After the victory of the Revolution of 1911, the Qing Emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was founded. When the Republic of China was founded, because the monetary system had not yet been established, most of the major mints still used the former Qing steel mold to cast coins for circulation. At that time, Sichuan changed to cast Sichuan Copper Dollar, which had first-class currency values of 200 Wen and 500 Wen. Subsequently, in the "Provisional Presidential Decree" issued, it was proposed to "publish new models and drum-cast commemorative coins". After the national government unified the currency models, the original coins stopped being cast and distributed, so the Sichuan Mint's 200-text coins were extremely precious because of their small amount of casting and short circulation time.
Sichuan Mint General Factory made two hundred double-flag coins, with the word "two hundred words" cast in the front ring of the coin, surrounded by wheat ears at the lower part of the ring, the words "two years of the Republic of China" cast on the outer ring, and the words "made by Sichuan Mint" cast on the lower part, with a four-corner star pattern on the left and right sides; There are two flags crossing each other in the middle of the back of the coin. The flagpole is tied with bent wreaths and wreaths. The two flags stand upright and are located in the bead circle. The English font "Two Years of the Republic of China" is on the top of the circle, and the English words "200 characters" are on the bottom. According to the flag pattern on the back of this coin, there are differences between straight tassels and curved tassels. The 200 pieces made by the Sichuan Mint belong to the double flag of curved tassels.
The layout of the 200-Wen copper coins in Shuangqi is relatively large because they are not produced by a single foundry. There are only dozens of formats with obvious differences. Double flag 200 copper coins can be divided into two categories according to the difference of the flag tassels hanging down under the double flag. If the flag tassels hang down vertically, the belt is called "straight tassel version"; The flag tassel hangs around the flagpole, commonly known as the "curved tassel version".
1913年(民國2年).因尹昌衡率軍人藏平叛而代尹繼任四川軍政府都督的胡景伊,在繼續鑄造“漢”,增鑄重七錢的二百文大面額銅元一種。幣面中心直書“貳百文”面值.兩旁分列嘉穗圖案,上沿糖年號“中華民國二年”,下沿銹廠名“四川造幣廠造”,左右分列十字花星。錢幣背中央為交叉雙旗圖,外環殊圈,上沿銹英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中華民國),下沿銹英文“200 CASH(200仙)。這是民國時期四川銅元中唯一使用英文的一種。鑄造鋼元面額愈大,獲利愈厚。胡景伊鑄造之二百文銅元。一枚可換當十文銅元二十枚。一枚十文銅元重二錢,二十枚共重四十錢,而一枚二百文銅元僅重七錢,故胡景伊每鑄一枚二百文銅元,即可掠奪人民財產十文銀元十六枚半。當年所鑄二百文銅元則多達200萬枚左右,此后逐年增大鑄量。1917年(民國6年)羅佩金、戴戡人川主政后,干脆停鑄十文、二十支四川銅幣,其鑄五十文、一百文四川銅幣及二百文雙旗銅元。至民國13年前后,四川境內大面額二百文銅元完全充斥市面,小面額銅元銷聲匿跡,或流出省外,或被熔化改鑄。民間交易缺乏小面額銅元找補.不得已而將雙旗二百丈宰為兩半,或宰為四塊,當一百文及五十文使用,四川民間俗稱其為“宰板”。
In 1913 (in the second year of the Republic of China), Hu Jingyi, who succeeded Yin as the governor of Sichuan military government because Yin Changheng led the army to fight against rebellion, continued to cast "Han" and added a kind of copper coin with a large denomination of 200 Wen, which weighed seven money. The face value of "200 Chinese characters" in the central straight book of coins is divided into Jiasui patterns on both sides, with the sugar year number "Republic of China two years" on the upper side, the rust factory name "Sichuan Mint" on the lower side, and cruciferous stars on the left and right sides. There is a cross double flag in the center of the coin back, with a special circle on the outer ring, with the rust English "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA" on the upper side and the rust English "200 cash" on the lower side. This is the only copper coin in Sichuan during the Republic of China that used English. The larger the denomination