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魏沁, 男,漢族,1962年12月出生。現任中國書法家協會鑒定評估委員會委員,寧夏書法家協會副主席,吳忠市文聯副主席,吳忠書畫院院長,吳忠市書協主席。書法作品入展寧夏歷屆區內書法展覽和對外交流展覽并獲獎。魏沁作為書法家很有教育家的風范,不僅擔任全國中小學書法節一、二、三屆評委,還曾多次參加“書法走進校園”的書法活動。2009年1月10號魏沁在吳忠第四中學參加了“書法四中行”活動,在活動中潑墨揮毫,即興獻藝,并手把手的對幾十名有書法愛好的同學進行輔導,贏得一致好評。

Wei Qin, male, Han nationality, was born in December 1962. He is now a member of the appraisal and evaluation committee of China Calligraphers Association, vice chairman of Ningxia Calligrapher Association, vice chairman of Wuzhong literary and Art Federation, President of Wuzhong calligraphy and painting academy, and chairman of Wuzhong Calligrapher Association. Calligraphy works have been exhibited in previous regional calligraphy exhibitions and foreign exchange exhibitions in Ningxia and won awards. As a calligrapher, Wei Qin has the demeanor of an educator. He not only served as the judge of the first, second and third sessions of the National Calligraphy Festival of primary and secondary schools, but also participated in the calligraphy activities of "calligraphy enters the campus" for many times. On January 10, 2009, Wei Qin took part in the activity of "four middle lines of calligraphy" in Wuzhong NO.4 middle school. In the activity, he splashed ink and waved brush, improvised, and helped dozens of students with calligraphy hobbies to guide them, winning unanimous praise.




Size: 4.2m long and 35cm wide

Work paper: Xuan paper

Paper color: gold on the front,


魏沁作為書法大師一直都致力于研究怎樣突破現有書法體系,他長年研究魏晉時期書法。魏晉風骨是早的規范字體,既端莊厚重毫無笨拙之感,又古樸高雅不顯陳舊,章法布局有序,參差錯落,疏可走馬,漲不離形枯有劃沙之跡,濃淡相隨,時而老藤纏樹,時而似隕石高空墜地,把有限的空間運用得微妙到了。魏沁所創的魏氏書體便是以魏晉為師,以此為體基,在此基礎之上加以改進,更加重視起筆重按而輕提,收筆之處干凈利落,錯落有致,毫無拖沓之感。魏沁的書法主要是重視氣的運用,彰顯自我風格,不在前人的成就中固步自封,他自創的書法體系集合了草、楷、隸書的各種特色,各種融會貫通。觀看其書法藝術特色,字體線條粗中有細,字體形散而意不散,但看字便可以看出魏沁的書法青出于藍而勝于藍, 字里行間透露厚重霸氣質感,盡顯風范。

As a master of calligraphy, Wei Qin has been committed to studying how to break through the existing calligraphy system. He has been studying calligraphy in the Wei and Jin Dynasties for a long time. The style of Wei and Jin Dynasty is an early standard font. It is not only dignified and heavy without clumsy feeling, but also simple, elegant and not old-fashioned. The layout is orderly, uneven, sparse and can walk. It can not be separated from the shape. There are traces of sand scraping along with the thick and light. Sometimes old vines entangle trees, sometimes like meteorite falling to the ground, which makes the limited space subtle. Wei Qin's style of calligraphy was based on the Wei and Jin Dynasties. On this basis, it was improved. More attention was paid to the start of the brush, and the brush collection was neat and orderly, without any sense of procrastination. Wei Qin's calligraphy mainly focuses on the use of Qi, showing his own style, not in the achievements of his predecessors. His own calligraphy system combines the characteristics of grass, regular script and official script. Looking at the artistic features of his calligraphy, we can see that the lines of his calligraphy are thick and thin, and the form of the font is scattered but the meaning is not scattered. However, it can be seen that Wei Qin's calligraphy is better than the blue, and the lines reveal the thick and domineering texture, showing the style.


More and more people begin to pay attention to calligraphy. At the same time, people are no longer satisfied with appreciating the fruits of predecessors, but more care about the calligraphy masters' own creation. Wei Qin's own creation of Wei's calligraphy style has surpassed many calligraphy masters of the same period. Moreover, he gives all his money to students who love calligraphy, advocates culture and loves art. He is really a master of calligraphy with both moral integrity and art, Wei Qin is well-known in the literary and art circles for his unique high-level calligraphy art of Wei's calligraphy style. He is known as a calligrapher of Ningxia strength school, and also a famous calligrapher inside and outside the province. He has been widely praised by the calligrapher and calligrapher at home and abroad.



