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民國元年 , 四川成都造幣廠奉四川軍政府之命,開模鑄造“軍政府造四川銅幣”(也稱“漢”字銅元)。自改革開放以來,我國錢幣收藏與研究的深度和廣度超過了歷史上任何一個時期,錢幣收藏愛好者遍及全國城鄉,流散民間的珍稀歷史錢幣不斷被發現,特別是大規模的基本建設,不少歷史錢幣重見天日,其間不乏出譜很多精品,錢幣投資成為時下收藏大熱門。四川銅幣軍政府造的流通范圍較窄,發行量與存世量都比較少。由于這個原因,接觸四川銅幣的人比較少,研究者更少。但這并不表示川洋的研究價值和市場價值不高,向來經濟規律和收藏首要以“物以稀為貴”定律為標準。作為特殊歷史時期、地方政權的特殊貨幣,是歷史的產物,具有不可替代的文物價值,是歷史的見證,因此,四川銅幣的市場價值和市場前景非常明朗。

In the first year of the Republic of China, the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan was instructed by the Sichuan military government to open a mold to cast "Sichuan copper coins made by the military government" (also known as "Han" copper coins). Since the reform and opening up, the depth and breadth of coin collection and research in China have surpassed any period in history. Coin collectors have spread all over the country's urban and rural areas, and rare historical coins scattered among the people have been found constantly, especially in large-scale capital construction. Many historical coins have come to light again, and there are many fine works in the meantime. Coin investment has become a hot topic in current collection. The circulation range of Sichuan copper coins manufactured by the military government is narrow, and both the circulation and the amount of money left in the world are relatively small. For this reason, fewer people have come into contact with Sichuan copper coins and fewer researchers. However, this does not mean that the research value and market value of Chuanyang are not high, and the law of "scarcity is the most valuable thing" has always been the standard of economic laws and collections. As a special currency in a special historical period and local political power, it is a product of history, with irreplaceable cultural value and a witness of history. Therefore, the market value and market prospect of Sichuan copper coins are very clear.


Casting history: Sichuan copper coins with seal script "Han" have five denominations: 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100, of which 100 coins only have sample coins. And fifty articles are extremely rare. 20 coins are cast in large quantities. There is a large amount of coins cast, which shows that copper coins are rare and extremely rare in the world.

這枚精巧的“軍政府造四川銅幣”,如圖,正面中心珠圈內鐫“四川銅幣”四個字,四個字中心鐫一朵精巧的芙蓉花,標志蓉城成都。珠圈外上端鐫“軍政府造”四個字,下端鐫幣值“當制錢壹百文”,左右兩邊各鐫一個四瓣花星,銀幣反面中心圓圈內鐫一個篆文“漢”字,代表了新政府“大漢”的意思,具有反清含義。有橫向底紋裝修,旁圍十八個小圓圈構成的圓圈,內鐫縱向飾紋,標志著當年呼應辛亥革命的十八個省。圈外上端鐫“中華民國二年”六個字。 此枚“軍政府造四川銅幣當制錢壹百文”藏品保存較好,包漿老道,銹色自然,色澤渾厚,古樸素雅,歷史沉淀豐厚,歲月流痕顯著,歷史過渡性自然,真品無疑,極具投資收藏價值,值得藏友們傾情收藏!

This exquisite "Sichuan Copper Coin Made by the Military Government", as shown in the figure, is inscribed with the word "Sichuan Copper Coin" in the front center bead circle, and an exquisite hibiscus flower is inscribed in the center of the four words, marking Chengdu. Outside the bead circle, the word "made by the military government" is inscribed at the upper end, and the currency value is "when making money, one hundred words", a four-petal flower star is inscribed on the left and right sides, and a seal character "Han" is inscribed in the central circle on the reverse side of the silver coin, which represents the meaning of "big man" of the new government and has anti-Qing meaning. It is decorated with horizontal shading, surrounded by a circle composed of eighteen small circles and inscribed with longitudinal decorative patterns, marking the eighteen provinces that echoed the Revolution of 1911. The upper end of the circle is inscribed with the words "two years of the Republic of China". This collection of "Sichuan Copper Coins Made by Military Government to Make Money One Hundred Texts" is well preserved, with sophisticated patina, natural rust color, rich color, simple and elegant, rich historical precipitation, remarkable time flow marks, natural historical transition, and genuine products, which are worthy of investment and collection.



According to investors of Sichuan copper coins in the market, Sichuan copper coins are popular collectibles with a certain number of collectors. In the early stage, powerful buyers from various regions at home and abroad intervened in Sichuan copper coins, which controlled the market supply to a certain extent, resulting in a rapid increase in its price. At the same time, the value of Sichuan copper coins is also rising synchronously. Judging from the acceptance of collectors and citizens, it is expected that the price of Sichuan copper coins will continue to soar in the later period.








標簽:制錢 軍政府 銅幣 第七期 精品



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