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袁大頭是民國時期主要流通貨幣之一,“袁大頭”是對袁世凱像系列硬幣的口語俗稱,嚴謹點說叫“袁世凱像背嘉禾銀幣”。北洋政府為了整頓幣制,劃一銀幣,于民國三年(1914年)二月,頒布《國幣條例》十三條,決定實行銀本位制度。《國幣條例》規定:“以庫平純銀六錢四分八厘為價格之單位,定名為圓”,“一圓銀幣,總重七錢二分,銀八九,銅一一”,“一圓銀幣用數無限制”,即以一圓銀幣為無限法償的本位貸幣。根據這一規定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造幣總廠及江南造幣廠開鑄一圓銀幣,幣面鐫刻袁世凱頭像,俗稱“袁頭幣”或“袁大頭”。“袁大頭”在貨幣收藏界被稱為銀元之寶,它是中國近千種近代銀幣中流傳最廣、影響最大的銀元品種,也是近代中國幣制變革中的一個重要角色。

Yuan Datou was one of the main currency in circulation during the Republic of China. "Yuan Datou" is the colloquial term for the series of Yuan Shikai's portrait coins. Strictly speaking, it is called "Yuan Shikai's portrait back of the Golden Harvest Silver Coin". In order to rectify the currency system and standardize the silver coin, the Beiyang government promulgated 13 Articles of the National Currency Regulations in February of the Republic of China (1914) and decided to implement the silver standard system. The "National Currency Regulations" stipulate: "The price is based on Kuping's six quarters of pure silver, and the unit is named Yuan", "One round of silver coin, total weight of seven coins and two cents, silver eighty-nine, copper one one", " There is no limit to the number of one-yen silver coins", that is, one-yen silver coin is the standard credit currency with unlimited repayment. According to this regulation, in December 1914 and February 1915, one round of silver coins were minted by the Mint and Jiangnan Mint. The head of Yuan Shikai was engraved on the coin, commonly known as "Yuan Tou Coin" or "Yuan Head". . "Yuan Datou" is known as the treasure of silver dollars in the currency collection circle. It is the most widely circulated and influential silver dollar variety among nearly 1,000 modern silver coins in China. It is also an important role in the reform of modern Chinese currency system.

袁大頭普通幣上面(正面)為袁世凱左側五分像,上鑄“中華民國十年造”中文繁體,具有很高的歷史文化研究價值,寓意“民主、共和、憲政及君主立憲“之思想希冀。下面(背面)為嘉禾之圖案,尚書·周書·微子之命》:“唐叔得禾,異畝同穎,獻諸天子。鑄在錢幣之上寓意國家重視農桑、以民生為本;其另一思想取其家和之諧音,寓意“家和萬事興”之意; 鑄幣之上當政者有國泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民間收藏,寓意“家和萬事興”之吉祥之寶,故有很高的收藏研究價值。

On the top (front) of the Yuan Datou ordinary coin is the five-pointed image of Yuan Shikai on the left, cast in traditional Chinese characters "Made in Ten Years of the Republic of China", which has high historical and cultural research value, and implies the ideals of "democracy, republic, constitutional government and constitutional monarchy" . Below (reverse) is the pattern of Jiahe, Shangshu·Zhoushu·The Life of the Weizi": "Uncle Tang gets he, he is the same in different acres, dedicated to the emperor. Casting on the coin means that the country attaches importance to agriculture and puts people's livelihood first. The other idea is based on the homophony of home and everything, which means "home and all things are prosperous"; those in power above the coin have the vision of national peace, peace and good fortune, and folk collection, which means "home and all things", the auspicious treasure, Therefore, it has a high value for collection and research.


Coins are getting more and more attention from collectors, and the collection team is constantly expanding. Yuan Datou silver dollar is known as the "treasure of silver dollar" in the currency collection industry. It plays an indispensable role in the reform of the modern currency system. It is the most widely spread and most influential silver dollar currency among modern Chinese silver coins. The first choice for silver dollar collectors is also the common choice of many silver dollar lovers. The collection value of this collection is very impressive. As a kind of old silver coin in modern history, "Yuan Big Head" is loved by many silver coin collectors, and its market price has been increasing in recent years. Yuan Datou in the ten years of the Republic of China will be a good investment choice.




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