Guangxu silver coin is one of the samples not in circulation during the Reign of Guangxu Emperor. As one of the top ten treasures of modern silver dollar, its exquisite workmanship and collection value have always been amazing to the world. At present, there are very few of them in existence. It is the most exquisite representative of China's silver standard monetary system. In order to reflect the authority of the Manchu imperial power system in the field of currency, its designers and makers carried out exquisite design regardless of the cost. Its artistic level, anti - counterfeiting ability has not been surpassed. It is recognized as the great treasure of modern Chinese silver COINS.
This silver coin of Guangxu has two dragons or two. On the front, there is the character of longevity and the bottom is an abstract bat. There are two dragons on the left and right sides of the coin. The two characters are written in the dragon pattern, and the word "Guangxu silver coin" is written in the middle circle. On the opposite side, two dragons face each other, with a sun (sun) in the dragon head. There are one or two characters engraved in the two dragons. There are no vertical strokes in the two characters. There are three auspicious clouds patterns on the left, right and bottom of the dragon body. There are five piles of spray patterns like high mountains under it, without internal teeth and positioning points.
The guangxu silver coin was minted by Tianjin Coinage General Factory in the 33rd year of Guangxu Dynasty (1907). It has the best craftsmanship and the most beautiful carvers among all the silver COINS with dragon patterns in China. There is no uneven surface of the silver coin, the writing is elegant, smooth and smooth, the paste is thick, the inscriptions are clear and coherent.
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.