Qianlong Tongbao is the currency in circulation in Qianlong period. It was cast in Qianlong period. The back of the coin is Manchu, which is very complex, with detailed price and rubbings. On the front is the four characters of Qianlong Tongbao printed in regular script. The order is from bottom to top and from right to left. The shape and size of the coin vary with different periods.
There is a procedure for the central government to examine the nature of the new coins. For example, if the mint wants to test the ingredients, technology, cost, etc., and report the progress of coinage work to the competent department and accept the coin quality approval and other factors, they must first try to cast "sample money".
正面錢幣外圓內方,古人認為天是圓的地是方的,所以用上好的玉制作成 玉璧用來祭天,后期發展成流通貨幣,可以用玉璧來購買物品,古錢幣也正是由此而來,最早的古幣是外圓內圓與玉璧無異,后期由于打磨容易發生轉動,為了更高效的制作錢幣,就發展出外圓內方的錢幣,也方便固定,大大提高了制作效率, 古錢幣就由此而來,所以古錢幣不只是一種流通貨幣,更是一種可以用來辟邪去惡的法器,道教就有用乾隆通寶制作的金錢劍,用來做法驅邪,圓為乾方為坤,乾坤之間四字直讀‘乾隆通寶‘’表面部分產生包漿,古韻十足,不可多得的收藏級錢幣。
The obverse coin is round and square inside. The ancients thought that the sky was round and the earth was square, so it was made of high-quality jade Jade is used to worship heaven, and later developed into currency, which can be used to buy goods. The earliest ancient coin is the outer circle and the inner circle, which is the same as the jade jade. In the later stage, it is easy to rotate due to grinding. In order to make coins more efficiently, we developed coins with outer circle and inner side, which is convenient to fix and greatly improve the production efficiency, Therefore, the ancient coins are not only currency in circulation, but also a magic weapon that can be used to ward off evil spirits. In Taoism, the money sword made by Qianlong Tongbao is used to expel evil spirits. The circle is Qian Fang and Kun is Kun. The four characters between heaven and earth directly read "Qianlong Tongbao". The surface part of the coin is full of ancient charm and rare collection grade coins.
On the reverse side of Manchu minting Bureau, the middle square hole is very regular and the handwriting is correct. We can see that this Qianlong Tongbao has the same oxidation before and after, with obvious original light coating. The flat bottom is black, the edge is bright yellow, and the oxidation level is natural. It is two rare open-door ancient coins. There is no doubt about its authenticity.
這兩枚錢幣包漿自然,底光柔和,所謂包漿是自然形成的氧化層,也有人為手盤包漿,兩者不同,但同時都有保護錢幣的功能,有如給錢幣鍍上一層保護膜,使錢幣不再氧化,便于收藏傳世,如果覺得錢幣臟,可以用清水洗,再用棉布擦干,不要破壞包漿,破壞了包漿就相當于破壞了保護層,更重要的是包漿是鑒定新老錢幣最簡單有效的方法。細看這兩枚錢幣品相完美,沒有磕缺,損毀,變形等是不可多的收藏級錢幣,這兩枚錢幣為 五帝幣之一,具有極大的風水價值,可驅邪保平安,是錢幣市場的寵兒,極具收藏價值!
The two coins are naturally coated with soft bottom light. The so-called coating slurry is a naturally formed oxide layer, and there are also artificial hand plates. The two are different, but at the same time, they both have the function of protecting coins, such as coating them with a protective film, so that the coins will not be oxidized any more. If you feel dirty, you can wash them with water, and then dry them with cotton cloth It is the simplest and effective method to identify the old and new coins. Looking at the two coins, they are perfect. They are not damaged, damaged or deformed. These two coins are one of the five emperors' coins. They have great geomantic value, can drive away evil spirits and protect peace. They are the favorite of the coin market and have great collection value!
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.