馬泉,字清源,別名博熙;中國當代著名書畫家,詩人,一九三八年生,山西清徐人。中國北京畫院一級美術 師。1957年中央美術學院附中首屆畢業生,1962年中央美術學院國畫系畢業。同年到北京中國畫院進修兩年,結業后留院創作。擅長中國人物畫,精于工筆重彩,兼能國畫、山水、花鳥、篆刻及水彩畫。從1957年起參加全國省、市級以上各種畫展300多次,并多次在香港、日本、法國、美國、加拿大、東南亞、東歐等處展出。作品為國內外200多個博物館、紀念館、畫院及海外畫廊收藏,并多次獲獎。多次舉辦個人畫展及個人水彩畫展。
Ma Quan was born in Qingxu, Shanxi Province in 1938. First class artist of Beijing Painting Academy, China. In 1957, he graduated from the First Affiliated Middle School of the Central Academy of fine arts, and in 1962 he graduated from the Department of Chinese painting of the Central Academy of fine arts. In the same year, he went to Beijing Chinese Academy of painting for two years and stayed in the academy to create after graduation. He is good at Chinese figure painting. He is good at Chinese painting, landscape painting, flowers and birds, seal cutting and watercolor painting. Since 1957, he has participated in more than 300 exhibitions at provincial and municipal levels, and has exhibited in Hong Kong, Japan, France, the United States, Canada, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. His works have been collected by more than 200 museums, memorials, art academies and overseas galleries at home and abroad. He has held many individual exhibitions and watercolor exhibitions.
His representative works include "returning my River and mountain", "the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky", "autumn cool studio", "the fragrance of books", "painting paintings for the people", and the historical paintings "great victory between the rivers" and "the Chinese people stand up". His fine brushwork and heavy color figure paintings combine western painting techniques to strive for new content and new flavor of the times, and take the reflection of real life as the key point of creation. His freehand historical figure paintings attach importance to poetic and picturesque style, and the painting style is natural and fresh, and the lines are smooth and unique. There are four kinds of monographs, such as Maquan traditional Chinese painting works collection and Maquan water color collection, and personal art biography "art garden gallop". He visited the United States twice in 1986 and 1988, lecturing at the City University of New York, pish University and Moore University of art in Philadelphia, and held a personal poetry, calligraphy and painting exhibition in San Francisco, USA. He is now a member of China Artists Association, a first-class artist of Beijing Painting Academy, director of Chinese calligraphy and painting society, director of Chinese elderly Cultural Exchange Promotion Association, consultant of Beijing poetry society, and consultant of Chinese culture and Art Research Institute in San Francisco. The introduction and art resume are respectively included in more than 20 art dictionaries, such as the dictionary of names of modern Chinese artists, dictionary of contemporary calligraphy, painting and Seal Engravers, biography of world celebrities by American Biography center, and world who's who in Cambridge, UK.
