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1911年辛亥革命勝利后,清帝退位,中華民國成立。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫中山就任中華民國臨時大總統,并在頒布的“臨時大總統令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣”,隨后武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了 “中華民國開國紀念幣”銅元輔幣,以十文面值的為主,在全國大量發行以取代清朝銅元。這就是“中華民國開國紀念幣” 銅元的由來。1927年5月上旬,武漢國民政府的北伐軍與國民軍聯合進攻河南的奉軍,迫使奉軍撤出河南。河南戰事告一段落后,馮玉祥任河南省主席。1928年3月,國民軍創辦河南農工銀行,總行設在省政府所在地開封。同年10月16日,該行開始發行銅元票1000萬串,10月并入西北銀行。為兌付紙幣,馮玉祥令河南銅元局開鑄當百銅元和當貳百銅元。

After the victory of the Revolution of 1911, the Qing Emperor abdicated and the Republic of China was founded. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of China's democratic revolution, took office as the provisional president of the Republic of China, and proposed in the "Provisional Presidential Decree" that "a new model should be published and commemorative coins should be drummed". Subsequently, two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in casting the "Founding Commemorative Coin of the Republic of China", which was mainly issued in ten denominations to replace the Qing Dynasty copper coins. This is the origin of the copper coin, the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China. In early May 1927, the Northern Expeditionary Army of Wuhan National Government and the National Army jointly attacked Fengjun in Henan, forcing Fengjun to withdraw from Henan. After the war in Henan came to an end, Feng Yuxiang became the chairman of Henan Province. In March 1928, the National Army founded Henan Agricultural and Industrial Bank, with its head office in Kaifeng, where the provincial government is located. On October 16, the same year, the bank began to issue 10 million copper dollar tickets, and merged into Northwest Bank in October. In order to pay the paper money, Feng Yuxiang ordered Henan Copper Bureau to open and cast 100 copper coins and 200 copper coins.


此枚雙旗幣,規格:39.3mm*2.2mm,重:21.2g,正面中心點珠圈內有兩叢嘉禾,襯托著的一朵盛開的十二瓣扁菊,上緣書“中華民國”,下緣書“當百文銅元”,兩側各有一朵浮雕狀的立體六瓣花;背面中心交叉的雙旗作了明顯的改動,象征著辛亥革命和民國建立的五色旗和鐵血十八星旗被青天白日旗和青天白日滿地紅旗代替。背面雙旗的旗桿夾角約為60度,中間兩條旗穗自然下垂,上緣英文 “HO-NAN (河南)”,下緣書“100 CASH (100文)”,兩側為藤蔓卷草牽牛花飾。青天白日旗,起初是由資產階級革命黨人設計的,當時旗上的叉光數目多寡不一,后經孫中山先生解釋,叉光代表干支之數,排作十二,以代十二時辰;后來作為國民政府旗幟使用。青天白日滿地紅旗,與青天白日旗相仿,只是將青天白日圖案改在旗的左上角,其余部分為紅色。

This double-flag coin, size: 39.3mm*2.2mm, weight: 21.2g, has two clusters of golden harvest in the front center bead circle, setting off a blooming twelve-petal flat chrysanthemum, the upper edge book "Republic of China", the lower edge book "Dangbai Copper Dollar", and a relief-shaped three-dimensional six-petal flower on each side; The double flags crossed at the center on the back have been obviously changed, symbolizing that the five-color flag and the iron and blood eighteen-star flag established during the Revolution of 1911 and the Republic of China were replaced by the blue sky and white flag. The flagpoles with double flags on the back have an included angle of about 60 degrees, and the ears of the two flags in the middle hang down naturally. The upper edge is "HO-NAN" in English, and the lower edge is "100 cash". The two sides are decorated with vines and morning glory. The flag was originally designed by bourgeois revolutionaries. At that time, the number of forked lights on the flag was different. Later, Dr. Sun Yat-sen explained that forked lights represented the number of branches and were arranged as twelve instead of twelve hours; Later, it was used as the flag of the National Government. The red flag everywhere is similar to the blue flag, except that the blue flag is changed to the upper left corner of the flag, and the rest is red.



In April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" coup, and in the same year, Nanjing National Government was established, which designated the red flag as the national flag, symbolizing that the five-color flag and the 18-star flag established during the Revolution of 1911 and the Republic of China were replaced by the blue flag and the red flag. After years of baptism, the grain of this collection is still visible, and the rust on it has witnessed its historical accumulation, which has obvious historical transitional characteristics.



This coin has exquisite design, fine workmanship, rich ornamentation, reasonable layout, distinct levels, smooth and elegant lines, skillful craftsmanship and high artistic value. Since the copper coin was issued and circulated in China for only half a century, it was only a very short moment in the long history of China's currency. However, the Chinese copper coin witnessed the historical process of China's evolution from feudal society to semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, and it is an important part of China's modern monetary history and numismatics. It has unique historical significance, and its existing world is scarce. It is a rare collection of heavy goods and has high historical value, artistic value and collection value.









標簽:銅元 中華民國 第七期 精品 推薦



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