The style and character of Wei and Jin Dynasties was an early standard font. It is not only dignified and heavy, but also simple and elegant. The layout is orderly, uneven and scattered. It can be used as a walking horse. It can not be separated from the shape. There are traces of sand scraping. The thick and light go with each other. Sometimes old vines entwine trees, sometimes like meteorite falling to the ground. It makes the limited space subtle. Wei's calligraphy style is based on the Wei and Jin Dynasties, which is based on the changes of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Its characteristics are that on the basis of the original Wei and Jin calligraphy style, it pays more attention to the starting and pressing of the brush, but lightly lifting and closing the pen. It is full of frustration, neat and neat, with the mark of leaking rain. The ink color changes deeply and solemnly, and pays attention to the use of heavy gas when writing. Wei Qin has a unique high level of calligraphy art of Wei style It is well-known in the literary and artistic circles.

爐火純青的草書,高雅圓潤的行書、楷書,魏沁的書法創造力已達到多家書體融合為一,更創造出一格的魏氏書體。 他將流暢雄健風格的行書,雄健有力草書與英氣逼人古拙飄逸的楷書一氣和三為一,融合后的魏式書體形成了獨特的形散而意不散。單從字形此致來說就以達到了青 出于藍而勝于藍的境界,整體布局章法有度,書寫隨心所欲中帶有幾分凌亂,落筆古掘穩健,字里行間都透露出如青磚般樸實厚重,同時又透出一股飄逸的英氣,筆 體厚重粗狂,結構卻秀逸而內斂,風姿古風濃郁,行筆卻又力透紙背,這些細節顯示了魏沁先生刻苦臨摹碑帖、博采眾長而一格的藝術功力。值得人們反復揣摩,細細品味。魏沁先生的書法技法全面、章法依宮廷禮度,謹嚴莊重、用筆氣靈動自然,墨跡潤筆深厚有力,布局立勢雄渾、字字精美絕倫,氣勢行云流水,在視覺上給人帶來極 大的張力和藝術美感,無時無刻不透露著古代威儀風范。

Wei Qin's calligraphy creativity has reached the integration of many calligraphy styles, and created a unique style of Wei's calligraphy. He combined the flowing and vigorous style of running script, vigorous and powerful cursive script and the heroic and elegant regular script in one breath and three into one. After the integration, the Wei style calligraphy formed a unique style of scattered form and meaning. From the perspective of the style, it has reached the state that the blue is better than the blue. The overall layout is reasonable, the writing is a bit messy, and the writing is ancient and steady. The lines are simple and heavy like green bricks, and at the same time, it shows a graceful heroic spirit His body is thick and thick, the structure is elegant and restrained, the style is rich, but his writing style is penetrating the back of the paper. These details show Mr. Wei Qin's artistic skill of copying the tablet tablet and drawing on the strong points of others. It is worth pondering and savoring. Mr. Wei Qin's calligraphy techniques are comprehensive, the rules and regulations are in accordance with the court's propriety. His calligraphy is rigorous, solemn, flexible and natural. The ink is deep and powerful, the layout is vigorous, the words are exquisite, and the momentum is flowing. It brings great tension and artistic beauty to people visually, and reveals the ancient majesty style all the time.


幾十年功夫,練得真草隸篆樣樣皆精,自成一派的魏氏書體風格。氣勢驚人。大有神龍凌駕于九重天 外,耕耘不雨廣施恩澤的神力及出入山河,騰云潛淵遨游太空的磅礴之勢。是當代書法世界中遵從古代宮廷禮法的書法家之一,是當代公認的魏晉風骨的 高代表作品。藝術價值與市場價值不可估量。

After several decades of Kung Fu, he has developed a style of Wei style. The momentum is amazing. There is a great dragon in the sky above the nine heavy days, the divine power of cultivating without rain, and the power of going into and out of the mountains and rivers, and soaring into the clouds and the abyss to travel in space. He is one of the calligraphers who abide by the ancient court etiquette and law in the contemporary calligraphy world, and is a highly representative work of the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Artistic value and market value are immeasurable.









標簽:長卷 楷書 祈福 第九期 精品



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