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“船洋”是國民政府在上世紀30年代鑄造的海洋帆船圖案銀幣的俗稱。民國二十二年(1933年),國民黨南京政府決定放棄采用金本位幣制計劃,確定銀本位幣制,并規定孫像雙帆帆船銀幣為國幣。上海中央造幣廠于二十二年和二十三年開鑄此幣,曾大量發行流通, 在我國近代發行的上千種老銀幣中,船洋銀幣 其影響僅次于“袁大頭”銀幣。

"Chuanyang" is the common name of the silver coin with the pattern of ocean sailboat, which was made by the national government in the 1930s. In 1933, the KMT Nanjing government decided to abandon the gold standard monetary system, determined the silver standard currency system, and stipulated Sun Xiang's double sail sailboat silver coin as the national currency. In the twenty-two and twenty-three years, Shanghai Central Mint began to issue this coin. Among thousands of old silver coins issued in modern China, the influence of Chuanyang silver coin was second only to yuan Datou silver coin.

1929年初,財政部邀外國人設計新幣,后由美、日、英、意、奧五國造幣公司根據同一草圖試造了一批孫中山側像樣幣,并在杭州試鑄少量樣品。南京政府并未直接采用外國樣幣,而是依據委過設計,于民國二十一年(1932年)發行了少量孫像帆船銀幣,正面為孫中山側面像,背面為帆船放洋圖,船首前方放射一束日光,天幕上有三只飛鳥。寓意“國運”、“一帆風順”、“旭日東升”。但由于“九.一八“事變爆發后,全國興起抗日高潮 ,民眾對”船洋“背面眾說紛紜,認為三鳥形象如日本飛機,而日光酷似太陽旗,故收回重鑄。

At the beginning of 1929, the Ministry of Finance invited foreigners to design new coins. Later, the mint companies of the United States, Japan, Britain, Italy and Austria tried to make a batch of Sun Yat Sen's profile coins according to the same sketch, and a small number of samples were cast in Hangzhou. In 1932, the Nanjing government issued a small number of silver coins of the Sun Yat sen in 1932. The front of the coin is a profile of Sun Yat Sen, and the back is a picture of the sailing boat. There is a beam of sunlight in front of the bow, and there are three flying birds on the sky. It means "national fortune", "smooth sailing" and "rising sun in the East". However, after the outbreak of the September 18th Incident, the Anti Japanese climax rose in the whole country. People had different opinions on the back of "Chuanyang". They thought that the image of the three birds was like a Japanese plane, and the sun was like a sun flag, so they took it back and recast it.


In March of the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), the national government officially "changed the two fees into yuan". The Ministry of finance of the Kuomintang government promulgated the "order of abolishing the two to change the yuan" and the "silver standard casting regulations". It was decided to end the situation of dividing the silver coins into silver coins in each province. It was decided that the minting right of silver coins should be transferred to the Central Mint in Shanghai The receipt and payment of private money must be changed into silver currency instead of silver. In the same year, a new type of silver coin, Chuanyang, began to be minted at Shanghai Central Mint. The new design, Sun Yat Sen's head on the front, and the "boat ocean" with double sails on the back, is the official national currency.



This "sailboat coin of one yuan silver coin of the year of the Republic of China" was cast by Shanghai Central Mint in the year of the Republic of China. Sun Yat Sen's profile head is engraved on the front, and "the 23rd year of the Republic of China" is engraved on the front, and the double masted sailboat is sailing through the wind and waves on the back, with the currency value of "one yuan" on the left and right. In terms of coin design, shuangfan coin is the source of wisdom and unique aesthetic perspective of thousands of craftsmen. It has excellent appearance, harmonious overall shape and exquisite design. In addition, the two sails are very rare. Through the contrast and refraction of light, the silver mottled ancient "Baojiang" still permeates the coin, which is a natural "track of time", In the market is relatively rare, so it also attracted thousands of collectors to collect, which shows its value status.



Because it was made of precious metal, the quantity of "Chuanyang" was much less than that of copper yuan and paper money. In addition, due to the social unrest during the period of the Republic of China, silver yuan was mainly concentrated in the hands of a small number of officials and merchants. Due to the large amount of exchange after liberation, there was little left in the world, much less than the amount of stamps and commemorative coins currently issued. It can be predicted that "Chuanyang" silver dollar will become a black horse in the collection industry.








標簽:帆船 中華民國 銀幣 二十三年 第八期



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