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[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.

【名       稱】:   大清乾隆年制款翡翠龍龜福祿壽擺件

【藏 品 類 型】:    雜項

【藏 品 年 代】:  大清乾隆

【藏 品 信 息】:    長:28cm 高:19.4cm重:3.688kg

[name]:Jade Dragon turtle fulushou ornament made in Qianlong year of Qing Dynasty

[collection type]:miscellaneous

Collection date:Qianlong of Qing Dynasty

[collection information]: Length: 28cm height: 19.4cm weight: 3.688kg


此藏品為吉祥如意八仙祝壽龜擺件,重:3.688kg。古人向來信奉龜,主富貴安康,財運之道。玉龜身伏四只小龜,頭頂和后尾龜蓋各一只前后呼應,兩只前腳龜蓋上各伏小龜一只左右相輔,寓意四方招財進寶,實為大吉。玉龜下方刻有“大清乾隆孝粉”落款,龜蓋左右兩側各刻花藍一只,“長“壽二字分刻于右左花籃之內。玉龜中間背上駝有一只大壽桃,周邊為八仙雕像,俯仰美好山河,觀八仙,高談闊論,神采飛揚,仙意悠悠。該吉祥如意八仙祝壽龜擺件從瑞獸到人物雕刻,均惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生,晶瑩剔透,質地上乘,動態十足,有著很高的收藏價值。在市場上,收藏家非常喜歡長壽的龜,在民間傳言,有關龜之物不僅代表長壽之意,還能增加一個人的氣運,使其時刻在神龜的保護下,趨吉避兇,更有富貴長壽安康之意,實屬難得!收藏價值極高。Tortoise is regarded as a national treasure in ancient Chinese culture. It is listed with the dragon as a significant auspicious omen. It is a symbol of the great rule of the world. Therefore, it can stand high above the temples and share the worship with the gods and ancestors of heaven and earth. In ancient times, tortoise was regarded as a spiritual object. Tortoise shells were mainly used in inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells. In ancient times, tortoise shells were once used as money, which was regarded as a valuable thing and a symbol of wealth. Tortoise's nature is tolerant of hunger and thirst, long life and strong vitality. It is also a symbol of longevity and longevity. Therefore, turtle modeling and tortoise shell modeling naturally enter into the design of jewelry, are widely used, become a symbol of blessing wealth and longevity. Be made into ornaments, pendants and other accessories, in the decoration at the same time, to bring good luck.

This collection is for auspicious Ruyi eight immortals birthday turtle ornaments, weight: 3.688kg. The ancients sent a letter to the tortoise, the master of wealth and well-being, the way of fortune. There are four little turtles on the body of the Jade Turtle, one on the top of the head and one on the back of the tail, and one on each of the two front legs. The two turtles are complementary to each other, implying that it is a great blessing to attract wealth from all directions. Under the jade tortoise, the inscription "filial piety powder of Qianlong of Qing Dynasty" is engraved. On the left and right sides of the turtle cover, there is a blue flower, "long life" is carved in the flower basket on the right and left. In the middle of the Jade Turtle, there is a big longevity peach, surrounded by a statue of eight immortals, overlooking the beautiful mountains and rivers, watching the eight immortals, talking about it, and being immortal. The auspicious and auspicious eight immortals birthday tortoise ornaments, from auspicious animals to figure carving, are lifelike, lifelike, crystal clear, high quality, dynamic, has a high collection value. In the market, collectors like long-lived turtles very much. It is said that the tortoise not only represents the meaning of longevity, but also increases a person's luck. Under the protection of the tortoise, he can pursue good fortune and avoid misfortune. It is rare to have the meaning of wealth, longevity and health! Collection value is very high.

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