In recent years, ancient coins in the collection market has been a hot topic, at first this kind of market has not formed a trend, most people do not know the value of ancient coins. After being bought by more and more people at high prices, they gradually realized the importance of ancient coins, but there were few left at home. The reason for the rapid rise of ancient coins or collection market in China is also due to the continuous downturn of the stock market, property market and funds. People gradually turn their eyes to the antique art market and start to invest in antiques.
The copper coins of Qing Dynasty began to be minted in 1900, that is, in the 26th year of Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty. However, due to the unrestrained casting of copper coins in various provinces, the Hubu general MINT set up by the Qing government in Tianjin began to cast the new type of copper coins in 1905. The main purpose is to rectify and unify the currency system, trying to nationalize the Seigniorage and strengthen the control.
1906年也就是光緒三十二年, 清政府處戶部又奏請朝廷, 擬將當時全國24處銅元局, 酌量歸并為九處,除臣部所設總廠外,擬以山東歸并直隸為一廠,湖南歸并湖北為一廠,江西、安徽、江蘇、清江并歸江寧一廠,浙江歸并福建為一廠, 廣西歸并廣東為一廠。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四廠,共九處, 皆歸臣部統轄,調劑盈虛, 彼此均可勻撥。”在歸并銅元局得以順利實施的同時,又限定各省每日鑄造銅元數額,以避免重蹈濫造的覆轍。此后,清政府將戶部改稱“度支部”,命各省造幣廠改稱度支部造幣分廠,欲統而治之,鞏固中央造幣集權。
In 1906, that is, the 32nd year of Guangxu, the Department of Hubu of the Qing government invited the imperial court to merge 24 copper yuan bureaus into nine. In addition to the general factory set up by ministers, Shandong was planned to merge Zhili into Zhili, Hunan to Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Qingjiang to Jiangning, Zhejiang to Fujian and Guangxi to Guangdong. He Fengtian, Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan four factories, a total of nine, all under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, adjust the Yingxu, each can be evenly allocated At the same time, the amount of copper coins cast in each province was limited to avoid the same mistake. After that, the Qing government renamed Hubu as "Du branch" and ordered the mints in all provinces to be renamed as Du branch Mint branch, in order to consolidate the centralized power of the Central Mint.
1911年(宣統三年)又推出一套新銅元, 仍稱“大清銅幣”, 計有二十文、 十文、五文和二文、一文五種,五文以上鑄有制錢和銀元互換值, 以補第一套新銅元之不足。但這一幣制改革方案,還未來得及全面實施(只有十文和一文銅元進入流通領域),便爆發了辛亥革命,清朝滅亡。
In 1911 (the third year of Xuantong reign), a new set of copper coins, still known as "Qing Dynasty copper coins", was introduced. There were 20 Wen, 10 Wen, 5 Wen, and 2 Wen and 1 Wen. The exchange value of coin making and silver dollar was cast above 5 Wen to make up for the deficiency of the first set of new copper coins. However, before the currency reform plan was fully implemented (only 10 Wen and 1 Wen copper yuan entered the circulation field), the revolution of 1911 broke out and the Qing Dynasty was destroyed.
The copper coins of Qing Dynasty began to be minted in 1900 (26th year of Guangxu reign of the Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of Xuantong period). Because of its elegant layout design, exquisite carving, and extremely rare quantity, the Hu Bu Dang of the Qing Dynasty copper coin in Guangxu year is known as one of the top ten honorary products in modern China.
此枚戶部丙午年當十的大清銅幣,錢面中央有“大清銅幣”四個漢字,內嵌一小字“滇”,上端是滿文“大清銅幣”字樣,邊緣中間“戶部”二漢字,戶部二字上鈐有“丙午”,代表其年份,下端為“當制錢十文”。錢背中央為蟠龍圖,上端鑄“光緒年造”,下方英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字樣(大清帝國銅幣),包漿自然,為不可多得的珍品。錢幣背面中央為部頒大清龍圖案,神龍威武,遒勁有力,皇族尊貴氣息一覽無余,上環“光緒年造”字樣,左右下環英文,表現出了當時的國際政治、經濟、文化的交融,極具歷史意義。 是集收藏與投資于一身的難能可貴的精品!
In the middle of the coin, there are four Chinese characters of "Da Qing copper coin" in the middle of the coin face, with a small character "dian". At the top of the coin is the word "Da Qing copper coin" in Manchu, and two Chinese characters of "Hubu" in the middle of the edge. On the two characters of Hubu, there is "Bingwu" on the top, which represents the year, and the bottom is "Dang Qian Shi Wen". On the back of the coin, there is a picture of a dragon in the middle, with the inscription "made in the year of Guangxu" on the top and "Tai Ching Ti Kuo copper coin" at the bottom (copper coins of the Qing Empire) in English. It is wrapped naturally and is a rare treasure. On the back of the coin, there is a Qing Dynasty dragon pattern issued by the Ministry. The dragon is powerful and powerful, and the royal family's noble atmosphere can be seen at a glance. The words "made in Guangxu year" on the upper ring and English on the left and the lower ring show the blending of international politics, economy and culture at that time, which is of great historical significance. Is a collection and investment in a valuable boutique!
At the Taibei Zhongzheng 2018 spring auction, Zhongzheng Auction Co., Ltd. launched a copper coin of Hubu, with a starting price of NT $3.44 million. After several rounds of bidding, the final transaction price was 9.9 million, which was converted into RMB 2.17 million, which shows its high value. Such an unthinkable transaction proves that the Qing Dynasty copper coins are a black horse in the collection market.