of cast steel, the thicker the profit. Hu Jingyi's two hundred copper coins. One can be exchanged for ten coppers and twenty coppers. A ten-Wen copper coin weighs two dollars, 20 coins weigh forty dollars, and a two-hundred-Wen copper coin weighs only seven dollars. Therefore, Hu Jingyi can plunder people's property by casting a two-hundred-Wen copper coin, which is sixteen and a half pieces of ten-Wen silver. In that year, as many as 2 million copper coins were cast in 200 pence. Since then, the casting amount has increased year by year. In 1917 (in the 6th year of the Republic of China), after Luo Peijin and Dai Qiren Sichuan came into power, they simply stopped casting ten and twenty Sichuan copper coins, and they cast fifty and one hundred Sichuan copper coins and two hundred double flag copper coins. By around 13 years of the Republic of China, the large denomination copper coins of 200 Wen were completely flooded in the market in Sichuan, while the small denomination copper coins disappeared, or flowed out of the province, or were melted and recast. There is a lack of small denominations of copper coins to make up for private transactions. As a last resort, two hundred banners were slaughtered in half, or four pieces. When one hundred and fifty articles were used, Sichuan folks commonly called them "slaughter boards"
四川銅幣軍政府造是1911年10月辛亥革命爆發,12月四川成立大漢四川軍政府,四川軍政府接管了設在成都的四川造幣分廠。為滿足軍需和保路運動的需要,廢除了前清龍模銀銅幣,新創四川銀、銅幣模型,于1912年起,由四川造幣廠正式開鑄四川軍政府“漢”字銅元。此枚銅幣是1913年鑄造的精品錢幣,包漿自然,包老包真。它是一枚具有很高收藏價值的精品銅元,也是很重要的一個品類,甚至可以說是民國銅元的主體品種。其未來價值的升值無可限量。藏品雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,上面的銹跡也見證了其歷史的積淀,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的收藏價值。銅幣保存較好,錢文、輪廓 的清晰程度較好,具有很高的歷史價值、藝術價值和收藏價值。
Sichuan Copper Coin Military Government was built when the Revolution of 1911 broke out in October, 1911, and Dahan Sichuan Military Government was established in December, and Sichuan Military Government took over the Sichuan Mint Factory in Chengdu. In order to meet the needs of military supplies and road protection movement, the silver and copper coins of the former Qing Dragon Model were abolished, and the silver and copper coins of Sichuan were newly created. Since 1912, the Sichuan Mint has officially opened and cast the "Han" copper coins of Sichuan military government. This copper coin is a fine coin minted in 1913. It is covered with natural paste. It is a fine copper coin with high collection value, and it is also a very important category, and it can even be said to be the main variety of copper coins in the Republic of China. The appreciation of its future value is limitless. Although the collection has experienced endless years, the grain is still clearly visible, and the rust on it has also witnessed its historical accumulation, which has very obvious historical transitional characteristics and has indescribable collection value. Copper coins are well preserved, Qian Wen and outline are clear, and they have high historical value, artistic value and collection value.
此件藏品現在展賣于藝品在線商城平臺中,據持寶人介紹說,這件古錢幣是祖上傳下來的。曾讓專家老師鑒定過,絕世精品。在本公司得知其有這件罕見珍品,特邀其持這件古錢幣參加,現持寶人因資金周轉困難原因。忍痛割愛愿將此件古錢幣委托本公司代其通過網絡媒體進行尋找買家。如對此藏品有興趣收藏者,可撥打企業聯系電話:400 686 3616進行洽談。
The collection is now on sale in the art online mall platform. According to the treasure holder, this ancient coin was handed down by ancestors. It has been appraised by experts and teachers, and it is a masterpiece. We learned that he had this rare treasure and invited him to take part in it. Now the holder of the treasure has difficulty in capital turnover. We are willing to entrust this ancient coin to our company to find a buyer through network media on its behalf. If you are interested in this collection, you can call the enterprise contact number: 400 686 3616 for discussion.