[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.
【類型】: 錢幣
【規格】: 直徑:29mm 重:6.5g
【Name】:Qing Copper coin (E)
【Specifications】:Diameter: 29mm Weight: 6.5g
大清銅幣,學名清代機制銅圓,鑄造始于1900年(清光緒二十六年),止于1911年(宣統三年)。兩廣總督德壽與前總督李鴻章奏準仿香港銅仙鑄造機制銅圓 , 機制銅圓較之方孔銅錢鑄造精良,市商樂用,流通順暢。鑄造流通時間盡管只有十余年,但其鼎盛時期全國共有十七省二十局開機鑄造銅圓。十七省二十局先后鑄造的當十銅圓,各不相同,版式繁多,尤以戶部者為最,多位清帝在位時發行過銅幣來作為流通貨幣,銅幣的使用具有重要的現實意義和歷史意義。
The Qing Dynasty copper coin, formally known as the Qing Dynasty mechanism copper round, was cast in 1900 (guangxu 26th year of the Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (Xuantong third year). The notes of Governor Dechou and former Governor Li Hongzhang imitate the casting mechanism of Hong Kong copper fairy copper round, which is better than the square hole copper coin casting, and is used for commercial music in the market and has a smooth circulation. Although the casting circulation time is only more than ten years, but its heyday, there are 17 provinces and 20 bureaustarting casting copper round. Ten copper COINS were minted successively by 17 provinces and 20 bureums, each of which was different, and the layout was various, especially the ministry of household. Copper COINS were issued as currency during the reign of many Emperors of the Qing Dynasty, and the use of copper COINS was of great practical and historical significance.
此枚“戶部大清銅幣鄂字當制十文錢”,錢幣正面珠圈內書“大清銅幣”四字直讀,正中陰刻“鄂”字。珠圈外上環書滿文字體,左右分書“丙”“午”紀年及“戶”“部”二字,下環書“當制錢十文”;錢幣背面珠圈內鑄蟠龍紋飾,神龍威武,遒勁有力,皇族尊貴氣息一覽無余,珠圈外上環書“光緒年造”,下環書“大清銅幣”英文字樣。屬于難得珍品。正面文字清秀俊美,大氣磅礴,背面龍紋打造深峻清晰,本品保存較好,其色澤、包漿自然,不論是文字還是圖案,都顯得自然細膩,深淺合適,鑄造精湛。稍有銹色包漿 但并不影響品相,平添幾分滄桑的歷史韻味,相輔相成、相得益彰,是集收藏與投資于一身的難能可貴的精品
This coin "the ministry of accounts of the Qing Dynasty copper COINS with the word" e "when the system of ten literary COINS", the coin front bead circle book "Qing copper COINS" four words read directly, in the middle of the Yin engraved "E". Outside the circle of beads on the book manwen fonts, about the book "C" "noon" and "household" "department" two words, the ring book "when making money ten text"; Coin on the back of the circle inside the cast coil dragon decoration, dragon power, powerful, royal noble breath in a glance, the ring outside the book "Guangxu Year", under the ring book "Qing copper coin" English words. It is a rare treasure. The front text is handsome and beautiful, majestic, the back of the dragon pattern to create a deep and clear, the product is well preserved, its color and color, wrapped pulp natural, no matter the text or the pattern, all appear natural delicate, appropriate depth, exquisite casting. A bit of rust color coating paste but does not affect the product phase, add a bit of historical charm, complement each other, bring out the best in each other, is a collection and investment in a valuable boutique
Daqing copper COINS and e word pictures daqing, referring to China's early COINS, about mo is in the xia Shang Period, sea shells became ancestors to make COINS, also became China's early COINS, shellfish COINS. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, shells were not only used as COINS, but also used as ornaments to symbolize wealth. With the growth of commodity economy, people first used bone, pottery, stone, jade and so on to make imitation shellfish, in order to meet people's demand for COINS, until bronze metal imitation shellfish appeared, thus, the growth of Chinese COINS entered the stage of metal coinage. According to the historical records of Chinese COINS, the Qing Dynasty copper COINS were minted in the first year of Xuantong dynasty (1909). Xuantong three years, Tianjin branch coinage general factory opened the coinage value of copper, divided into: twenty, ten, five, two, one, among which twenty, ten COINS have red, white copper two COINS. Not long after the Revolution of 1911 broke out, the Qing Dynasty perished, and the surviving people are extremely rare. Now they can be encountered but cannot be sought.
In recent years, "Qing copper COINS" once became the darling of the treasure circle, the media stir up a stir, often millions of sky-high price. According to acquaintances, xiang bobo "qing copper COINS" treasure value is very high, but the "Qing copper COINS" is very rare, as the usual antique market for goods. Now, the price of "qing copper COINS" soared, leading to the situation more and more intense. A small ancient coin, can reflect the social landscape, economic status, technology and water uniform, to be a rare ancient coin is the coin history of the physical object, but also the historical witness. There are many forms of copper COINS in Qing Dynasty, especially when ten. As the qing Dynasty when ten copper round a variety of large format familiar with the level of addition to the small format of the difference will respond to the gradually skilled. With the difference of decoration, typeface and dragon grain, it is divided into ten copper round small format, which is quite various.
This collection is for Sichuan Zhongbaoyuan Auction Co., Ltd. to collect the core collection of Singapore auction, welcome all collectors to visit the Singapore auction consulting auction, a rare opportunity!