規格:495.1g 直徑:39.3mm 高:39.3mm
大清金磚是我國古代官方皇家御制的留存國庫專用的貨幣,不會在民間進行流通,一般都是以元寶形或者正方塊形留存保管,金磚有黃金錠和赤金錠兩種,金磚的制作從漢代以后一直延續到民國。The Qing BRIC is a special currency reserved for the national treasury in ancient China, which will not be circulated among the people. It is generally kept in the shape of ingot or square block. There are two kinds of BRIC: gold ingot and red gold ingot. The production of BRICS has continued from the Han Dynasty to the Republic of China.
近來我們有幸征集到一個清光緒年間的金磚。清代唯一能制作金磚的地方只有內務府,而黃金又屬于內務府廣儲司管的。但廣儲司不光是管金子,銀、銅、布、絲綢等等都屬于廣儲司管轄,所以廣儲司就等于是個皇家倉庫。金磚自誕生起,即以其復雜的工藝及嚴格的管理規程,營造出皇權至尊、君臨一切的氣勢。歷史興替,皇權退隱,御窯金磚流入民間,與文人及大眾的生活產生日益緊密的關聯。Recently, we were lucky enough to collect a golden brick from Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty. The only place where gold bricks can be made in Qing Dynasty is the Office of the Interior, and gold belongs to the Office of the Interior. However, Guangchusi not only manages gold, but also silver, copper, cloth, silk and so on. Therefore, Guangchusi is a royal warehouse. Since the birth of BRIC, with its complex technology and strict management rules, it has created the momentum of imperial power and reigning over everything. With the rise and fall of history, the imperial power retired, and the imperial kiln bricks flowed into the folk, which was increasingly closely related to the life of literati and the public.
大清金磚是清朝中晚期皇宮專用的一種錢幣,民間幾乎是看不到的。大清金磚分為很多種類,有金磚,金條等等!金磚表面上一般會刻有當代皇帝的圖像,上面寫有制造的年代。而大清金磚本身就是砂金制造的,里面含有很多種金屬等,因為這錢幣不流通到民間,所以導致很多人對于大清金磚不了解。近來我們有幸征集到一枚清光緒年間的金磚。The Golden Brick in Qing Dynasty is a kind of coin dedicated to the imperial palace in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, which is almost invisible to the people. There are many kinds of gold bricks in Qing Dynasty, such as gold bricks, gold bars and so on! On the surface of gold bricks, there are usually pictures of contemporary emperors, with the date of manufacture written on them. The Qing BRIC itself is made of placer gold, which contains many kinds of metals, etc. Because this coin does not circulate to the people, many people do not understand the Qing BRIC. Recently, we were lucky enough to collect a gold brick from Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty.
此藏品 “清代光緒五年”的大清金磚它是一個正方體的,共有六面,正反兩面分別刻著“光緒五年”四個漢字,兩面為大清帝王像,兩側邊鏨刻有龍紋極為生動。此金磚長是3.93厘米,寬是3.93厘米,重是495.1g。清代金磚,鎮庫之寶,色澤純正,包漿痕跡明顯,制作工藝簡單大方,紋飾精美,品相完好,實屬罕見,具有很高的經濟價值和文物研究收藏價值。此藏品 “清代光緒五年”的大The Qing Golden Brick of "Guangxu Five Years in Qing Dynasty" in this collection is a cube, which has six sides, with four Chinese characters of "Guangxu Five Years" engraved on the front and back sides, emperors of Qing Dynasty on both sides, and dragons engraved on both sides. This brick is 3.93 cm long, 3.93 cm wide and 495.1g in weight. The gold bricks in Qing Dynasty, the treasure of the town and the treasury, have pure color, obvious traces of patina, simple and generous production process, exquisite ornamentation and perfect appearance, which are rare and have high economic value and cultural relics research and collection value.