In my spare time, I sit by the window and enjoy tea quietly. I lift a well maintained iron sand pot and watch the water column pour into the cup. The tea leaves float with the water flowers. I feel warm and peaceful with the strong fragrance of tea.
In recent years, more and more tea customers began to know, collect and infatuate with the iron sand pot. Iron pot boiling water can not only improve the water quality, but also is a way for people to pursue quality life.
其實,不是越老的鐵砂壺就越有價值,只有精品才經得起百年的傳承。在收藏鐵砂壺時,要考慮到實用性。鐵砂壺在日本屬于茶道用器,日本皇室貴族對鐵砂壺的藝術價值有著特別的審美追求,“上有所好 下必甚焉”,無論是將軍、大名都講究以鐵砂壺為美。
In fact, it's not that the older the iron pot is, the more valuable it is. Only fine products can stand a hundred years of inheritance. When collecting iron sand pot, we should consider the practicability. The iron sand pot belongs to the tea ceremony utensil in Japan. The Japanese royal family and aristocrats have a special aesthetic pursuit of the artistic value of the iron sand pot. "If the superior is good, the lower one will be better". Both generals and celebrities pay attention to the beauty of the teapot.
Ingrained Japanese iron sand pot has a long history and many high-quality products. The old fellow iron ore pot in Japan is regarded as a cultural symbol in old fellow countries.
Iron sand pot collection does not need to cross the huge cultural barriers, as long as "do what you want", the easiest and closest to our hearts is the good pot. The rising auction price also affirmed the value of the old fellow.
As old fellow, iron sand pot should be noted. As with the purple clay pot, collectors need to know the history of the iron pot, its perfection and artistic taste. Famous teapots, of course, will have more appreciation space if they are in good condition and well-made.
This kind of iron sand pot is made of sand iron precision casting. Although it has experienced nearly 100 years of vicissitudes, it is still as bright as before and has excellent appearance. Great collection value!
The unique shape of the old iron pot shows the old fellow's understanding, attitude and attitude to some things. The kettles were made into huts, wells, mountains and rivers, animals, vegetables and fruits. With the expression of love with the pot, more profound attention to the pot with emotion, unique spirituality and beauty. This special type of old iron pot is easy to be appreciated by the old fellow, and belongs to the collection.