world to identify with each other. The Olympics is a promise that China and the world can fulfill together.
After 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Olympic Games theme becomes the collection hot spot. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games released an Olympic seal made of white jade from Wada. The seal has become the most successful collection in the history of the Olympic Games for more than 100 years. The price of the seal is only 56,000 yuan. After eight years, the value of the seal has increased by more than 50 times to nearly 3 million yuan, a legend of value in the history of the world's collections. "Ten years of the Olympic Games in China seal, " the seal will also re-create the Olympic collection appreciation legend.
Recently, the well-known trading center of Shanxi Yi Chang Sheng had the honor to Mr. Liu to solicit this piece of jade seal we come to enjoy!
《奧運十年·中國印》是2008年北京奧運會十年來的歷史見證,由 中 國 玉 雕 大 師 仵海洲領銜創作,玉璽以清宮二十五寶璽之皇帝奉天之寶為原型再創,以龍為紐,莊重威嚴;璽基正面雕刻“2008年-2018年”“奧運十年·中國印”“紀念2008年北京奧運會成功舉辦10周年”等字樣;玉璽背面雕刻“同一個世界,同一個夢想”中英文字樣。側面雕刻奧運體育項目象形文字;玉璽印紋為“奧運十年中國印”字樣。此藏品重約1.15kg,均整玉整雕,將2008奧運十年中國印輝煌再現,以素有國玉之稱的和田玉為材質,集傳統玉璽制作技藝于一體,采用圓雕、浮雕、鏤雕、線雕等多種經典玉雕工藝精心雕刻。造型栩栩如生,形神兼備。具有很高的紀念價值,藝術價值和收藏價值。是繼承傳統又開拓創新的杰作。發行量極少,勢必引領升值傳奇,具有很高的收藏價值,值得廣大收藏愛好者投資收藏。
"Ten years of the Olympic Games in China seal" is a historical testimony of the 10 years of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. The jade seal was created by the master of Chinese jade carving Bearhaizhou. The jade seal is based on the twenty-five imperial seal of the Qing Palace, the treasure of Shenyang, and is dignified and dignified with the dragon as its link "2008-2018" , "10 years of the Olympic Games in China" , "commemorating the 10th anniversary of the successful hosting of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games" and "one world, one dream" are engraved on the back of the seal. Side carving of the Olympic Sports Pictogram; jade seal printed with the words "ten years of the Olympic Games in China" . Weighing in at around 1.15 kg, the collection is complete with carved jade, representing the 10 years of the 2008 Olympic Games, and is made of Wada Jade, which is known as the National Jade, adopt circular carving, relief carving, carving, line carving and other classic jade carving craft elaborate carving. It's very lifelike, very physical. It has high memorial value, artistic value and collection value. It's a masterpiece of tradition and innovation. Circulation is very small, will lead the rise in value of legend, with a high collection value, it is worth the majority of collectors to invest in collection.
If there are collectors interested in this collection, welcome to our company to negotiate, or contact the marketing department.
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