此枚錢幣正面珠圈內鐫滿漢文“光緒元寶”四字,珠圈外上端鐫漢文“云南省造”四字,下端鐫漢文“庫平三錢六分”六個字,左右兩側各鐫一個七花星。錢背:正中蟠龍圖,左右各一七點花星。蟠龍眼神靈異炯炯有神;龍鱗雕刻細密有致,騰云駕霧,身姿遒勁有力;龍爪張揚,神武有力;龍身盤踞太陽,盡展皇家威嚴大氣。此蟠龍圖 是中國所有龍洋圖案錢幣(包括國外發(fā)行的所有錢幣)中,工藝最精湛,雕工最完美,浮雕感最強烈的品種,鏡面平整光滑,紋飾的相慣線,顯得非常清晰。
On the obverse side of the coin, the four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese are engraved on the inside of the bead circle, and the four characters "made in Yunnan Province" in Chinese are engraved on the upper end of the bead circle, and the six characters of "Kuping three coins and six Fen" are engraved at the bottom, and a seven flower star is engraved on the left and right sides respectively. Qian Bei: the picture of a dragon in the middle, with stars on the left and right at 17. The dragon's eyes are vivid and bright; the Dragon scales are carved in a fine and delicate manner; the dragon's claws are open and powerful; the dragon's body is in the sun, displaying the royal majesty. Among all the coins with dragon and ocean patterns in China (including all the coins issued abroad), this scroll dragon is the most exquisite in craftsmanship, the most perfect in carving, and the strongest sense of relief. The mirror surface is flat and smooth, and the lines of pattern are very clear.
The silver coin is 13.5g in weight, 33.6mm in diameter and 1.9mm in thickness. After years of baptism and historical precipitation, it is still well preserved. It emits a light silver light under the light, as if with a king's noble spirit. The coin has a wide outer margin, with an inscription on the front, four characters of "made in Yunnan Province" in regular script on the top, and "three coins and six cents in Kuping" at the bottom. The four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" are directly read in the center. There is a hexagonal pattern on both sides of the outer ring. The inner ring of the back of the coin is carved with a dragon totem, which is exquisitely carved. There are two small flowers embellished on the left and right. The dragon pattern on the back of the coin is different from the dragon pattern of Longyang issued by other provinces in the same period, and the whole silver coin does not appear a single English. The Guangxu Yuanbao made in Yunnan Province is exquisitely made, with exquisite patterns and elegant characters. The regular script calligraphy is extremely exquisite, and the frame structure is balanced and stretch out. It is second to none in Longyang. The coating on the surface of coins is naturally worn.
The inner ring on the back of the coin is carved with dragon totem, which is exquisitely carved. There are seven small circles on the left and right for embellishment, without English letters. Under the light, it emits a kind of light silver light, with a king's noble spirit. For thousands of years, as the symbol of the Chinese nation, the dragon has been worshipped by hundreds of millions of people. The image of the dragon has become an important element of traditional decoration in China. It has left a permanent shape on many buildings and artifacts since ancient times. It is one of the reasons why collectors like Guangxu silver coins.