孫中山(1866年—1925年),是中國近代民族民主主義革命的開拓者,中國民主革命偉大先行者,中華民國和中國國民黨締造者,三民主義的倡導者,創立《五權憲法》。他首舉徹底反封建的旗幟,“起共和而終二千年帝制”。辛亥革命后被推舉為中華民國臨時大總統。1925年3月12日孫中山在北京逝世,國民政府通令全國,尊稱其為“中華民國國父”。 孫中山是中國偉大的民主革命開拓者,為了改造中國耗盡畢生的精力,在歷史上留下了不可磨滅的功勛,也為政治和后繼者建立了堅固而珍貴的遺產。
Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), a pioneer of China's modern national democratic revolution, a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution, a founder of the Republic of China and the Chinese Nationalist Party, and an advocate of the Three People's Principles, founded the Five Rights Constitution. He first raised the banner of thoroughly anti-feudalism, "from Republican to imperial system for 2,000 years". After the Revolution of 1911, he was elected as the Provisional President of the Republic of China. On March 12, 1925, Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, and the National Government ordered the whole country to honor him as the "Father of the Republic of China". Sun Yat-sen is a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution. He spent his whole life trying to transform China, leaving indelible feats in history, and building a solid and precious legacy for politics and successors.
November 12th, 2016 is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of democratic revolution, which is of great significance. Dr. Sun Yat-sen not only left precious spiritual wealth, but also the postal currency collection related to Dr. Sun Yat-sen, which can be called a huge material wealth in the collection field.
Produced by Tiananmen Post Office and appraised by Coin Committee of China Collectors Association.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's birth, "Sun Yat-sen Postal Coin Ceremony of the Republic of China", produced by Tiananmen Post Office and appraised by the Coin Committee of China Collectors Association, was grandly published, commemorating Dr. Sun Yat-sen's great achievements and extraordinary life with the highest standard and honor!
《民國孫中山郵幣大典》橫跨民國38年郵票發行史,收錄孫中山郵票102枚和民國最后一套紙幣大洋票,包含了民國郵票100多個品種,特別包含民國第一郵票、民國未發行郵票、四大首發郵票、民國文物奇票等珍稀郵票,是我國近代百年歷史上首部孫中山百年文物郵藏。 該郵藏還輔以多幅首次公開的歷史文獻和珍貴圖片,為近代郵學、郵史方面的研究工作提供了大量的實物依據, 堪稱“民國孫中山文物史詩”。
The Postal Coin Ceremony of Sun Yat-sen in the Republic of China spans the 38-year stamp issue history of the Republic of China, including 102 stamps of Sun Yat-sen and the last set of banknotes of the Republic of China. It contains more than 100 kinds of stamps of the Republic of China, especially the first stamps of the Republic of China, the unpublished stamps of the Republic of China, the four first stamps, and the rare stamps of the cultural relics of the Republic of China. It is the first postal collection of Sun Yat-sen's cultural relics in the modern hundred-year history of China. The postal collection is supplemented by many first-time public historical documents and precious pictures, which provide a large number of physical basis for the research work of modern postal science and postal history, and can be called "Sun Yat-sen's Cultural Relics Epic of the Republic of China".