馬泉先生在長期的藝術實踐中,將傳統國畫的筆墨,融匯西畫素描和水彩畫的表現手法,形成了自己的特有 的寫實畫風,在工筆重彩繪畫中獨特一幟。其寫意人物畫,也是清新秀逸,瀟灑自如。不僅如此,在國畫山水、花卉、書法等方面也均有建樹。可以說馬泉先生是一位全面發展的畫家,也是上世紀60年代成長起來的新中國第一批國畫家中的佼佼者。馬泉在藝術園地耕耘了近60個春秋在不同的歷史時期,緊扣時代的脈搏,創作出許多有影響的作品。1953年作為新中國第一屆美院附中的學員,馬泉聆聽了徐悲鴻院長的《新中國的美術事業,將從你們開始》的開學祝詞。1957年馬泉先生以優異的成績升入中央美術學院國畫系,大學期間直接受到藝術大師蔣兆和、葉淺予、李可染、李苦禪、劉凌滄等先生的教導與熏陶。在學院學習期間,馬泉先生就參加了“北京市美術作品展”,展后其山水作品《諧趣園》、人物作品《大字報》分別為北京市美協、吉林省博物館收藏。
In his long-term artistic practice, Mr. Ma Quan combined traditional Chinese painting with Western painting sketch and watercolor painting, forming his own unique realistic painting style, which is unique in meticulous and heavy color painting. Its freehand figure painting is also fresh and elegant, natural and unrestrained. It is not only in calligraphy, but also in Chinese painting. It can be said that Mr. Ma Quan is an all-round painter, and he is also one of the first batch of Chinese painters who grew up in the 1960s. Ma Quan has been working in the art garden for nearly 60 years. In different historical periods, Ma Quan has created many influential works in keeping with the pulse of the times. In 1953, as a student of the first high school affiliated to the Academy of fine arts of new China, Ma Quan listened to the opening congratulation of president Xu Beihong's "art career in New China will start from you". In 1957, Mr. Ma Quan was promoted to the Department of traditional Chinese painting of the Central Academy of fine arts with outstanding achievements. During his university, he was directly taught and influenced by art masters such as Jiang Zhaohe, ye Qianyu, Li Keran, Li kuchan and Liu lingcang. During his study in the college, Mr. Ma Quan participated in the "Beijing Art Works Exhibition". After the exhibition, his landscape works "humorous garden" and his figure work "big character newspaper" were collected by Beijing Art Association and Jilin Provincial Museum respectively.
1962年馬泉先生以描繪岳飛收復故土為內容的巨幅畢業創作《還我河山》,獲全班人物創作最高分。后被人民美術出版社選中,大量印刷發行全國。他到北京中國畫院工作后,創作的《背簍商店》組畫、《毛主席夸咱槍法好》等作品又被報刊連載和出版發行。辛勤終獲豐收,畫壇嶄露頭角。但成績并未使他停步。為進一步提高國畫技能,他還完整地臨摹了《八十七神仙卷》、《搜山圖》、《群仙祝壽圖》等,以精研中國畫用線造型的多種表現手法和多種規律。不久,馬泉先生應湖南省博物館,屈原紀念館的收藏需要創作了《九歌》白描作品。1964年春,國畫大師劉凌滄和劉繼卣先生以及晏少翔、姚增補等人共同參加了大型工筆重彩 《紅樓夢》組畫這一具有歷史意義的集體創作,馬泉先生是其中最年輕的一位。1964年金秋,大型《紅樓夢》組畫在故宮武英殿及日本、 越南、香港等國家和地區展出后,引起極大反響。
In 1962, Mr. Ma Quan's graduation work "returning my River and mountain" with the content of depicting Yue Fei's recovery of his hometown won the highest score in the class's character creation. Later, it was selected by the people's fine arts publishing house and printed and distributed in large quantities throughout the country. After he worked in Beijing Chinese Academy of painting, his works such as "back basket shop" and Chairman Mao's praise of our good shooting skills were serialized and published in newspapers and periodicals. Hard work eventually reaped a good harvest, and the painting world came to the fore. But the results did not stop him. In order to further improve the skills of traditional Chinese painting, he also copied the scroll of eighty-seven immortals, the painting of searching mountains, and the painting of celebrating the birthday of group immortals. Soon, Mr. Ma Quan created the line drawing works of "Nine Songs" for the collection of Hunan Provincial Museum and Qu Yuan Memorial Hall. In the spring of 1964, Chinese painting masters Liu lingcang and Mr. Liu Jiyou, Yan Shaoxiang, Yao Zengzi and others participated in the large-scale group painting of a dream of Red Mansions, which is of historical significance. Mr. Ma Quan is the youngest of them. In the golden autumn of 1964, the large-scale series of paintings of a dream of red mansions were exhibited in Wuying Hall of the Forbidden City, Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, causing great repercussions.
“文革”結束后,馬泉迎來了創作的高峰,到1987年的10年中他已參加過全國性和北京市以及海外畫展140次,創作了千幅的作品,這一時期的重要創作很多,如 《中國人民站起來了》、《中南海之春》、《根據偉大的戰略部署》等,更多的創作題材是反映英雄模范人物和他們在平凡崗位上的先進業績。1986年、1988年馬先生應邀兩次訪美,講學于紐約市立大學、丕士大學,并于舊金山舉辦個人詩書畫印展,還在美國《星島日報》、《北美時報》、《中報》及紐約“中外美術家座談會”上,宣傳介紹了中國的民族繪畫藝術發展史及其特點。并在紐約“奧本貸圖書館”作了國畫工筆畫技法的示范。多年以來,馬泉先生相繼創作了許多幅“紅樓夢”文學作品的創作,如工筆巨幅《秋爽齋》、《春暮幽思》等,尤以《聽琴》一畫耐人尋味。在深入革命根據地延安、井岡山后,創作了《育新人》、《雨露滋潤禾苗壯》、《中流砥柱》、《晚歸》、《桑弘羊》等作品。
After the "Cultural Revolution", Ma Quan ushered in the peak of his creation. In the 10 years since 1987, he has participated in 140 national, Beijing and overseas art exhibitions and created thousands of works "The Chinese people stand up", "spring in Zhongnanhai" and "according to the great strategic deployment" are more creative themes reflecting heroes and models and their advanced achievements in ordinary posts. In 1986 and 1988, Mr. Ma visited the United States twice on invitation. He lectured at the City University of New York and pish University. He also held a personal exhibition of poetry, calligraphy and painting in San Francisco. He also publicized and introduced the development history and characteristics of Chinese national painting art in the "Star Island Daily", "North America times", "China Daily" and "Chinese artists forum" in New York. And in New York "Auburn loan library" made a demonstration of traditional Chinese painting meticulous painting techniques. Over the years, Mr. Ma Quan has created many "dream of Red Mansions" literary works, such as the meticulous giant "autumn shuangzhai" and "spring dusk Yousi", especially the "listening to the piano" is thought-provoking. After going deep into the revolutionary base areas of Yan'an and Jinggangshan, he created works such as "educating new people", "rain and dew moistening seedlings and Zhuang", "mainstay", "returning late", "sanghongyang".
Mr. Ma Quan not only reflects the reality, but also creates a large number of historical works. "Li Bai", "Du Fu", "Bai Juyi", "Li Qingzhao", "Li Zicheng", "Yu Chenglong" and "Lin Zexu", etc. the giant works include "the great victory between the rivers" and "the water of the Yellow River comes from the sky". When the painting was exhibited in the Chinese Art Museum and Tokyo, Japan, many audiences were amazed. In addition, there are hundreds of illustrations for books, magazines, textbooks, etc. In the past two years, he has been elaborately creating the long volume of Water Margin's line drawing characters, which expresses the indomitable heroic behavior in classical literature to express the Chinese spirit of struggle, enterprising and noble and upright spirit. Mr. Ma Quan has participated in more than 300 national, provincial and municipal art exhibitions. He has won gold, silver and bronze awards for many times, and has held many individual art exhibitions. His works have been collected in more than 200 foreign art museums, museums and memorials.
Mr. Ma Quan is good at calligraphy. He can make all kinds of calligraphy, such as Zhen, Cao, Li and Zhuan, and he is very natural and unrestrained. Mr. Ma's inscriptions on his paintings are not only concise and comprehensive, but also more powerful. In one of his two meter long painting, inscription, from the beginning to the end, beautiful text arranged in a vertical line, straight and straight. Mr. Ma's seal characters are very Kung Fu. He uses both hardness and softness with his knife. His composition is dense and delicate. He is fresh and beautiful in his vigour. He does not seek madness and strangeness, but is plain and simple. It can be said that Mr. Ma's works show ancient elegance.
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